Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

I have one a block away I think ima go for it it just sucks because my insurance doesn’t cover most of them. It does however get me a chiropractor visit once a month we’ll see if the acupuncture doesn’t work maybe I just need to settle for a chiropractor

You can also look into full body adjustments. It’s done by a chiropractor but not many do them. But I will say... once u get that done you feel epic.

Full body adjustment is much different than going in and getting hips and back cracked. Much much different.
If you’re not making millions or going for a title for a championship, and you’re taking DNP, you’re an idiot. It will and can cook you from the inside out. It’s nothing to fuck with. I believe we all have a common goal in here. Pushing it that far and putting caution in the wind will kill you. Tren and mast at for 10 weeks should be plenty enough to get you to your goals. If not, you’re probably to out of shape to be blasting gear.

The other danger with dnp is the fact that one dosage that worked for you one time might fry your insides the next time. It’s truly a dangerous drug.

Wonder why we have a lot of threads documenting their dnp journey but never finish them? ......
I’ve been spending time over on the DNPGuy thread to get better educated on this chemical. From my understanding, the only way you will “cook” yourself from the insides is by overdosing on it. Used safely, you will not cook yourself.

Careful with it. What is correct dosage for one is not for another.

The main factor is people trusting a source putting something in a capsul and hoping it is what it is suppose to be as far as dosage goes... considering a little off can kill you with no known antidote that I know of except ice baths if that even helps.

Autopsy of people who died from dnp had bright yellow intestines the stuff is toxic beyond anything.
What’s up doggie. I need to let you know, I bought 10 bottles test e batch 7 back in January. I’ve been using it for my trt dose not cycling. After a week and a half to 2 weeks, my wife noticed my back was broken out. I went back on a different brand for a few weeks and the acne cleared up. To keep it scientific, I went back on tgi and the acne came back. I will not be using your stuff anymore. I can only imagine what would happen if I blasted with it. What could causing this problem?

You guys have any idea for this customer?

Yeah.. his other shit is bunk. He should have it tested.
T3 and T4 are both thyroid hormones. T3 is much more potent than T4. T4 actually converts to T3. So basically, simply put, for every 400mcg of T4, is 100mcg T3. The ratio is actually something along the 1:4.221When using T3, given your natural levels are typically between 15-30mcg naturally, you're able to use T3 up to 100mcg, and yes it's recommended to taper up and gradually taper down to adjust back to your own. T4 converts to T3. Yes, it raises your metabolism, body temperature, it helps with fat loss. Speeds up your thyroid function.

DNP is a totally different beast. Not sure how or why you're comparing the two. T3/T4 are hormones, DNP is an accidental discovery of chemicals that allowed people working around it, increase their body temperatures in dangerous levels. It's being used for quick fat loss but with many risks. DNP isn't something to play with if you're not willing to respect and educate yourself about the drug and its effects or even long term risks. You both sound as if you need to research more about it and are not ready to dabble in it without hurting yourself as the end result.

Where the hell did you come from? Back from the grave?

Good to see you around again slacker.
Wonder why we have a lot of threads documenting their dnp journey but never finish them? ......

Oh, that's an old wives tale. The answer is more likely that the money that the Nigerian prince promised them through email finally landed, they payed for liposuction and were too embarrassed to come back and admit it.
Really ? I always stood away because I thought it would be worse for my back and knees ima have to give it a try this weekend and see how I feel. Have you done anything for your back and knees ? I take glucosamine and it really helps but I was thinking about acupuncture I refuse to go to a chiropractor
What is your stance when doing squats? High dose fish oil, 4-5g a day
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Unless you have a trainer who can monitor you and has vast experience with it, there is no need to risk it. I personally know people who do it and live to talk about it. I cannot tell you that I would recommend or teach someone how to take it and sleep good at night. A friend did it and lost almost a pound of fat a day. He came to the conclusion if he would have been strict with his diet he wouldn’t have needed to put himself in that position. My point is that everyone wants to induce more shit for quicker and easier results. If you train hard, do gear, and have your diet perfected, you shouldn’t never need it. Just be safe, it’s a marathon not a sprint bud.
I’ve been spending time over on the DNPGuy thread to get better educated on this chemical. From my understanding, the only way you will “cook” yourself from the insides is by overdosing on it. Used safely, you will not cook yourself.
If you’re not making millions or going for a title for a championship, and you’re taking DNP, you’re an idiot. It will and can cook you from the inside out. It’s nothing to fuck with. I believe we all have a common goal in here. Pushing it that far and putting caution in the wind will kill you. Tren and mast at for 10 weeks should be plenty enough to get you to your goals. If not, you’re probably to out of shape to be blasting gear.
Dnp is a very misunderstood chemical. It is not going to cook you from inside, that's ignorant people saying that. There's the good and the bad with it, just like any other substance. It's being smart about it and it's not the easy route. You still have to do the work. There's a time and place for it, but don't use it as a quick fix cause you're lazy.

When all the craziness about dnp was going around over a year ago or so, I did a log with a client and myself (mostly just to see what it can do for me and experience it first hand plus she was adamant to do it) I've documented it here and I found that it's a chemical you need utmost respect and it's very effective.
The other danger with dnp is the fact that one dosage that worked for you one time might fry your insides the next time. It’s truly a dangerous drug.

Wonder why we have a lot of threads documenting their dnp journey but never finish them? ......
Careful with it. What is correct dosage for one is not for another.

The main factor is people trusting a source putting something in a capsul and hoping it is what it is suppose to be as far as dosage goes... considering a little off can kill you with no known antidote that I know of except ice baths if that even helps.

Autopsy of people who died from dnp had bright yellow intestines the stuff is toxic beyond anything.
I did a log about it for my experiment and on behalf of my client who was stuck on trying it. It worked well. We finished it.

As for the yellow insides... there are many drugs that can do the same... for example, innocent poop pills made from henna will turn your insides green... I guess it's your choice what color you'd like! Haha ;) ;p
Let me tell you guys something - I don’t know why it took me so long to follow the advice of the good witch doctor @Roger rabbit, but I bought some magnesium oil and used it last night and woke up almost a brand new man. I couldn’t even believe my muscle soreness was completely gone and I slept so deep. And if what @ONDRUN says is true, I hope to see massive gains from using this stuff as well. Seriously guys & gals - if you aren’t using it, give it a try. This stuff has me feeling brand freaking new.
The other danger with dnp is the fact that one dosage that worked for you one time might fry your insides the next time. It’s truly a dangerous drug.

Wonder why we have a lot of threads documenting their dnp journey but never finish them? ......

I’d agree it’s a dangerous chemical, and would recommend losing weight the right way by dieting and exercise, but from the research I’ve done thus far it doesn’t sound as dangerous as people make it sound. I believe there've been 10s of deaths recorded, 60 something total and many of those were a factory accident where workers were exposed to too much dnp and intentional overdoses. Seems like with enough research and a reliable source it can be used without dying.

Like I said it’s prob best to always lose weight the right way.
I’d agree it’s a dangerous chemical, and would recommend losing weight the right way by dieting and exercise, but from the research I’ve done thus far it doesn’t sound as dangerous as people make it sound. I believe there've been 10s of deaths recorded, 60 something total and many of those were a factory accident where workers were exposed to too much dnp and intentional overdoses. Seems like with enough research and a reliable source it can be used without dying.

Like I said it’s prob best to always lose weight the right way.
Agreed. I re-read my response post and it basically reiterated what you said, so I deleted it :)
I don’t know that we were necessarily debating whether T3, T4 or DNP were safe compounds. They each have their place and like @GearGodess pointed out for DNP, they should be used with utmost respect.

I took exception to @iceman440 advising @ONDRUN using any of these compounds. Do we know anything at all about @ONDRUN. Things like his goals, his existing diet, health, mental state, all that good stuff to insure the appropriate use? No. He could be 6’ 250 and shredded or he could be 5’’7 230 with moobs. All we know is what we can glean from his incredible posts and based on that, it’s my opinion that we shouldn’t be advising the use of these compounds.

MESO is a great forum but it’s always been about harm reduction. People discuss topics and share their experiences, so that they can make INFORMED decisions regarding their health. Just because someone is posting to the forum doesn’t mean they can responsibly use serious compounds.

It’s obvious that the health implications of steroid use have been greatly exaggerated but there really is a reason some of this stuff will never be available at Walmart to the general public.
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It’s obvious that the health implications of steroid use have been greatly exaggerated but there really is a reason some of this stuff will never be available at Walmart to the general public.
Agreed with the rest of the post but just to be somewhat of an antagonist/critical thinker/jerk, let’s be real - all kinds of poisons are being sold to us every day like Equal, Sweet & Low, McDonald’s and all the other crap. Yes, harm reduction and education are definitely key.
Agreed with the rest of the post but just to be somewhat of an antagonist/critical thinker/jerk, let’s be real - all kinds of poisons are being sold to us every day like Equal, Sweet & Low, McDonald’s and all the other crap. Yes, harm reduction and education are definitely key.

Good point but could you imagine one of the fatty’s at Walmart rolling up to the end cap in their rascal and reading the ad on a vial of Tren seeing it could make them “shredz”
Every once in awhile I get perturbed, but for the most part I enjoy this drama more than any other drama. I enjoy the people here on the tgi thread.

I was actually trying to complement you.

Very few women can mix it up with the guys here day after day. Most just move on. You not only have stuck around but you enjoy the back and forth.

We may not share the inside jokes that you and runon do but you know how I feel about you.