Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

started injecting everything ED for less oil lol
Yeah last blast I was pinning NPP EOD so said fuck it and pinned test e EOD to line up injections easier. Not doing this now for the sole purpose of meso bloodwork protocol 48hr post end of 6th week pin to contribute some good bloods. Idk how or when to time it with EOD pins long ester.
Yeah last blast I was pinning NPP EOD so said fuck it and pinned test e EOD to line up injections easier. Not doing this now for the sole purpose of meso bloodwork protocol 48hr post end of 6th week pin to contribute some good bloods. Idk how or when to time it with EOD pins long ester.
Would have to ask the boys, but I would assume it would still be the same since you’d still be getting the same mg/week. So no difference in 48hrs post last shot whether it’s EOD or 2x a week.
Yeah last blast I was pinning NPP EOD so said fuck it and pinned test e EOD to line up injections easier. Not doing this now for the sole purpose of meso bloodwork protocol 48hr post end of 6th week pin to contribute some good bloods. Idk how or when to time it with EOD pins long ester.
I pinned long and short like this. Test e Monday and Friday along with prop then just prop on Wednesday. Worked fine for me.
3cc Ventro, 3cc Glute max, 2cc delt, 1cc pecs or traps. Ventro, Glute, pecs are main. I could do others like last and rarely need traps but my God that's plenty.
Quarterly Donation due Apr 1. Just put in another 500 to AL. TGI total donations are at 1805. Should be viewable when it updates, hopefully before the 1st.

@MisterSuperGod i told you way back i would tag you on every one. So, you are tagged.
I pin glutes mainly since I usually run long esters but if I need extra sites I’ll pin upper quads. I’ve easily put 3cc in any of those injection sites.
Eff it. I’m extending it to 3 on, 2 off.

Late to the game on this topic, but I am a few weeks ahead of you. I was also going to run 2 on 2 off, but when I had zero sides, I just stayed in it.

Tomorrow is the end of week 4 of TrenA at 100 eod. Running test at 250 and EQ at 450 (for now).

I have had absolutely no sides. Nothing! I sweat real bad one night and woke up with chills, but I think I was under the weather for a day.

Up 4 pounds and feeling stronger, but resisting the urge to add weight at the gym. Both of my shoulders are hurting me for some reason?

The downside of low test (but I don’t want to mess with anything!) is that my libido hasn’t increased and no Tren sides means no good Tren libido sides either.
Late to the game on this topic, but I am a few weeks ahead of you. I was also going to run 2 on 2 off, but when I had zero sides, I just stayed in it.

Tomorrow is the end of week 4 of TrenA at 100 eod. Running test at 250 and EQ at 450 (for now).

I have had absolutely no sides. Nothing! I sweat real bad one night and woke up with chills, but I think I was under the weather for a day.

Up 4 pounds and feeling stronger, but resisting the urge to add weight at the gym. Both of my shoulders are hurting me for some reason?

The downside of low test (but I don’t want to mess with anything!) is that my libido hasn’t increased and no Tren sides means no good Tren libido sides either.
Wow.... just wow. Wondering what’s going to happen from this cycle because minus the EQ, that’s how I’m running it. Libido is slightly up, but I attribute that to the Test.
Before the weekend starts and @TitaniumGear (TGI) goes ‘Private Mode’ and since we have Eminem greatest fan ( @T-Bagger :p) I figured I’d do another Eminem parody lol. Eminem’s ‘Superman’ seems to fit so here’s my version called.... Titanium.

You know you want those gears,
I know I want them too,
They call him Titanium,
he’s here to rescue you.
So start doin curls,
step into Titters world,
You want the blends, or Tren,
just call on.......... Titanium!

They call him Titanium,
leaps all sources in a single bound,
he’s leaving now,
tests all raws before he sells em now,
he’ll never let anyone bring him down, or sink his ship,
so save your Bit (coin),
Titanium ain’t savin anyone’s shit,
so everyone’s on his dick,
straight to his hip,
let’s cut to the chase,
I’ll tell a dick sucker right to his face,
he’s on top of the game,
he keeps no names,
ever since he came to this place,
Proved his ass,
Not run his lips,
Bitch why ask,
Send your cash,
Drop your drawers and pin that ass...

But I do one thing though,
Sources they come they go,
Saturday through Sunday, Monday,
Monday through Sunday yo
Maybe he’ll come back one day,
Pin his shit and grow,
Til then we’ll run every shit source
off of Meso....

That’s if they can’t be more like Titanium
Like Titanium,
Like Titanium,
Like Titanium.....

That’s all I got lol. :p:D

Good luck @TitaniumGear (TGI) in your next (private) chapter! :)
Before the weekend starts and @TitaniumGear (TGI) goes ‘Private Mode’ and since we have Eminem greatest fan ( @T-Bagger :p) I figured I’d do another Eminem parody lol. Eminem’s ‘Superman’ seems to fit so here’s my version called.... Titanium.

You know you want those gears,
I know I want them too,
They call him Titanium,
he’s here to rescue you.
So start doin curls,
step into Titters world,
You want the blends, or Tren,
just call on.......... Titanium!

They call him Titanium,
leaps all sources in a single bound,
he’s leaving now,
tests all raws before he sells em now,
he’ll never let anyone bring him down, or sink his ship,
so save your Bit (coin),
Titanium ain’t savin anyone’s shit,
so everyone’s on his dick,
straight to his hip,
let’s cut to the chase,
I’ll tell a dick sucker right to his face,
he’s on top of the game,
he keeps no names,
ever since he came to this place,
Proved his ass,
Not run his lips,
Bitch why ask,
Send your cash,
Drop your drawers and pin that ass...

But I do one thing though,
Sources they come they go,
Saturday through Sunday, Monday,
Monday through Sunday yo
Maybe he’ll come back one day,
Pin his shit and grow,
Til then we’ll run every shit source
off of Meso....

That’s if they can’t be more like Titanium
Like Titanium,
Like Titanium,
Like Titanium.....

That’s all I got lol. :p:D

Good luck @TitaniumGear (TGI) in your next (private) chapter! :)
Screw Eminem. Little faggot.
Quarterly Donation due Apr 1. Just put in another 500 to AL. TGI total donations are at 1805. Should be viewable when it updates, hopefully before the 1st.

@MisterSuperGod i told you way back i would tag you on every one. So, you are tagged.

And i appreciate it. You've listened to your customers and critics and here you are, top of the domestic food chain here at Meso. Job well done, sir.