Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

I feel great, I can tell a little dry in the joint but not terrible at all so I like where the estrogen is, have a little gyno from previous cycle so I was a little gernerous on the dosage. May try 12.5 E3D of the aromasin and see how I feel.

Will run caber at .5/week prolactin is too low.

What are you taking for liver support? How long are you going to run the Anavar?
Last call for orders going out tonight. If it ain't paid for by now, it doesn't ship.


***Sunday will be my last day as a public source. If you are interested in becoming a private client from that point on email me to discuss. Ordering format followed and prompt payments will be expected. Making my choice based on volume. I have zero trouble keeping up with demand, however, I'm not raising the minimum order again to attempt to control pack count. Testing and standards will remain in place. I will open and close for new customers based on volume.

I would like to sincerely thank everyone that has contributed to make me a better source for meso. You have all allowed me a great public 6 month stay in your house and i appreciate it. I could not have done this without the orders, advice, thread traffic, etc. You have all helped me. I will always be grateful for that. Thanks again to all of you.

Thanks for coming on here and supplying all us gym nuts with very high quality creatine! Glad to see you go private and protect yourself. Totally understand and expected. Much respect man.
Took the weekend off to spend time with family and I come back here today and I am 82 pages behind.

@iceman440 care to bring me up to date with what’s going on?

Did @HIGHRISK and @Kim have a baby?

Oh capitan my capitan

@HIGHRISK and @Kim broke up

@Kim and @ONDRUN are having a baby, and kim is wearing a dog collar with "Titanium" on it

@HIGHRISK Got drunk and sent to many dick pics (again.. whats new)

@TitaniumGear (TGI) is going pivate, send him your resume with attached dick pic to either his gmail or yahoo

@really small guy really small labia is healing up nicely

@Achilles56 is a monster

That about sums it up. This weeks progress report brought to you by @iceman440 , Keeping things cool for since 89

*this paid advertisement was brought to you by fuck you @balco. Paid and represented by go fuck yourself balco
Did somebody say “Kim“ :) ..Bolder u bad boy
i’m trying to let a few things slide by but you’re not helping that much...pitterpatter was a stupid movie..TGI lovingly suggested a babies feet noise and others assumed it was the sound of a fluttering heart....HELP ..what have I done..the onslaught is to much to bare im jumping..
.Let’s tally up the average cost on a male to have a child -threw 18 years later$$$)????
It’s all in good humor bro! Don’t take anything personal on here lol.
It was in Runon's dreams to have my baby. hahaha
So when TGI said that I agreed my next dog will be named Titanium.
Ohhhh, I knew that lol
When you get the dog you should get a cat as well. Name the cat Gears. So when you are calling for em you’ll be saying Titanium! Gears! Where are you!? Lol :p
They’ll probably respond “I’m going private” haha! :D
It’s all in good humor bro! Don’t take anything personal on here lol.

Ohhhh, I knew that lol
When you get the dog you should get a cat as well. Name the cat Gears. So when you are calling for em you’ll be saying Titanium! Gears! Where are you!? Lol :p
They’ll probably respond “I’m going private” haha! :D

Well I have a cat story. I have two cats. One's name is Bailey and the other is names "Who it is." Recently he snuck outside and now his name is "Where it is." He has yet to come back. I won't be getting another cat. Bailey has been very happy being all by himself.
It’s all in good humor bro! Don’t take anything personal on here lol.

Ohhhh, I knew that lol
When you get the dog you should get a cat as well. Name the cat Gears. So when you are calling for em you’ll be saying Titanium! Gears! Where are you!? Lol :p
They’ll probably respond “I’m going private” haha! :D
You are so funny!
Yeah don't get me started on that one. This is why kids are the way they are today.

Yeah no shit. No one is willing to better themselves if they are taught losing is ok. You either win, or whoop the winners ass and walk away. No exceptions
Yeah no shit. No one is willing to better themselves if they are taught losing is ok. You either win, or whoop the winners ass and walk away. No exceptions
What we do at my school I don't agree with. We have an assembly once a quarter where the students will get a "life skill" award. Every student by the end of the year will get some type of certificate.
Did your school give out participation trophies to all the kids?

I was raised back when you got what you earned. Field day was all about trying to get that blue ribbon!
Also, my kids play travel sports so they know what it means to work hard or get beat with nothing to show for it. It is a good character builder, something that imo is lacking with some kids these days.
What we do at my school I don't agree with. We have an assembly once a quarter where the students will get a "life skill" award. Every student by the end of the year will get some type of certificate.

Thanks for nothing obama
I’m raising a little boy right now. Hopefully two not too long from now. Self esteem and being told youre a winner when you lose are not mutually inclusive. It’s ok to lose, never OK to be complacent and happy with losing. The lack of breeding a competitive nature in a generation is why half the population is worthless now.
I’m raising a little boy right now. Hopefully two not too long from now. Self esteem and being told youre a winner when you lose are not mutually inclusive. It’s ok to lose, never OK to be complacent and happy with losing. The lack of breeding a competitive nature in a generation is why half the population is worthless now.


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