Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Good point, but then it goes back to the age old question: what is considered big and what is small? Semen output is dependent on more than the size of your dong, like heredity, diet, smoking status, and overall health.
Speaking anecdotally, if you start nutting 2-4 times a day for awhile, then take a day or two off loads are HUGE
None today
Uhhhh ahhhh im sure... just by what Kim does NOT say acknowledges how she feels ..Kim is not gonna lie that’s not her forte ‘... so it’s best not to say anything because who wants to be hurtful
Alright. Tren A 350mg/wk versus 500mg/wk. I’ve used tren several times at 350mg/wk but am thinking about bumping that up to 500mg for this go using titters tren. Anyone have experience with the two doses who can comment. I only get mild sides from tren so I’m not worried about that aspects. Mainly price of increasing from .5ml/day to .75ml/day to corresponding effectiveness from the increase.
Alright. Tren A 350mg/wk versus 500mg/wk. I’ve used tren several times at 350mg/wk but am thinking about bumping that up to 500mg for this go using titters tren. Anyone have experience with the two doses who can comment. I only get mild sides from tren so I’m not worried about that aspects. Mainly price of increasing from .5ml/day to .75ml/day to corresponding effectiveness from the increase.
Get out as much as you can for as long as you can with as little as you can. I say start at 350 and increase halfway through if needed.
Get out as much as you can for as long as you can with as little as you can. I say start at 350 and increase halfway through if needed.

Have also considered this. I can run it for two 8 week cycles at 350mg/wk with how much I ordered. Really just curious how large of a benefit it would be to increase it to 500mg/wk.
Uhhhh ahhhh im sure... just by what Kim does NOT say acknowledges how she feels ..Kim is not gonna lie that’s not her forte ‘... so it’s best not to say anything because who wants to be hurtful
Wow that’s so accurate.
Tren + EQ + Test E. Treating me great. I've also got Tgi NPP/TPP on deck.. Had that Labia tear and it was really slowing me down,but I have taken it easy and now I'm feeling great. Thinking that I am gonna be able to start upping the weight and really get it soon..
Titter gear is treating me awesome.. 0 pip with any of the stuff I'm taking... Was starting to feel the tren sides, but it hasn't become unmanageable.. I was struggling a bit and I changed 2 things that have made ALL the difference. I get home at like 9 pm from work, so I was hitting the gym late, and it was rough... Was really struggling to find energy at that time .. now I wake up early and get to the gym around 630 am before work, and I feel 100000x better everyday. Getting my workout in early has been a game changer.. The second thing I think has been a game changer is the Topical Magnesium. At first I didn't notice anything... 2 weeks in... My mental state is better... Less pain and soreness. Energy... The combination of those 2 changes plus the addition of TGI , has literally changed my everyday life for the better... It's nuts..
Thanks to a good source and good tips and information from all you fuckers at Meso. This thread is gold. The community for the most part is fuckin awesome, and I hope titter is around for a long long time... I am gonna add to.my stash pretty soon, just trying to figure out what to get.
Have also considered this. I can run it for two 8 week cycles at 350mg/wk with how much I ordered. Really just curious how large of a benefit it would be to increase it to 500mg/wk.
How many times have you ran it so far? I think two full 8 week cycles with the 350 will deff bring more gains overall. Think about how much more training diet and sleep you can get in during an extra full 8 weeks compared to one 8-10 week cycle at 500.
How many times have you ran it so far? I think two full 8 week cycles with the 350 will deff bring more gains overall. Think about how much more training diet and sleep you can get in during an extra full 8 weeks compared to one 8-10 week cycle at 500.

This was my logic as well. Three times at 350mg/wk. Hardly any sides but a definite and drastic change in my physique from just that dose. I’m likely going to run two cycles. I have some winny too that I’m going to throw in towards the end, which I also have ample experience with and it’s my favorite oral... other than the fun kind from pretty ladies!!!
@really small guy

By labia tear I’m assuming you mean labrum?! Lmao. Be careful with that, the labrum does not repair itself as it’s cartilage, and I had surgery to repair mine about 4 years ago. The recovery from surgery is absolutely brutal.
This was my logic as well. Three times at 350mg/wk. Hardly any sides but a definite and drastic change in my physique from just that dose. I’m likely going to run two cycles. I have some winny too that I’m going to throw in towards the end, which I also have ample experience with and it’s my favorite oral... other than the fun kind from pretty ladies!!!
Hahaha agreed on that last part. But yeah man I’d say run that bitch twice and get some good gains.
Hahaha agreed on that last part. But yeah man I’d say run that bitch twice and get some good gains.

I’m currently cutting so I’m going to run it for one cycle for my cut, and then I’ll run it later in the year for my lean bulk.

Appreciate the input man.