Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Private list is full at this time. I will post up if i need to reopen for more customers. Still taking orders from anyone until midnight CENTRAL time. That's PAID orders for you skeevy fuckers that think you can send in an order for processing and pay for it after cut off time.
I bet that process was fun :rolleyes:
Beginning of the week is guna be a cluster fuck of putting orders together for non-private members scrambling for tonight’s cutoff.

As long as they are MEN about it and don’t flood our happy thread with sob stories and begging.

Now that TGI announced his list is full, that’s gonna start any minute...
As long as they are MEN about it and don’t flood our happy thread with sob stories and begging.

Now that TGI announced his list is full, that’s gonna start any minute...
Capitalism is great isn’t it? TGI has a choice between raising prices to the increased demand or limiting customer base. And he does the thing best for the community anyways.
Had to walk 2mins in 60mph wind to my apartment from parking garage. Had the strongest urge to slam the fucking gate through the wall when I got to my building. Took a deep breath and made it clang just a bit to be petty. Tren definitely kicking in LMFAO