Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

So i just lost my shit via email.

Somebody mailed me at 11 am Friday and I told them hit me back Friday night. They just emailed me again and got pissy when i said i was full.

I won't specify but I have 2 reasons in this world i would kill and die for. That i live for. And i was with those reasons until 8.

And this cocksucker wants to cop an attitude i didn't put my time down for his fucking name on the list.

Just FYI. You never know why i may say i was busy or shit will have to wait or something came up...you may wonder why i have weird hours or specific times i do shit. But believe me, there is good reason. And those reasons will always come before anything else.

I'm goin to channel my inner @brutus79 here although I won't do him justice.

Fucking ridiculous for anyone to get worked up over a source.

TGI has made smart decisions as a businessman to build up his business and it has led him to being successful here.

He is now making a wise business decision going private to limit his risk.

But if I say something that pisses TGI off tomorrow and I'm off the list who gives a fuck.

Anyone who spends any amount of time on here reading and contributing can find a source to supply whatever they need. TGI having or not having my business won't impact him or me.

Read TGI's last paragraph above. There are more important things to him than sourcing. Just as it should be. Guess what happens when there are issues with those important things. TGI is no longer a source and you have to find someone else anyway.

Stop whining about being on the list or not. There is zero magical about TGI. His gear is what it says on the label and dosed pretty accurately just as anyone who sources should be but which isn't always the case.

Edit- His tail may be magical.
I'm goin to channel my inner @brutus79 here although I won't do him justice.

Fucking ridiculous for anyone to get worked up over a source.

TGI has made smart decisions as a businessman to build up his business and it has led him to being successful here.

He is now making a wise business decision going private to limit his risk.

But if I say something that pisses TGI off tomorrow and I'm off the list who gives a fuck.

Anyone who spends any amount of time on here reading and contributing can find a source to supply whatever they need. TGI having or not having my business won't impact him or me.

Read TGI's last paragraph above. There are more important things to him than sourcing. Just as it should be. Guess what happens when there are issues with those important things. TGI is no longer a source and you have to find someone else anyway.

Stop whining about being on the list or not. There is zero magical about TGI. His gear is what it says on the label and dosed pretty accurately just as anyone who sources should be but which isn't always the case.

Edit- His tail may be magical.

I post shit like that for 2 reasons. I don't have any friends (hermit) (asshole) and i fully expect some snot nosed brat in this thread "exposing" some made up problem because i told him to kick rocks.

I post shit like that for 2 reasons. I don't have any friends (hermit) (asshole) and i fully expect some snot nosed brat in this thread "exposing" some made up problem because i told him to kick rocks.

i like the sharing of email stories. i've never sourced, but i could only imagine the amount of stupid shit people contact you about. A lot of rocket scientists come and go from here.
I’m surprised you can hear the alerts on your phone with the vacuum running?
Everything is fun with my pink vacuum!!
Serously love it. Guys don’t buy this for your woman on her birthday, anniversary, or Christmas. Just give it to her as an “Everyday gift.” 2CC4779A-7A4B-4A94-9800-4AFC031D10C7.jpeg

Edited-or Valentine’s Day
But If you do give on these holidays put a Tiffany’s necklace on it.
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Private list is full at this time. I will post up if i need to reopen for more customers. Still taking orders from anyone until midnight CENTRAL time. That's PAID orders for you skeevy fuckers that think you can send in an order for processing and pay for it after cut off time.
I have BTC that will clear on Monday. I didn't know that the assholes at Coinbase would put a 3 week hold on my shit. I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask if that would be cool. If not, no big deal. That's what you get for showing up late to the party.
I have BTC that will clear on Monday. I didn't know that the assholes at Coinbase would put a 3 week hold on my shit. I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask if that would be cool. If not, no big deal. That's what you get for showing up late to the party.
Do it for one, do it for all. Keep your eye on this thread. If sales are too slow i will scoop from my "public" email and add to my private list. Or i may post up here and add 5 at a time with orders ready. Just gotta keep an eye out.
If condition was excellent, low round count yes. You figure 1400 + tax and transfer new vs 1000 straight. Seems ok.

Didn't mean to jump in the middle but I likes guns
Pawn shop would give the guy 750 and he's gonna look at a gun show as well. I may wait him out. I damn sure don't need a money eater. I bet rounds are a buck each or more for that thing.
Everything is fun with my pink vacuum!!
Serously love it. Guys don’t buy this for your woman on her birthday, anniversary, or Christmas. Just give it to her as an “Everyday gift.” View attachment 108844

Edited-or Valentine’s Day
But If you do give on these holidays put a Tiffany’s necklace on it.
I can buy an airplane doesn’t mean I know how to use it.