Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

So apparently the lady does get mad if she finds frog guts and pond scum in the sink. Lesson learned. Don’t be home when she gets up
So apparently the lady does get mad if she finds frog guts and pond scum in the sink. Lesson learned. Don’t be home when she gets up
Does she remain mad if you clean it up?

I thought shared responsibility was a family value. You gig ‘em and she cleans up the mess. Sounds fair to me.
Does she remain mad if you clean it up?

I thought shared responsibility was a family value. You gig ‘em and she cleans up the mess. Sounds fair to me.

Right! She should have had them cooked up with eggs in the morning for me..... women am I right?

@Kim would have them made for me
Private list is full at this time. I will post up if i need to reopen for more customers. Still taking orders from anyone until midnight CENTRAL time. That's PAID orders for you skeevy fuckers that think you can send in an order for processing and pay for it after cut off time.
i dont come on here for a week, next thing i see he's going private. this sucks, cuz ive made more progress with his npp/tbol in the last 4 weeks than ive made with any gear ive used the last 5 years. its amazing to use shit thats dosed properly for once.
so i emailed you with my handle here, hoping i can stay as a client.
i dont come on here for a week, next thing i see he's going private. this sucks, cuz ive made more progress with his npp/tbol in the last 4 weeks than ive made with any gear ive used the last 5 years. its amazing to use shit thats dosed properly for once.
so i emailed you with my handle here, hoping i can stay as a client.
See previous post.
97 yen = 0 USD (we won the war bitch)

Canadian money - we don’t want it, better watch it or we will build a wall around you next lol
I laughed at this one.

Exactly how the fuck do I always end up with one Canadian quarter when I’m trying to buy a fucking drink out of the machine and that’s all I have?