Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

I literally have very minimal sides bro, but I’ll say that today is the first day where I’ve felt good strength and a noticeable difference in my body. I’m not retaining water and my clothes are feeling looser. Today is technically my last injection of Tren and last Var for 2 weeks, unless I decide to extend it another week.
As far as sides go man the longer I run Tren the more sides start to show. In the second week I’ll feel the strength increase and sweating more in my workouts. I don’t feel the bad sides until later.
So I get the strength gain and sweat more in workouts without bad sides because the Tren IS working. Just because your not feeling common sides like heartburn, night sweats, or insomnia doesn’t mean it’s not working!
I’ve only had the bad sides after being on it for weeks. My opinion is that the Tren is working on you but you’re not feeling the sides because your time on hasn’t been long enough.
I think if you’re wanting to stay away from those bad sides then the plan you have will work.
For me I’d want to barely start feeling the bad sides and then stop. Like after your full 3rd week. I also think Tren A would be a good replacement for orals.
Run it 4 weeks at the beginning or end or both.
That’s one of the fun things about this shit! Trial and error to find the recipe that fits for you!
(Being smart and safe is just a given when doing so, as you already know).
Heartburn is the number one side for me and rare night sweats maybe once every 7-10 days or so.
No heartburn thank God, but I’m on esomaprazole anyway for acid reflux. I’ve been using the topical magnesium which should be helping with my BP as well as the acid reflux and helping to actually absorb proper nutrients that I probably haven’t in YEARS due to the magnesium deficiency caused by the acid reflux meds. Been getting the occasional sweats, but nothing massive.

Edit - I have been sweating a LOT more during workout times.
I literally have very minimal sides bro, but I’ll say that today is the first day where I’ve felt good strength and a noticeable difference in my body. I’m not retaining water and my clothes are feeling looser. Today is technically my last injection of Tren and last Var for 2 weeks, unless I decide to extend it another week.
Finally grew some hair on your pecker ?:D
I wanna post a pic of my clave and put a note on it that says "Canadian Pressure Cooker".

Don’t hate. You’re just jealous that he’s got an actual basement to set his weed tent up to brew out of. The guy is showing a lot of potential for a former hard drug dealer.

I’ve learned that Canadians are some of the easiest people to agitate.

And they got @balco now. I ask you, what could be more amusing?


geez . 100 pages . i only read 40 pages and wanted to smash my head into the monitor , but some of the shit i was reading had me ROFL . it kept me going. ya motherfuckers are hilarious in here
I wanna post a pic of my clave and put a note on it that says "Canadian Pressure Cooker".
This would make a funny meme!

That dude doesn’t know if he’s coming or going!
Sells finished oils, and I’ll be generous and guess he has $1,000 or less invested to produce it.

Doesn’t sell orals,
Has a $12,000 rotary press.

Makes sense! :rolleyes: