Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

It’s also been about 3 years since I’ve ran tren last, so it should be good times.
Yeah, we are meant for each other. Just don’t live in the same state. She moved. Has a good career and what not. I got a business here and Florida is to fuckin hot in the summer. Honestly, it’s embarrassing when I finally go and she is looking around the room for it like an Easter egg hunt.. nope it’s just that little spec on your back. :eek::oops::(
Lmfao! That got me to literally lol!
Tons of supplements you could blame that on though bro! Just pick one and go with it, she’ll probably not know the difference lol.
There is a drug that can make you produce more cum I’m just not sure what it is called. I just remember reading about dudes talking about it on here somewhere.

The drug your thinking of to give those big loads is Clomid. Just remember that Clomid is a fertility drug and will increase then volume and quality of your porn star loads your gonna be spraying everywhere.
The drug your thinking of to give those big loads is Clomid. Just remember that Clomid is a fertility drug and will increase then volume and quality of your porn star loads your gonna be spraying everywhere.

Can attest to this attribute. I should use it and audition for Cum 4K, I won’t have to use fake loads either, just add some pramipexole into the mix and I’ll be good to go!
Nooo!!! Miguel Andujar tore his Labia !!!! Could be out for season if he needs surgery. .
So the Yankees we're a favorite to win the world series this year and now have half the starting infield out with injuries...
2/3 of the starting outfielders...
2 of the starting pitchers and one of the better relief pitchers ..
Probably 4 of the best bats in the lineup out with injury and really only leaving Judge as a big bat in the lineup.

Did anyone else hope for a championship Yankees team this year???
(1) L-Arginine, 1000mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 1000mg
(2) Zinc, 50mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 50mg
(3) Pygeum, 100mg Strength, Taken 2 times daily = 200mg
(4) Lecithin, 1200mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 1200mg

Let me know how this works for you for increasing your load.
The holy Grail of cum loads
@really small guy

By labia tear I’m assuming you mean labrum?! Lmao. Be careful with that, the labrum does not repair itself as it’s cartilage, and I had surgery to repair mine about 4 years ago. The recovery from surgery is absolutely brutal.
Ye it's the labrum... But the doctor said there is a small tear but it's not bad enough that I need surgery if I can function... So I'm trying to get through the baseball season and after that I will have the surgery. That's why I have been going light. I just want to get the best results I can without reinjuring or making it worse. But things are going well and I've been playing ball and working out with minimal pain and a cortisone shot
@really small guy

I lived with and trained with my tear for years before I realized it was torn. I think I originally tore in snowboarding or BMX biking as a teenager. I couldn’t throw a baseball hard without my shoulder popping out of its socket and then going right back in. Years later after I started bodybuilding I was doing straight arm pull downs at the gym with light weight, and on the way back up on one of my last reps I had a very violent dislocation again, only this time the pain didn’t go away in a few hours. By the second day of the pain persisting I went in to an orthopedic surgeon and had them check it out, he told me it was torn before even having an MRI and then the MRI just confirmed it. By the time he cut me open for surgery, he found it was torn halfway around and hanging like a wet noodle. Haven’t had any problems since the surgery, but the recovery was about a year before I was finally pain free.
@really small guy

I lived with and trained with my tear for years before I realized it was torn. I think I originally tore in snowboarding or BMX biking as a teenager. I couldn’t throw a baseball hard without my shoulder popping out of its socket and then going right back in. Years later after I started bodybuilding I was doing straight arm pull downs at the gym with light weight, and on the way back up on one of my last reps I had a very violent dislocation again, only this time the pain didn’t go away in a few hours. By the second day of the pain persisting I went in to an orthopedic surgeon and had them check it out, he told me it was torn before even having an MRI and then the MRI just confirmed it. By the time he cut me open for surgery, he found it was torn halfway around and hanging like a wet noodle. Haven’t had any problems since the surgery, but the recovery was about a year before I was finally pain free.
That fucking year recovery though... Fuck me if I won't go insane
I used 2 week tren and 2 week oral runs in the second half of my offseason and it worked great. Put a week or two in between them and it’s a nice way to keep things moving without stacking up sides.

Yes. My offseason looked like this (shameless plug for my daily log):
Weeks 1-4
Test Cyp - 750
Deca - 500 (NPP kick)
Dbol - 25-50mg (cut after week 3 for wrecking my apetite

Weeks 5-8
Test Cyp - 750
Deca - 500

Weeks 9-10
Test Cyp - 750
Deca - 500
Tren - 350

Weeks 11-12
Test Cyp - 750
Deca - 500

Weeks 13-14
Test Cyp - 750
Deca - 500
Inj SDrol - 12.5-20mg

Weeks 15-16
Test Cyp - 750
Deca - 500
Tren - 350

For those curious, this got me from 198 to maxing out at 220 (3iu gH included) with peak cals at 6500 (500/850/120).
@Wrath heres my recent use of this concept.
That fucking year recovery though... Fuck me if I won't go insane

Yep... that was the turning point for me when I decided to use gear. Lost damn near everything I worked my ass off for naturally in the 4 years prior. And my life is bodybuilding, I don’t have shit else besides the gym. I made a good choice and I’m happy with it.
Do you ever cycle on and off while adding pct ?? Your obviously being compared to her other natural partners..
Size is everything to a female and is the very first thing they comment on ;if they say otherwise they’re lying ...If you’re packing you rules the roost ...if she is actually commenting about these things then she is openly horrified and greatly disappointed as you too should be.... you know your falling short if you can’t fill a Dixie cup..
she’s finally figured out what she does like and what she does not like so I don’t think you’re gonna need to worry about her for too much longer..
she loves sex and she loves everything about it ..
she has partners and she can’t get enough of it ... you need to settle for a woman that cares about you not about the size of your member... I haven’t encountered one but I hear they’re out there ...
Well I do trt and she keeps coming back for a reason. I when I’m tren these bitches will be leaving not breathing right. But my load is pathetic. It is sad that a lot girls will cheat because there partner is small. However, I can’t say much. My moral compass isn’t always pointed in the right direction. It’s hard to say no when you get a snap saying meet up for lunch. I wonder if a guy wasn’t slamming hormones if I could have some restraint?
Well I do trt and she keeps coming back for a reason. I when I’m tren these bitches will be leaving not breathing right. But my load is pathetic. It is sad that a lot girls will cheat because there partner is small. However, I can’t say much. My moral compass isn’t always pointed in the right direction. It’s hard to say no when you get a snap saying meet up for lunch. I wonder if a guy wasn’t slamming hormones if I could have some restraint?

When I run tren I drip sweat on whoever I’m laying the pipe down on haha. I run out of breath easily too because I’m in jack rabbit mode from the increased aggression.
When I run tren I drip sweat on whoever I’m laying the pipe down on haha. I run out of breath easily too because I’m in jack rabbit mode from the increased aggression.
Man my gf weighs like 130pounds, with a fat ass. I got to be careful when i start grabbing her nowadays. She wont say anything during because she enjoys it and then the next morning I'm like where tf did those bruises come from. She's like "from your big ass trying to break me" hahahaha
Anyone have experience with titaniums T-400? Pinning schedule with it? Now that I'm finding out 9 of my fucking asssquatch's vials of test c won't even fucking crash - looks like I'm going to take the dive into t-400.
Anyone have experience with titaniums T-400? Pinning schedule with it? Now that I'm finding out 9 of my fucking asssquatch's vials of test c won't even fucking crash - looks like I'm going to take the dive into t-400.

No, but his Test C is good to go. I don’t think you have anything to worry about with any of his gear.
Anyone have experience with titaniums T-400? Pinning schedule with it? Now that I'm finding out 9 of my fucking asssquatch's vials of test c won't even fucking crash - looks like I'm going to take the dive into t-400.
Are you on that much test that you need t400?