Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

How would YOU run that bro?
125/125 test/npp and 150/150 mast/tren right?

10 weeks max (maybe just 8), but probably something like this:

Weeks 1-4
1.5CC of NPP/TPP EOD (650/650ish)

Weeks 5-10 Id make the decision whether or not to run test or tren higher.
1CC NPP/TPP EOD (430/430)
.7 CC TPP EOD (305)
.8CC Mast/Tren EOD (420/420)

Test - 735, NPP - 430, Mast - 420, Tren - 420: 2g

My maths probably wrong somewhere.
So you would throw some extra test in there on top of the TPP/NPP blend? Did I read that right?
Correct. (Also, I modded it a bit, and realized I’d never do NPP and tren with low test so I removed it).

Tren alone never gives me the dick sides. High deca and moderate tren without the test to support it would make the wife pretty upset. I might take down the extra test a bit to get NPP to 500, but that’s pretty close.

I can’t imagine that cycle isn’t some of the leanest, best feeling gains to be had. If you wanted to be a sick bastard and the bloodwork supports it, drop an oral the last two weeks.
125/125 test/npp and 150/150 mast/tren right?

10 weeks max (maybe just 8), but probably something like this:

Weeks 1-4
1.5CC of NPP/TPP EOD (650/650ish)

Weeks 5-10 Id make the decision whether or not to run test or tren higher.
1CC NPP/TPP EOD (430/430)
.7 CC TPP EOD (305)
.8CC Mast/Tren EOD (420/420)

Test - 735, NPP - 430, Mast - 420, Tren - 420: 2g

My maths probably wrong somewhere.

I usually do test/tren/mast between 300 and 500 each per week when I blast. Tren usually gets to me bad around week 7-8 mentally along with a raised constant heart rate and bp. I then stop, dontae blood and cruise. I just don’t think I could handle more. I’d be willing to try with all the correct safe guards in place...
I usually do test/tren/mast between 300 and 500 each per week when I blast. Tren usually gets to me bad around week 7-8 mentally along with a raised constant heart rate and bp. I then stop, dontae blood and cruise. I just don’t think I could handle more. I’d be willing to try with all the correct safe guards in place...
The above is 6 weeks of tren only for a reason ;)

My recent offseason changed my thinking about “test as a base.” I raised it up to 750 over all other gear and it did well for me. Either can work if it agrees with you.
The above is 6 weeks of tren only for a reason ;)

My recent offseason changed my thinking about “test as a base.” I raised it up to 750 over all other gear and it did well for me. Either can work if it agrees with you.
Low Test is working for me with higher Tren. Keep in mind I’ve never really run Tren (short run of 2 weeks to try a blend), but higher Test really jacks up my BP and hematocrit. I’ll be pulling bloods in 4 weeks to see the damage this is doing to my levels.
Hmmmmm, I’m willing to give it a whirl. I’m going on a long cruise right now. Then I will plan something out. Would you donate blood begging of said cycle and at 6 weeks?
I don’t think any of those compounds would drive your blood markers high that fast. Not like EQ. I’d donate before the cycle, run bloods 4-6 weeks in, recover. Run again. Donate as needed from there. But that’s me. If you’re sensitive to test that’s definitely something to be aware of. But for me, EQ is the one fucking my RBC/hematocrit.
I was at 300/wk.
this is correct. Sunday at midnight.

this is also correct. We all have our heroes.
Awe hell. I knew I was gonna fuck around and miss out here!
Don’t hate. You’re just jealous that he’s got an actual basement to set his weed tent up to brew out of. The guy is showing a lot of potential for a former hard drug dealer.

I’ve learned that Canadians are some of the easiest people to agitate.

And they got @balco now. I ask you, what could be more amusing?
Weed tent? That’s labradoodle certified mixing conditions there!
This would make a funny meme!

That dude doesn’t know if he’s coming or going!
Sells finished oils, and I’ll be generous and guess he has $1,000 or less invested to produce it.

Doesn’t sell orals,
Has a $12,000 rotary press.

Makes sense! :rolleyes:
Sounds like our federal govt spending our tax dollars trying to improve our lives.
I don’t think any of those compounds would drive your blood markers high that fast. Not like EQ. I’d donate before the cycle, run bloods 4-6 weeks in, recover. Run again. Donate as needed from there. But that’s me. If you’re sensitive to test that’s definitely something to be aware of. But for me, EQ is the one fucking my RBC/hematocrit.

I’ve stayed away from EQ...but I know it will drive up hematocrit fast. I don’t believe I’m particularly sensitive to test, but I love mast and I think it drives my hematocrit up semi quick.
I didn't realize that flipping coinbase would put a 3 week hold on my BTC. It clears this Monday, but I don't want to miss the train if Sunday is the cutoff for us regular folks and newbs to the thread. Thoughts?
I didn't realize that flipping coinbase would put a 3 week hold on my BTC. It clears this Monday, but I don't want to miss the train if Sunday is the cutoff for us regular folks and newbs to the thread. Thoughts?
Talk to @TitaniumGear (TGI), seems reasonable enough when he’s not finding awkwardly shaped objects to test his butthole with.

With a believable case, he might oblige. Or he might tell you to pound sand.
I didn't realize that flipping coinbase would put a 3 week hold on my BTC. It clears this Monday, but I don't want to miss the train if Sunday is the cutoff for us regular folks and newbs to the thread. Thoughts?

If you still have cash on hand, you could try something like Liberty X and make it happen tomorrow.