Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Teng is neck deep eating vegan butthole

its everything. Insta hoes saying they are virgins because they haven’t had a dick in their pussy for a month or these “free” products. The “natural” bodybuilding and fitness guys are a scurge though. I know Of one who was wanting to buy gear and wasnt a first time user either based on our discussion. Found him on Ig, guess what. His bio said “public figure “ “ natural athlete” .
Get a real job, fucking milenials

Off with their heads.

I’ll be riding that sex doll like a fucking horse right through the front door
Please stop demonizing a substance that is a lot less dangerous than many pharmaceuticals.
"There are reported cases testifying the value of Dinitrophenol in curing obesity and providing therapeutic value in any other condition which can be solved through an increased metabolic rate.
Many conventional means of rapid weight loss carry significant risk of damage to some of the key organs. This is not the case with DNP. The primary advantage of the use of Dinitrophenol is that it can lead to an increase in metabolism to very high levels without any kind of damage to the vital organs or biological functions. However, when the dosage is kept low and within the recommended limits, the metabolism can increase by a factor of 50 percent or even more, without the manifestation of any kind of adverse symptoms or toxicity. Those looking for solutions for obesity can benefit from these increased metabolism rates to help in weight loss.
All of the aforementioned claims are scientifically backed and are based on the controlled study of 113 cases of obesity treatment through the use of DNP under strictly observed conditions."
DNP hosts many benefits
-Rapid Fat loss
-Muscle Preservation while losing 12lbs a week.
-The Strongest Insulin Sensitizer even compared Metformin and Berberine.
It was one of the best decisions I've made and I wasn't obese at all. I lost 12lbs of pure fat and then I used what frequent users call the "Anabolic Rebound" which is just lower TDEE combined with amazing insulin sensitivity to make a pretty significant 1 month leap in progress when i natural.
You can’t be serious
Not sure about that but found out this morning that a friend died of a massive heart attack Saturday.

Not looking to lose another over a misunderstanding.

Sorry for you loss!

We lost a friend recently and it was completely unexpected. They got sick with a bad cold and died in bed.
Question... if someone benches over 500lbs squats more than that and deadlifts about the same. Is that person deserving of a handicap sticker to park in the handicap spot at the gym? Or anywhere for that matter?
Question... if someone benches over 500lbs squats more than that and deadlifts about the same. Is that person deserving of a handicap sticker to park in the handicap spot at the gym? Or anywhere for that matter?
How much do they weigh, hypothetically
Question... if someone benches over 500lbs squats more than that and deadlifts about the same. Is that person deserving of a handicap sticker to park in the handicap spot at the gym? Or anywhere for that matter?
Well it makes me tired to do that much weight, so I need the sticker to walk less.
Exactly dude. Or the vegans claiming vegan at 230lbs even though they spent a decade building the physique through different diets.
Exactly, can’t do steroids, eat meat or suck a bunch of dicks for a life time. Take a month off and claim to be a natty vegan virgin.
thank you tbag, i will keep my word about your swift death.
Question... if someone benches over 500lbs squats more than that and deadlifts about the same. Is that person deserving of a handicap sticker to park in the handicap spot at the gym? Or anywhere for that matter?
i would imagine all that power lifting has lead to some injuries but no. If a person can physically climb in and out of a motor vehicle are they really handicapped?
How much do they weigh, hypothetically
same as highrisk, hypothetically
Question... if someone benches over 500lbs squats more than that and deadlifts about the same. Is that person deserving of a handicap sticker to park in the handicap spot at the gym? Or anywhere for that matter?
I hate to be "that guy" but we can never tell who is injured to what extent and what battles others are facing. Totally see where you are coming from though. Mercedes at the food bank was a great read on a similar subject.
I hate to be "that guy" but we can never tell who is injured to what extent and what battles others are facing. Totally see where you are coming from though. Mercedes at the food bank was a great read on a similar subject.
I see fuckers who weigh 300+ pounds with handicapped stickers. Need to have designated spots at the back of the lots so they can get some extra cardio in.

Wait I forgot their thyroid issue is making them obese.
I hate to be "that guy" but we can never tell who is injured to what extent and what battles others are facing. Totally see where you are coming from though. Mercedes at the food bank was a great read on a similar subject.
That's true... But at the same time deads, squats, and bench cover every physical malady he could have. Lol. Unless they give out handicap signs for diseases of the mind? Idk.
You can’t be serious
I am very serious.

"Not only has not a single test found it to be carcinogenic, but test after tyest after test find that DNP actually ATTACKS cancer cells, and helps anti-cancer medications work better, and helps anti-leukemia medications work without destroying cell DNA, and suppresses tumor growth by 20-50%." - Member, Heretic.
2,4-Dinitrophenol | Technology Transfer Network Air Toxics Web site | US EPA reports on health risks. While there have not been human studies, animal studies found no cancers caused by DNP administration. It is considered a toxin because it causes nausea, sweating, and weight loss

"Comparative study of toxicity of 4-nitrophenol and 2,4-dinitrophenol in newborn and young rats." Koizumi M, Yamamoto Y, Ito Y, Takano M, Enami T, Kamata E, Hasegawa R. Division of Risk Assessment, National Institute of Health Sciences, 1-18-1 Kamiyoga, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158-8501, Japan. This study found that DNP can induce death in overdosed amounts, but that up to that point no toxicity was evident, nor were there any abnormalities in physical development.

DNP does not cause liver damage: "Their analyses demonstrate, beyond a doubt, that the liver does not suffer any damage in the course of dinitro treatment." (Biological Study of Dinitro Drugs in Humans By Dr. Jacques Bell. Bell, Jacques. 1939. Etude biologique des produits dinitres chez l'homme. Medecine. 19:749-54. Translation ? 1996 Robert Ames)
-"Dinitrophenol has almost no action on the blood cholesterol. (Grant and Schube)."
-"it doesn't seem that dinitrophenol at usual clinical doses is likely to harm the kidneys."
-"Dinitrophenol is remarkable for its absence of effect on the cardio-vascular system...dinitrophenol is absolutely devoid of toxicity for the heart."
-"Dinitrophenol does not attack cell tissue albumin and does not determine the fat loss to the expense of the muscles, contrary to thyroxine."
-"dinitrophenol offers this precious advantage that the cessation of its use at the slightest appearance of signs indicating an imminence of intoxication results immediately in the arrest of those symptoms." (Professor Pouchet)
That's true... But at the same time deads, squats, and bench cover every physical malady he could have. Lol. Unless they give out handicap signs for diseases of the mind? Idk.
I don't think it takes much to get one, speaking anecdotally from seeing some easy-moving very large people. Fucking electric carts should be off limits to fat people as well.
Sorry for you loss!

We lost a friend recently and it was completely unexpected. They got sick with a bad cold and died in bed.

Same situation. Talked to him for about a half hour last Wednesday about some work stuff. He was excited about some things coming up.

Massive heart attack this weekend and gone. Granted he was in his mid sixties but he was very fit and had no real bad habits.
I see fuckers who weigh 300+ pounds with handicapped stickers. Need to have designated spots at the back of the lots so they can get some extra cardio in.

Wait I forgot their thyroid issue is making them obese.
i don't disagree one bit.

That's true... But at the same time deads, squats, and bench cover every physical malady he could have. Lol. Unless they give out handicap signs for diseases of the mind? Idk.
i agree, somethings up with that