Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Long night of frog gigging. Hopefully the lady doesn’t mind frog blood and pond scum in her kitchen sink

Pce out
@TitaniumGear (TGI) so since I don’t spend everyday on here and look through tons of bullshit on this thread I’m too late to get a response with private email? Even though I’ve ordered a few times lol
Yes, the bronkaid has 25mg of ephedrine but it also has an expectorant in there as well. It gives me a ton of mucus.
@TitaniumGear (TGI) so since I don’t spend everyday on here and look through tons of bullshit on this thread I’m too late to get a response with private email? Even though I’ve ordered a few times lol
Whoa how dare you call our rhetoric bullshit! Nothing but informative butt hole talk around here.

You have until the stroke of midnight tonight. I’m not sure what capacity he’s at but he does have a cut off number.

Including a hairy butt hole pic is known to persuade him. FYI
@TitaniumGear (TGI) so since I don’t spend everyday on here and look through tons of bullshit on this thread I’m too late to get a response with private email? Even though I’ve ordered a few times lol
i was answering emails waiting on glassware to dry and fell asleep. I still haven't made it thru day 1 of all the emails. If i get to yours before I'm full it won't be for any special reason as i am responding to the order received. I may be opening from time to time to increase list size if sales are too slow. This is new to me so lots of trial and error.
@TitaniumGear (TGI) so since I don’t spend everyday on here and look through tons of bullshit on this thread I’m too late to get a response with private email? Even though I’ve ordered a few times lol

It’s alright dude, I have 30 different alt handles (31 if you count @balco but that got blacklisted) and I emailed him from 30 different email accounts right at 8:00 Friday night. I’ll start my membership auction tmrw morning. [emoji12]