Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

There are at least a couple of old logs in the powerlifting section. Give you an idea of my numbers. I don't post exact numbers because anyone who is on plwatch could figure out who I was fairly quickly if they wanted to based on my numbers. Not that they are super impressive but competition thins out in the M2 ranks.

Bench is my best lift and I will say I've been north of 400 several times in competition at less than 198.
Yeah, no doubt. That’s awesome tho man. 405 gym bench when I’m 50+ is my goal lol. Idk if I’ll still be squatting and deadlifting for 1rms at that age.
Yeah, no doubt. That’s awesome tho man. 405 gym bench when I’m 50+ is my goal lol. Idk if I’ll still be squatting and deadlifting for 1rms at that age.

I can still pull a decent number despite several hernia surgeries. Squat is my downfall at this point.

I'm bone on bone in one knee and putting off a total replacement so my numbers there aren't strong.
So i just lost my shit via email.

Somebody mailed me at 11 am Friday and I told them hit me back Friday night. They just emailed me again and got pissy when i said i was full.

I won't specify but I have 2 reasons in this world i would kill and die for. That i live for. And i was with those reasons until 8.

And this cocksucker wants to cop an attitude i didn't put my time down for his fucking name on the list.

Just FYI. You never know why i may say i was busy or shit will have to wait or something came up...you may wonder why i have weird hours or specific times i do shit. But believe me, there is good reason. And those reasons will always come before anything else.
Just deer. I’m not in an area or have the tome to travel for anything bigger yet. Can’t wait to hit up some elk or bear when I get settled.

Ah deer depends on where I hunt.

Anything 50-60 yards I use a slug out of a 12, or my 10mm

Anything around 100-150 I use a 450 bushmaster ar15 or a 500mag or a 308

Anything past 150 I use my 308 or 300winmag

For bear I used this last year
That’s whats most impressive honestly.

Thanks HR. Stupidity really at this point. Even doing things as wisely as I can training wise I know it is going to lead to injuries. 3 surgeries in the past 5 years and in need of a couple more.

But competition is what motivates me. I would lift either way, been doing it since I was 16 and don't know any better way to deal with stress. But it wouldn't be with anywhere near the same drive and intensity.
So i just lost my shit via email.

Somebody mailed me at 11 am Friday and I told them hit me back Friday night. They just emailed me again and got pissy when i said i was full.

I won't specify but I have 2 reasons in this world i would kill and die for. That i live for. And i was with those reasons until 8.

And this cocksucker wants to cop an attitude i didn't put my time down for his fucking name on the list.

Just FYI. You never know why i may say i was busy or shit will have to wait or something came up...you may wonder why i have weird hours or specific times i do shit. But believe me, there is good reason. And those reasons will always come before anything else.
And they should
So i just lost my shit via email.

Somebody mailed me at 11 am Friday and I told them hit me back Friday night. They just emailed me again and got pissy when i said i was full.

I won't specify but I have 2 reasons in this world i would kill and die for. That i live for. And i was with those reasons until 8.

And this cocksucker wants to cop an attitude i didn't put my time down for his fucking name on the list.

Just FYI. You never know why i may say i was busy or shit will have to wait or something came up...you may wonder why i have weird hours or specific times i do shit. But believe me, there is good reason. And those reasons will always come before anything else.

Don’t take this the wrong way.

We don’t need / care what your reasons are. But if you say 8pm, it means 8pm.

This isn’t fucking Burger King, we don’t get it our way. You want on the VIP and can’t follow simple instructions, you are going to be on the VIP
I can still pull a decent number despite several hernia surgeries. Squat is my downfall at this point.

I'm bone on bone in one knee and putting off a total replacement so my numbers there aren't strong.
Yeah my dad has the same issue and feeling toward replacement (albeit he doesn't compete, just regular gym guy).