Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Before the weekend starts and @TitaniumGear (TGI) goes ‘Private Mode’ and since we have Eminem greatest fan ( @T-Bagger :p) I figured I’d do another Eminem parody lol. Eminem’s ‘Superman’ seems to fit so here’s my version called.... Titanium.

You know you want those gears,
I know I want them too,
They call him Titanium,
he’s here to rescue you.
So start doin curls,
step into Titters world,
You want the blends, or Tren,
just call on.......... Titanium!

They call him Titanium,
leaps all sources in a single bound,
he’s leaving now,
tests all raws before he sells em now,
he’ll never let anyone bring him down, or sink his ship,
so save your Bit (coin),
Titanium ain’t savin anyone’s shit,
so everyone’s on his dick,
straight to his hip,
let’s cut to the chase,
I’ll tell a dick sucker right to his face,
he’s on top of the game,
he keeps no names,
ever since he came to this place,
Proved his ass,
Not run his lips,
Bitch why ask,
Send your cash,
Drop your drawers and pin that ass...

But I do one thing though,
Sources they come they go,
Saturday through Sunday, Monday,
Monday through Sunday yo
Maybe he’ll come back one day,
Pin his shit and grow,
Til then we’ll run every shit source
off of Meso....

That’s if they can’t be more like Titanium
Like Titanium,
Like Titanium,
Like Titanium.....

That’s all I got lol. :p:D

Good luck @TitaniumGear (TGI) in your next (private) chapter! :)
Dead. Killing it. Funniest shit yet.
I mean dont get me wrong. I have heard of people doing this. And I have 100% faith that you and @Roger rabbit came up with a good idea.

Its just thats a lot of oil , esp for a cut, and shit is all over the place and complicated lol. It will still work out, I've gone back and re-read it like 30 times hahah

I would say next time to make life easy on you, run TPP or sust, Tren A, and mast p and load em all in the same barrel lol

That’s a different synergy than what we are trying to capture.

It looks like a complicated cycle but, the switching of esters is a positive thing and jumping from tren to npp capitalizes on the npp and the igf then back to tren.

His main focus though was to ensure reduce sides while cutting from the drugs. This is why we are switching compounds when he does is to capitalize on each individual drugs potential to what they bring to the table while keeping certain drugs as the base.

Complicated, yes. But he will see some excellent results by end of cycle as long @tbagger keeps his diet in check[emoji51][emoji2957][emoji51]
And his workouts progressive[emoji123]

Also @tbagger there is nothing wrong with going 3 on with tren and 2 off if you aren’t feeling sides which was your big concern. Just remember the moment you put that tren in you it’s working along side those other compounds.
And i appreciate it. You've listened to your customers and critics and here you are, top of the domestic food chain here at Meso. Job well done, sir.

Got here by listening, yes. Top of the chain, yes. Jobs not over yet though, just turning a page. Contrary to rumors, I'm going to no other boards, and i am not running a "going private" scam like a scam sale.

Everyone should already know but I will say it anyway. I am on top of the ladder sure enough, but that ladder is held by the community. All it takes is one fuck up to roll right off and never be welcome back. I know this. I will never be tired of saying "meso made me". We can all make this community better and stronger. I will bring the clean tested gear. Y'all keep bringing the great advice and harm reduction.
You think thats bad, I dont even know how many cc's is a gram....

Shit, I don’t know how many gallons are in a pound. We both need to be educated.

Note to self, reconsider cycle advice from iceman if there is more than 1000mg involved.
Before the weekend starts and @TitaniumGear (TGI) goes ‘Private Mode’ and since we have Eminem greatest fan ( @T-Bagger :p) I figured I’d do another Eminem parody lol. Eminem’s ‘Superman’ seems to fit so here’s my version called.... Titanium.

You know you want those gears,
I know I want them too,
They call him Titanium,
he’s here to rescue you.
So start doin curls,
step into Titters world,
You want the blends, or Tren,
just call on.......... Titanium!

They call him Titanium,
leaps all sources in a single bound,
he’s leaving now,
tests all raws before he sells em now,
he’ll never let anyone bring him down, or sink his ship,
so save your Bit (coin),
Titanium ain’t savin anyone’s shit,
so everyone’s on his dick,
straight to his hip,
let’s cut to the chase,
I’ll tell a dick sucker right to his face,
he’s on top of the game,
he keeps no names,
ever since he came to this place,
Proved his ass,
Not run his lips,
Bitch why ask,
Send your cash,
Drop your drawers and pin that ass...

But I do one thing though,
Sources they come they go,
Saturday through Sunday, Monday,
Monday through Sunday yo
Maybe he’ll come back one day,
Pin his shit and grow,
Til then we’ll run every shit source
off of Meso....

That’s if they can’t be more like Titanium
Like Titanium,
Like Titanium,
Like Titanium.....

That’s all I got lol. :p:D

Good luck @TitaniumGear (TGI) in your next (private) chapter! :)
I'm loving all these eminem remakes
Rougly 8 lbs to gallon for water.
"Pint is a pound the world around"

I know roughly how many pounds a gallon of liquid weighs. I just don’t know how many gallons are in a pound.

I worded it that way on purpose. It was my seemingly poor attempt at humor.

Edit: Don’t walk into a bar around here and try to order a pint for a pound.
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We can all make this community better and stronger. I will bring the clean tested gear. Y'all keep bringing the great advice and harm reduction.
This is why I chose to start using you. I already had a very reputable source and will likely keep using him for many things. This is also why I choose to post my progress with my diet and training in my log. Meso is a great place and needs to be treated as such. Keep it up bud.
That’s a different synergy than what we are trying to capture.

It looks like a complicated cycle but, the switching of esters is a positive thing and jumping from tren to npp capitalizes on the npp and the igf then back to tren.

His main focus though was to ensure reduce sides while cutting from the drugs. This is why we are switching compounds when he does is to capitalize on each individual drugs potential to what they bring to the table while keeping certain drugs as the base.

Complicated, yes. But he will see some excellent results by end of cycle as long @tbagger keeps his diet in check[emoji51][emoji2957][emoji51]
And his workouts progressive[emoji123]

Also @tbagger there is nothing wrong with going 3 on with tren and 2 off if you aren’t feeling sides which was your big concern. Just remember the moment you put that tren in you it’s working along side those other compounds.
Thanks for clarifying brother! I definitely didn’t want the horrible sides but figured I would at least have SOME. Do you think I should stick with 2 on or go with 3 of Tren?
Ain't starting a thread, so i'll ask here for a few opinions.
Barbell curls (straight bar) have been fucking with my forearm, just below the wrist, on the outside of the arm.

It's been about 2 weeks since it started. i dropped the weight down 5 lbs lower from the weight that started it all, but it still had a negative impact tonight.

i took a slightly wider grip this time. Less pain, which i only feel during the top part of the movement, but as soon as i set the bar down, that bitch still howled.

Any suggestions?
Before the weekend starts and @TitaniumGear (TGI) goes ‘Private Mode’ and since we have Eminem greatest fan ( @T-Bagger :p) I figured I’d do another Eminem parody lol. Eminem’s ‘Superman’ seems to fit so here’s my version called.... Titanium.

You know you want those gears,
I know I want them too,
They call him Titanium,
he’s here to rescue you.
So start doin curls,
step into Titters world,
You want the blends, or Tren,
just call on.......... Titanium!

They call him Titanium,
leaps all sources in a single bound,
he’s leaving now,
tests all raws before he sells em now,
he’ll never let anyone bring him down, or sink his ship,
so save your Bit (coin),
Titanium ain’t savin anyone’s shit,
so everyone’s on his dick,
straight to his hip,
let’s cut to the chase,
I’ll tell a dick sucker right to his face,
he’s on top of the game,
he keeps no names,
ever since he came to this place,
Proved his ass,
Not run his lips,
Bitch why ask,
Send your cash,
Drop your drawers and pin that ass...

But I do one thing though,
Sources they come they go,
Saturday through Sunday, Monday,
Monday through Sunday yo
Maybe he’ll come back one day,
Pin his shit and grow,
Til then we’ll run every shit source
off of Meso....

That’s if they can’t be more like Titanium
Like Titanium,
Like Titanium,
Like Titanium.....

That’s all I got lol. :p:D

Good luck @TitaniumGear (TGI) in your next (private) chapter! :)
Wow, great stuff.
You need to put down the gear and pick up a damn book.[/QUO
Ain't starting a thread, so i'll ask here for a few opinions.
Barbell curls (straight bar) have been fucking with my forearm, just below the wrist, on the outside of the arm.

It's been about 2 weeks since it started. i dropped the weight down 5 lbs lower from the weight that started it all, but it still had a negative impact tonight.

i took a slightly wider grip this time. Less pain, which i only feel during the top part of the movement, but as soon as i set the bar down, that bitch still howled.

Any suggestions?
i got a little relief by using the ez bar for curling instead of the straight.
.try closer together with your thumbs more up on the angle...worked great..
.I use to always do straight bar but as I got bigger other things change in my arm angle