Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

After fri eve before sun



Primo is on the way. Will not be ready before doors closing. Will still follow protocol i already outlined. Adding 7 new exiting blends you have never heard of (bold cyp + deca).

Also...eat a dick.
Haven’t even gone private yet and you’re turning into a real cock smack. Sheesh.
@TitaniumGear (TGI) @iceman440

585 with a 10second hold in honor of titters and his tail going private. Thanks for being good to Meso titters. Now keep it up and don't become a POS.

(FYI this is 5 weeks into my current powerlifting cycle, after not deadlifting for 16 weeks due to a MCL tear.)

Damn, I thought i made fair points backed up by science. Just wanted to engage in some discourse about misconceptions, but it seems like no one cares about facts and science and just go off gut reaction. But to each their own.
We appreciate your efforts in bringing facts to the table about DNP. However I think you missed the point on the origin of the conversation. Everything we take has a risk. Most of those risks come with warning sides that it might be time to back off. Uncontrollable E2. high BP. Elevated cholesterol. Elevated liver enzymes. Night sweats. Acid reflux. Plus plenty of others. DNP while possibly having all these positive effects could also kill you just as easy. Right? You take the fact that a small error could change your life or end it forever plus recommend it to someone who clearly has no business using something with that potential and you come to the beginning of this whole DNP discussion. So yeah I agree with @HIGHRISK and @BigBaldBeardGuy more than you because they may have side tracked a little from the first point of the conversation but there intentions were to protect a member. Not to throw out facts on why it’s ok to use. Maybe it is but only in the hands of a responsible and educated person.
The problem is where I live there are cops everywhere he didn’t call the cops there was a cop across the streeets and saw me lmao. But what’s also good about nyc these will get dropped the second I step into the court room. Acod for 6 months sometimes you’ll get the occasional 10 days at rikers which sucks rikers is the worst place.

Thank god they didn’t find my cialis though
I got family that works there. I got you if you need it.