Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Private huh....Got a stomach virus and come back to this. Alrighty, so thats one shaved butthole pic with lipstick around it, any particular color? One dick pic with a elvis sideburns, does my penis lips need lipstick too? Does it need to be the same color as the butthole color?
Private huh....Got a stomach virus and come back to this. Alrighty, so thats one shaved butthole pic with lipstick around it, any particular color? One dick pic with a elvis sideburns, does my penis lips need lipstick too? Does it need to be the same color as the butthole color?
Error 404 faggotry not found
Don't forget the Small guy @TGI !!!!
Been busy and not on meso much... But We love you out here!
You know how this product is though... Depending on what you buy , you may be good for a couple month cycle.. but the re-ups are inevitable... They are definitely due soon!!! Don't have a short memory!!!! Big wet kisses
Don't forget the Small guy @TGI !!!!
Been busy and not on meso much... But We love you out here!
You know how this product is though... Depending on what you buy , you may be good for a couple month cycle.. but the re-ups are inevitable... They are definitely due soon!!! Don't have a short memory!!!! Big wet kisses

How’s the labia tear?
Any scar tissue?
Lmao. I'm doing ok.. been going pretty light though.. repping out with the kinda weight Kim probably warms up with. CORTISONE or whatever they gave me is a miracle man, I hardly feel any pain.. going good... No labia pics for you.. only for tgi if that's what it takes to get all the really small and fat guys on the special list. Need that golden ticket
Took the weekend off to spend time with family and I come back here today and I am 82 pages behind.

@iceman440 care to bring me up to date with what’s going on?

Did @HIGHRISK and @Kim have a baby?
I’m pretty sure @Kim is having @ONDRUN baby :eek: ... pitter o_O patter...

If I’m not mistaken their gonna put a collar on it with the name “TITANIUM” engraved on it, cause that’s gonna be its name...

@Kim feel free to correct me if I’m wrong ;):p:D
I’m pretty sure @Kim is having @ONDRUN baby :eek: ... pitter o_O patter...

If I’m not mistaken their gonna put a collar on it with the name “TITANIUM” engraved on it, cause that’s gonna be its name...

@Kim feel free to correct me if I’m wrong ;):p:D
Did somebody say “Kim“ :) ..Bolder u bad boy
i’m trying to let a few things slide by but you’re not helping that much...pitterpatter was a stupid movie..TGI lovingly suggested a babies feet noise and others assumed it was the sound of a fluttering heart....HELP ..what have I done..the onslaught is to much to bare im jumping..
.Let’s tally up the average cost on a male to have a child -threw 18 years later$$$)????
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Last call for orders going out tonight. If it ain't paid for by now, it doesn't ship.


***Sunday will be my last day as a public source. If you are interested in becoming a private client from that point on email me to discuss. Ordering format followed and prompt payments will be expected. Making my choice based on volume. I have zero trouble keeping up with demand, however, I'm not raising the minimum order again to attempt to control pack count. Testing and standards will remain in place. I will open and close for new customers based on volume.

I would like to sincerely thank everyone that has contributed to make me a better source for meso. You have all allowed me a great public 6 month stay in your house and i appreciate it. I could not have done this without the orders, advice, thread traffic, etc. You have all helped me. I will always be grateful for that. Thanks again to all of you.
No, thank you
I’m pretty sure @Kim is having @ONDRUN baby :eek: ... pitter o_O patter...

If I’m not mistaken their gonna put a collar on it with the name “TITANIUM” engraved on it, cause that’s gonna be its name...

@Kim feel free to correct me if I’m wrong ;):p:D
It was in Runon's dreams to have my baby. hahaha
So when TGI said that I agreed my next dog will be named Titanium.