Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

How are the sides on tren? Still debating between mast and tren. Have plenty of test and dbol, just need to decide what to pair with. Not sure I can handle the aggression of tren since I’m already ‘on edge’ naturally

My advice? Tren is not worth it. I tried it once. Prolly never again. Some people say the side effects are placebo but I can tell you I was on edge pretty bad while on Ace. Anytime anybody opened their mouth to say something I wanted to punch them directly in the face, even my family members. I have anger/anxiety issues to begin with so I am sure the Tren didn’t help.
Plus, I don’t think tanking your HDL is worth it unless you are competing for $$.
Get the fuck off my phone you psycho!

Kidding but like @MisterSuperGod said if u haven’t go introduce yourself in the new members section and please god DONT ASK IF THIS SOURCE IS GTG. We’ll any for that matter. Thanks

Titter actually made the suggestion for an intro. i checked through my list of alternate handles and to my suprise, Titter isn't one of them, so i can't take credit for that one.
Holy shit, that was you?! That was me in the other car.

Again, all me. You pissed me off. I followed you home, waited til the coast was clear, broke into your pantry and ate them bitches. Drank your fairlife too and replaced it with yoohoo. Have a good day, man.
You son of bitch you!!! You were almost in the clear until you replaced my fairlife with some worthless flint water Yoo-hoo :mad:
Wow! I’m pretty sure there is a high chance that you don’t respect your wife, nor do you respect her father, and you probably just don’t have respect for women in general.
Hell, your probably abusive over your steak being under/over cooked.
Almost like an all around piece of shit.
But what do I know?
This one hit home?
My buddy runs tren e at 6-700 a week along with deca at 600 and test around the same. Literally has zero sides and I know for a fact all his shit is legit. Unbelievable

Edit: he does break out pretty bad on his back and that’s about it.

I believe it! Everyone’s biochemistry is different! I thought tren was going to be rough the first time I used it years ago. But nope! Legitimately thought what I had was bunk because I didn’t have bad sides haha, but after running it several times from several proven sources I realized that my body just accepts tren and doesn’t cause any major sides for me. Only increased sweating at the gym and maybe a very minor drop in endurance. Tren cough too, but that happens to everyone if you knick a vein. I get the same feeling in my lungs with test if I knock a vein when pinning, I just don’t cough like I do when it happens with tren.
You fucking fuckers. Went and got some chocolate fairlife again after a couple years since last having it. Can't believe I spent $3.18/half gallon, but the shit does taste good at least.

I probably look goofy as all fuckall drinking it with my pinky up, but it doesn't feel like I'm getting the full experience if I just skull it.
NOLA just gave me word NPP/TPP results came in.
TPP is OD at 140mg. NPP is OD at 126mg. Not sure how i got TPP @ 12% OD but i will make sure to watch the next run more closely.
Oh, tried to pay 15 days later. I did not know you were offering a lay-a-way program.... oh wait you're not

Fucking people gonna start trying to trade you EBT for gear now

And for anyone thinking this is an exaggeration, look at this shit LMAO

I have been offered a 4 wheeler for a test tren mast cycle. Not kidding.

Fucking died back when I read this
My buddy runs tren e at 6-700 a week along with deca at 600 and test around the same. Literally has zero sides and I know for a fact all his shit is legit. Unbelievable

Edit: he does break out pretty bad on his back and that’s about it.

I'm in the same boat as your friend allegedly.

The downside is I can almost guarantee you that he also doesn't see the results at low doses that a lot (or most) other guys do.
I'm in the same boat as your friend allegedly.

The downside is I can almost guarantee you that he also doesn't see the results at low doses that a lot (or most) other guys do.

I have hardly any sides and I have extreme changes in my physique at 350mg/wk of tren. More sides does not equal better results.
@TitaniumGear (TGI)
Found a labmax kit in my closet, decided to test TitsView attachment 108801 lady var. Color should be brown after 15 mins, and...........looks good to me.
my 3rd labmax (2 customers 1 was mine. All passed. But hplc/ms tells me my var is real var.

Well that’s good to hear as I’m getting some of that for my lady friend in my next order. I don’t want to be responsible if she grows a penis if the var isn’t actually var hahaha.
My var is always tested to ensure no unwanted dick clits.
Touchdown titters! <3
enjoy your creatines.