Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Any of you ever snap on someone (boss, significant other, children etc.) then wonder, "Was I right in this situation?" Or "was it the juice?" Or "am I just an asshole?"
ROFL ahhhh all the time , all the time. this week i snapped on my sister made her tear up and just sat there saying wow nice going asshole.
@TitaniumGear (TGI), a while back you said that Deca cured your tendinitis. How much were you running per wk? I can’t remember if you said.

I haven’t run Tren in a long long long time and I am SUPER happy to have zero sides with maybe 1 exception. My joints are dry and my shoulders and elbows are hurting pretty bad.

Thinking some Deca Creatine might help...
I was at 300/wk.
And he’s private now but I think he’s still accepting orders from regular folk until Sunday night. @TitaniumGear (TGI) ?
this is correct. Sunday at midnight.

Lol, @Harmswhey would be on Titter’s Private list even if he never asked to be.
this is also correct. We all have our heroes.
Well, I just told my wife she needs to stop being such a selfish little bitch (which is true) in front of her father (which was bad). Shit.

This is all wrong. Here's some advice I got a long time ago:

Never flat out call your woman a bitch. You tell them they're "acting like a bitch"

Should have told your wife to stop acting like such a selfish little bitch.

It implies that she's better than that, that you're disappointed in her, and when she says she's pissed you called her a bitch you point out that you never called her that, you said she was acting like one. This has worked with every woman I've used it on.

They went from pissed to gobbling my dick within an hour.

Oh yeah, and since this is the TGI thread...another quick TD.
4 days from payment to my mailbox.
What active ingredient are you looking for in the bronkaid? What mg of each?

I haven’t done any of this type stuff since ephedrine was available at the gas station.
Miss the ol' gas station ephedrine!! The original ripped fuel with ephedrine by twin labs would get ya going!!
@T-Bagger has the Tren kicked in enough yet that you want your woman to play with your butthole?
I mean, it’s an obvious side effect that could cause permanent damage in your case. haha! :oops:

There’s a clear warning on Titters labels!...

This Tren gear,
will have you wanting your woman,
to play with your rear! o_O

Obviously you took it as a challenge and not a warning, you dirty dog you! :D:p
@T-Bagger has the Tren kicked in enough yet that you want your woman to play with your butthole?
I mean, it’s an obvious side effect that could cause permanent damage in your case. haha! :oops:

There’s a clear warning on Titters labels!...

This Tren gear,
will have you wanting your woman,
to play with your rear! o_O

Obviously you took it as a challenge and not a warning, you dirty dog you! :D:p
I literally have very minimal sides bro, but I’ll say that today is the first day where I’ve felt good strength and a noticeable difference in my body. I’m not retaining water and my clothes are feeling looser. Today is technically my last injection of Tren and last Var for 2 weeks, unless I decide to extend it another week.
@T-Bagger has the Tren kicked in enough yet that you want your woman to play with your butthole?
I mean, it’s an obvious side effect that could cause permanent damage in your case. haha! :oops:

There’s a clear warning on Titters labels!...

This Tren gear,
will have you wanting your woman,
to play with your rear! o_O

Obviously you took it as a challenge and not a warning, you dirty dog you! :D:p

So weird no more tren and now fingers in my butt is a turn off
I get no sides from test or tren besides heart burn I was fortunate. Definetly goingbto playbwith a higher dosage next cycle in 2/3 months
@T-Bagger has the Tren kicked in enough yet that you want your woman to play with your butthole?
I mean, it’s an obvious side effect that could cause permanent damage in your case. haha! :oops:

There’s a clear warning on Titters labels!...

This Tren gear,
will have you wanting your woman,
to play with your rear! o_O

Obviously you took it as a challenge and not a warning, you dirty dog you! :D:p

Hey now T-B likes receiving butt stuff without drugs.
@T-Bagger has the Tren kicked in enough yet that you want your woman to play with your butthole?
I mean, it’s an obvious side effect that could cause permanent damage in your case. haha! :oops:

There’s a clear warning on Titters labels!...

This Tren gear,
will have you wanting your woman,
to play with your rear! o_O

Obviously you took it as a challenge and not a warning, you dirty dog you! :D:p
She does that that without tren