Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

I'm curious. I've been reading up on crazy elite powerlifting cycles. And some of these crazy motherfuckers are claiming 8-9gs. WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU EVEN PLACE 9GS OF GEAR.
I'm curious. I've been reading up on crazy elite powerlifting cycles. And some of these crazy motherfuckers are claiming 8-9gs. WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU EVEN PLACE 9GS OF GEAR.
I did 8grams with my deca primo cycle. EOD got real old.
Not sure if this is the Tren/Mast or new with Test in it, but either way fucking loving the Tren/Mast. At 150/ml it is soooo convenient for me since i'm on low doses to pin it ED.
Same blend. 2nd batch.
If you’re making a tren/mast or t/m/test blend im fucking IN.
Already have mast p/tren a 150mg each. Mig840 carrier.
He has TrenA/MastP at 150mg/ml (unless he is out of stock). I'm running it now and am in love.
not out of stock. 32 vials on hand.

For real? Thought you were done with making new blends and were retiring that. Had a surge of sales on it?
no more new blends, but gonna make this again. No surge, just using up my mig840.

Yeah. He’s sending me a liter...
For 7500 i will. No problem. What size vials you want it in?
It’s the perfect spring/summer cut blend but Tits unveiled it in middle of winter then got all sourpuss because it didn’t fly right out.
i got pissed because the guy that jumped up and down for it never got any...and was all "hurry up" about it. Fucking flaked.

To be fair, the guy who requested it never bought a single vial.
This x 1000.
I'm curious. I've been reading up on crazy elite powerlifting cycles. And some of these crazy motherfuckers are claiming 8-9gs. WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU EVEN PLACE 9GS OF GEAR.
Not sure about PL, but some of the highest level BB guys fuck with 8-10g a week (or so I’ve heard; couple g of test, 1-2 of EQ/deca, 1g+ of tren, fill in mast/primo/and exotics). When you’re nearly 300lbs you’ve probably got enough mass to pin all 3 heads of your delt, lats, traps, pecs, hips, glutes, quads at multiple sites. Tris/bis/calves if necessary.