Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

I really toned down my leg exercise I used to power lift and do competitions in high school also squat and dead lift and it really killed my knees and in my line of work it’s hard for me to go hard on my legs and get up and work the next day walking in steel. So I’m currently only using machines right now mainly for knee reasons. It sucks because I know how much legs really shape your entire body as a hell. I hit chest always twice a week though because that’s my weakest point I been experimenting as well with doing one day heavy weight one day light weight lot of reps. Also I’ll somestimes do a second work out before I go out on weekends to get a quick pump anyone else do that lol
Try split squats with dumbbells ? Or Kettlebell squats(platform) ? Not nearly as hard on my back and knees like barbell.
No, work gym. I am actually going to supplement with a planet fitness hahahah

We should run a pool on how long till I get banned
Is the pizza even good ? And I’m in for a half used vial of Tren A for 3 days until they shame you into leaving.
I'm trying to plan out my next blast

@iceman440 I recently got a desk job promotion at my distribution center. My high metabolism mixed with caffeine pills and high intensity work has always been what kept my abs alive through my constantly dirty bulks.

What's my best option now that my cardio has drastically dropped?
You said you were advocating dnp over t3?
Bc my thought process is I'm in a chair all day fuck it I guess I'll throw in some clen or some t3 right?

Curious to everyone's insights
The obvious correct answer is Do MoRe CaRdIo at the gym
But I don't have the time. So what can I do now. I dislike winstrol and anavar bc I have a very sensitive hairline
I'll probably blast deca equi and test
What else can I throw in to increase physique
Perhaps I can replace my usual, deca, with tren
But I'm so skinny naturally, tren doesn't seem to add enough mass to me for me to appreciate it over deca.
All thoughts are welcome
I usually never give a second thought to physique or cardio but this office chair at work has my hoes complaining about where my abs went
Try split squats with dumbbells ? Or Kettlebell squats(platform) ? Not nearly as hard on my back and knees like barbell.

Really ? I always stood away because I thought it would be worse for my back and knees ima have to give it a try this weekend and see how I feel. Have you done anything for your back and knees ? I take glucosamine and it really helps but I was thinking about acupuncture I refuse to go to a chiropractor
While we're suggesting squat alternatives
I'd like to recommend weighted Step-ups in an addition rather than a replacement
Maybe super set them with your weighted lunges
Super set from hell fo sho
Really ? I always stood away because I thought it would be worse for my back and knees ima have to give it a try this weekend and see how I feel. Have you done anything for your back and knees ? I take glucosamine and it really helps but I was thinking about acupuncture I refuse to go to a chiropractor

Acupuncture was best thing I’ve done for my back. Haven’t been back to anyone for about a year now . I did in conjunction with a chiropractor however
Like at the end, end? Or the last 6 weeks of your cycle?

The last 6 weeks I run var my last 8 weeks since it’s a little more mild and I run dbols my first 4 weeks

EDIT: I never run more than 1 oral a cycle and I never drink on a cycle I don’t want noobs to get confuse and start running dbols Winny and anavar all in the same cycle
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Acupuncture was best thing I’ve done for my back. Haven’t been back to anyone for about a year now . I did in conjunction with a chiropractor however

I have one a block away I think ima go for it it just sucks because my insurance doesn’t cover most of them. It does however get me a chiropractor visit once a month we’ll see if the acupuncture doesn’t work maybe I just need to settle for a chiropractor
I have one a block away I think ima go for it it just sucks because my insurance doesn’t cover most of them. It does however get me a chiropractor visit once a month we’ll see if the acupuncture doesn’t work maybe I just need to settle for a chiropractor

This is how I had to “fix” my back. Root cause was the muscles were so tight, it was shifting my spine. Muscle relaxers helped, but never fixed the problem.

Chiropractor would adjust my spine proprerly, as the acupuncture could actually free up my muscles. Go into it with an open mind
If you’re not making millions or going for a title for a championship, and you’re taking DNP, you’re an idiot. It will and can cook you from the inside out. It’s nothing to fuck with. I believe we all have a common goal in here. Pushing it that far and putting caution in the wind will kill you. Tren and mast at for 10 weeks should be plenty enough to get you to your goals. If not, you’re probably to out of shape to be blasting gear.
If you’re not making millions or going for a title for a championship, and you’re taking DNP, you’re an idiot. It will and can cook you from the inside out. It’s nothing to fuck with. I believe we all have a common goal in here. Pushing it that far and putting caution in the wind will kill you. Tren and mast at for 10 weeks should be plenty enough to get you to your goals. If not you’re probably to out of shape to be blasting gear.
I’ve been spending time over on the DNPGuy thread to get better educated on this chemical. From my understanding, the only way you will “cook” yourself from the insides is by overdosing on it. Used safely, you will not cook yourself.
I’ve been spending time over on the DNPGuy thread to get better educated on this chemical. From my understanding, the only way you will “cook” yourself from the insides is by overdosing on it. Used safely, you will not cook yourself.
Unless you have a trainer who can monitor you and has vast experience with it, there is no need to risk it. I personally know people who do it and live to talk about it. I cannot tell you that I would recommend or teach someone how to take it and sleep good at night. A friend did it and lost almost a pound of fat a day. He came to the conclusion if he would have been strict with his diet he wouldn’t have needed to put himself in that position. My point is that everyone wants to induce more shit for quicker and easier results. If you train hard, do gear, and have your diet perfected, you shouldn’t never need it. Just be safe, it’s a marathon not a sprint bud.
Really ? I always stood away because I thought it would be worse for my back and knees ima have to give it a try this weekend and see how I feel. Have you done anything for your back and knees ? I take glucosamine and it really helps but I was thinking about acupuncture I refuse to go to a chiropractor
I have pins in my upper femur and have had two back surgeries. Not much I can do about it, I’ve tried the whole gambit of gimmicks and drugs.
Unless you have a trainer who can monitor you and has vast experience with it, there is no need to risk it. I personally know people who do it and live to talk about it. I cannot tell you that I would recommend or teach someone how to take it and sleep good at night. A friend did it and lost almost a pound of fat a day. He came to the conclusion if he would have been strict with his diet he wouldn’t have needed to put himself in that position. My point is that everyone wants to induce more shit for quicker and easier results. If you train hard, do gear, and have your diet perfected, you shouldn’t never need it. Just be safe, it’s a marathon not a sprint bud.
Not gonna disagree with you one bit bro. Just wanted to put it out there regarding the misconception that it cooks you from the inside. It’s definitely something to caution others about.
Unless you have a trainer who can monitor you and has vast experience with it, there is no need to risk it. I personally know people who do it and live to talk about it. I cannot tell you that I would recommend or teach someone how to take it and sleep good at night. A friend did it and lost almost a pound of fat a day. He came to the conclusion if he would have been strict with his diet he wouldn’t have needed to put himself in that position. My point is that everyone wants to induce more shit for quicker and easier results. If you train hard, do gear, and have your diet perfected, you shouldn’t never need it. Just be safe, it’s a marathon not a sprint bud.

It just boggles my mind that you would say "run tren and mast for 10 weeks and youll be fine." Yet you say DNP is unhealthy and will kill you. How the fuck can you recommend using a steroid designed to make cattle look like fucking godzilla, but in the same breath say that DNP is a lab mistake that will kill you?

Everything in life is about taking precautions and doing your due diligence to stay safe. I can go eat 5g of ibuprofen right now and would probably die. That doesn't mean taking ibuprofen should be forbidden....You got to stop reading media headlines and listening to "gurus" on the youtubes.

****EDIT: This is not me suggesting people should take DNP. However, to suggest that we are choosing to be "healthy" and "smart" by living this lifestyle is a farcry from reality and should be refuted anytime it is claimed.
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It just boggles my mind that you would say "run tren and mast for 10 weeks and youll be fine." Yet you say DNP is unhealthy and will kill you. How the fuck can you recommend using a steroid designed to make cattle look like fucking godzilla, but in the same breath say that DNP is a lab mistake that will kill you?

Everything in life is about taking precautions and doing your due diligence to stay safe. I can go eat 5g of ibuprofen right now and would probably die. That doesn't mean taking ibuprofen should be forbidden....You got to stop reading media headlines and listening to "gurus" on the youtubes.
I was directing it at someone. When you’re taking tren and mast, you shouldn’t be taking dnp on top of it. Sorry if it came off as I was preaching to everyone to take it.