Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

About 3-4 years ago I was 9 months into debilitating low back pain that would shoot down my leg constantly. I finally went to a chiropractor and x-ray told us that my right hip was 15cm lower than my left and he diagnosed me with my right leg being shorter. Gave me a splint to put under the sole in my shoe and I've been a new man ever since. However, I'm sure it has created more imbalances everywhere that I just haven't noticed yet. Was probably just a tightness elsewhere causing the discrepancy in my pelvis. Too scared to try and fix it now though lmao.
No thanks.
Did u see it? Lol no long term affects huh? Sheeple believe anything they see on the internet. That guy is rich af now because he went viral and went from a $50 visit to now $800 visit!!! And he’s only open 3-4 days a week. He’s always on vacation in Hawaii and shit. Buying new cars.
Did u see it? Lol no long term affects huh? Sheeple believe anything they see on the internet. That guy is rich af now because he went viral and went from a $50 visit to now $800 visit!!! And he’s only open 3-4 days a week. He’s always on vacation in Hawaii and shit. Buying new cars.
Some scary shit. I don’t mess around when it comes to my back, Been fucked up since 2003
I'm down.
Lol I’ve watched this guy for a while. He’s so full of shit it’s not funny. He does the exact same thing to everyone. And yet claims he doesn’t. Tells everyone there head is slightly forward and to the left when standing.

Then after the adjustments says look now your straight up and down. I’ve literally screenshot the before and after of his patients and there standing exactly the same way lol
Lol I’ve watched this guy for a while. He’s so full of shit it’s not funny. He does the exact same thing to everyone. And yet claims he doesn’t. Tells everyone there head is slightly forward and to the left when standing.

Then after the adjustments says look now your straight up and down. I’ve literally screenshot the before and after of his patients and there standing exactly the same way lol
I was just hoping to get an appt...have him paralyze me then i could get PAID!
Has anyone tried using cash app this morning? I already have money in there but now it won’t let me add more. I tried using the contact them button but says they have high volume try later. Maybe it’s a problem with the app.