Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Hopefully in going private you were able to screen out all of the 'exceedingly hard to do business with' types. Stuff makes me laugh but that's the world.

Anyway - wanted to wish you good luck going forward. Been impressed since the beginning and you've worked for and fully earned the business you've gotten as well as solid compliments. Well done and respect.
@TitaniumGear (TGI) we should have a day dedicated to you posting up all the crazy shitstorm emails you get from desperate fucks lol
Hopefully in going private you were able to screen out all of the 'exceedingly hard to do business with' types. Stuff makes me laugh but that's the world.

Anyway - wanted to wish you good luck going forward. Been impressed since the beginning and you've worked for and fully earned the business you've gotten as well as solid compliments. Well done and respect.
thanks. I seek continual improvement. Always something i can do better.

@TitaniumGear (TGI) we should have a day dedicated to you posting up all the crazy shitstorm emails you get from desperate fucks lol
Opsec violation. But i wish. Funny af.
Serious question. Those that are allegedly on the list. If they have a question for you about product or something do you want it posted here? Or emailed?
Thread will still be active. So will i.
Nothing underneath?
nothing but a tail(s).
125/125 test/npp and 150/150 mast/tren right?

10 weeks max (maybe just 8), but probably something like this:

Weeks 1-4
1.5CC of NPP/TPP EOD (650/650ish)

Weeks 5-10 Id make the decision whether or not to run test or tren higher.
1CC NPP/TPP EOD (430/430)
.7 CC TPP EOD (305)
.8CC Mast/Tren EOD (420/420)

Test - 735, NPP - 430, Mast - 420, Tren - 420: 2g

My maths probably wrong somewhere.

If I ran gear this would look very similar to what I will run into Nationals this year. Same compounds and same length of time.

First four weeks look almost identical. Last six weeks Test is very similar, other 3 compounds would also be around 700 mg per week.

Adrol last four weeks at 50, 75, 75, 100.
If I ran gear this would look very similar to what I will run into Nationals this year. Same compounds and same length of time.

First four weeks look almost identical. Last six weeks Test is very similar, other 3 compounds would also be around 700 mg per week.

Adrol last four weeks at 50, 75, 75, 100.
Did I miss a log on your PL’ing? If not and it isn’t there mind telling me your numbers?
Did I miss a log on your PL’ing? If not and it isn’t there mind telling me your numbers?

There are at least a couple of old logs in the powerlifting section. Give you an idea of my numbers. I don't post exact numbers because anyone who is on plwatch could figure out who I was fairly quickly if they wanted to based on my numbers. Not that they are super impressive but competition thins out in the M2 ranks.

Bench is my best lift and I will say I've been north of 400 several times in competition at less than 198.