Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Ain't starting a thread, so i'll ask here for a few opinions.
Barbell curls (straight bar) have been fucking with my forearm, just below the wrist, on the outside of the arm.

It's been about 2 weeks since it started. i dropped the weight down 5 lbs lower from the weight that started it all, but it still had a negative impact tonight.

i took a slightly wider grip this time. Less pain, which i only feel during the top part of the movement, but as soon as i set the bar down, that bitch still howled.

Any suggestions?
The straight bar is exceptionally hard on the wrists because of the way it’s built. The only real way around it is to get the EZ Curl bar or to do as you were doing and suffer the consequences. Of course there are always dumbbell curls as well.
Haha, that's what Eminem would say about Eminem
I hate that guy. He tried rapping about Trump to get a response amen Trump ignored him to show him just how irrelevant and insignificant he is, so then he puts out Rap God tontry and remain in a spotlight that left his punk ass years ago. I don’t question his ability to rhyme, but eventually the angry white boy just needs to grow up.
Update on the Tren: woke up sweating and didn’t sleep soundly last night, even with the Magnesium. I’m sitting at work... yes, sitting and I’m sweating. Home was 68° as usual last night and wife keeps a fan running all night long. At 68° I’m usually cold all the time, but not last night.
Ain't starting a thread, so i'll ask here for a few opinions.
Barbell curls (straight bar) have been fucking with my forearm, just below the wrist, on the outside of the arm.

It's been about 2 weeks since it started. i dropped the weight down 5 lbs lower from the weight that started it all, but it still had a negative impact tonight.

i took a slightly wider grip this time. Less pain, which i only feel during the top part of the movement, but as soon as i set the bar down, that bitch still howled.

Any suggestions?

Wrist wraps. Prob 90% of tendinitis is caused by too much movement in the wrists under stress.
HATE THAT MORE THAN ANYTHING! I’m the same damn way - tits and a fat face. First place to lose it on my body is my legs, so I look like damn Johnny Bravo.

For reference:
View attachment 108691
It is the hardest to get rid of...Im down 25 pounds from that pic i posted.
Cut it over the winter....now Im about to carefully go back up....i wont cut like this again but damn i needed to this time.
It is the hardest to get rid of...Im down 25 pounds from that pic i posted.
Cut it over the winter....now Im about to carefully go back up....i wont cut like this again but damn i needed to this time.
No amount of cardio or flyes gets rid of them quicker - only time and proper diet.
I hate that guy. He tried rapping about Trump to get a response amen Trump ignored him to show him just how irrelevant and insignificant he is, so then he puts out Rap God tontry and remain in a spotlight that left his punk ass years ago. I don’t question his ability to rhyme, but eventually the angry white boy just needs to grow up.
We definitely don’t need anymore celebrities trying to get into politics.
Have had this many times.

1. Drop straight bar, and most likely drop EZbar too
2. Stick to DB and single handed machine use for 2-3 weeks
3. If you’re using straps, stop cold turkey for a bit

Straps were the primary cause of this for me (overuse of them). Straight bar is also a terrible exercise mechanically for a lot of people due to extreme supination of your wrist.

Straight bar is now a rarity in my split. Let everything recover, and slowly move into EZBar.
Ain't starting a thread, so i'll ask here for a few opinions.
Barbell curls (straight bar) have been fucking with my forearm, just below the wrist, on the outside of the arm.

It's been about 2 weeks since it started. i dropped the weight down 5 lbs lower from the weight that started it all, but it still had a negative impact tonight.

i took a slightly wider grip this time. Less pain, which i only feel during the top part of the movement, but as soon as i set the bar down, that bitch still howled.

Any suggestions?
Ain't starting a thread, so i'll ask here for a few opinions.
Barbell curls (straight bar) have been fucking with my forearm, just below the wrist, on the outside of the arm.

It's been about 2 weeks since it started. i dropped the weight down 5 lbs lower from the weight that started it all, but it still had a negative impact tonight.

i took a slightly wider grip this time. Less pain, which i only feel during the top part of the movement, but as soon as i set the bar down, that bitch still howled.

Any suggestions?
Bro I can't find the video for the life of me. But basically you keep your wrists limp. Sounds weird but has helped a ton. If you're doing reverse curl it's finger tips to the floor. If regular curls knuckles towards the floor.

Seriously this takes all the tension off the wrist and forearm the pump is great.
Any more reviews on the mig840 blend? Never ran mig before but wouldn’t mind trying. Seems like a lot less work. Thanks
Not sure if this is the Tren/Mast or new with Test in it, but either way fucking loving the Tren/Mast. At 150/ml it is soooo convenient for me since i'm on low doses to pin it ED.

He has TrenA/MastP at 150mg/ml (unless he is out of stock). I'm running it now and am in love.

Titters actually suggested it @TitaniumGear (TGI)

Edit**** he didn’t actually suggest it, he just told us what he does.

So now I just shoot .75cc ED. .25 cc of Test E and .5 cc of trenA/MastP blend.

There's 1 user for you. @ONDRUN is on it and likes it as well.
A few shout outs this morning:

Animal control...thanks for not fucking with me about no rabies tag.

9 lives...that liver/tuna blend is off the chain.

My groomer....thanks for a fluffy tail even though I'm getting older you know i still wanna look good.

Serta...your pet beds pretty much eliminated my hip dysplasia.
Any more reviews on the mig840 blend? Never ran mig before but wouldn’t mind trying. Seems like a lot less work. Thanks
I ran it for 8.5-9 weeks. Shit was fiya as fuck. Mig is smooth as silk both drawing and pinning. Planned on running it 12 weeks but tapped out to the Tren. Personally loved the blend. Going to blast with it again the blast after next.
Thanks! Sorry been absent from the forums for a while. Got off track a little. Thanks

I ran it for 8.5-9 weeks. Shit was fiya as fuck. Mig is smooth as silk both drawing and pinning. Planned on running it 12 weeks but tapped out to the Tren. Personally loved the blend. Going to blast with it again the blast after next.

First time pinning Mig840 or whatever the fuck it's called. Definitely smoothest stuff I've had, equal to MCT in smoothness/lack of PIP.