Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Not sure about PL, but some of the highest level BB guys fuck with 8-10g a week (or so I’ve heard; couple g of test, 1-2 of EQ/deca, 1g+ of tren, fill in mast/primo/and exotics). When you’re nearly 300lbs you’ve probably got enough mass to pin all 3 heads of your delt, lats, traps, pecs, hips, glutes, quads at multiple sites. Tris/bis/calves if necessary.
Yeah I guess ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Can’t imagine I’d ever have the nuts to do that. If I’m honest I couldn’t imagine 3GS. And I’ve heard of plers running 4gs of Test alone.
Holy fuck.. my bad I need to apologize. I’m sitting here catching a movie and I never ever did 8grams of gear. Total spaced the shit. I was doing 12cc a week. :eek::eek::eek::eek::rolleyes::rolleyes::(:(:( Hate to admit it but I miscalculated. I’m wrong that’s a shit fucking ton of gear.
Holy fuck.. my bad I need to apologize. I’m sitting here catching a movie and I never ever did 8grams of gear. Total spaced the shit. I was doing 12cc a week. :eek::eek::eek::eek::rolleyes::rolleyes::(:(:( Hate to admit it but I miscalculated. I’m wrong that’s a shit fuck in ton.
Liars must be sent to the gulag.
Yea I'm actually on suboxone now and I have withdrawn from it and it was not fun. 30 days.

I'm on suboxone now and I know how bad that shit is to come off of it. But now they put everyone on it in New Jersey. In July they are starting marijuana for opiot addiction. So maybe I'll get some bud...
Working out... juicing... all of it replaced the old bullshit. I told parole when I saw them. They asked so you like to take steroids what's that about. I said it's better then doing herion and they maxed me out. Lol. It is what it is it took going to prison for me to change.
The key to getting off subs is to walk off of them.
When it was designed it was never used long term.
The drug was designed for a maximun use of 90 days in increasingly smaller daily doses.
In the US however the same folks that brought us pill mills bring to us the solution....suboxone clinics.
The reason for 2 to 3 strip a day scripts is because if you are clean they lose a customer.
Due to the national opiate abuse attention most people that dont know the program embrace these "angels" into their cities or counties or for "helping" us poor addicted fucks get "clean".
I can say this...over 6 years i tried quitting repeatedly....without the subs i couldnt do it.
At the time i quit i was using 7 or 8 30mg roxys and at least 2 40mg opanna daily.
7 suboxones i got off the street got me thru that first 10 days or so and then it was just tapering off those with the 2 i had left.
I started in the gym and a trt dosing regimen 200mg/wk test e while i was tapering.
Never looked back.
March 2014 i weighed 142lbs at 5'8
Dec 2016 i was at 208.....
Btw...those tits aint gyno...i carry fat there first and it leaves there last.
Lol ...and i was eating a bit much.20170915_225701.png