Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

That’s my point dude, and that’s 300mg/ml. Imagine the fucking mast and tren and shit dosed at 100mg/ml. I just don’t understand getting to 8gs. Fucking nuts lol.

Yeah fuck, that point might as well get an IV or a feeding tube into your fucking juggler
Saw a video of a dumbass on YouTube using a 32g needle for a trt dose. Took him like 3mins for 1cc lmfaooooo
Thumb gets numb. I’ll start to shake bad if it’s GSO and just slice my muscle up. Really wish they made shit with 30 day half life’s.;-)
Thumb gets numb. I’ll start to shake bad if it’s GSO and just slice my muscle up. Really wish they made shit with 30 day half life’s.;-)
Idk man, it may because I’m sort of new to AAS but there is a definite psychological placebo effect with pinning everyday. It’s like your mind is tricked into thinking you’re getting some kind of instant boost.