Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)


You didn’t say a clomid mg. HCG dosages are extremely dependent on how much shit you are taking and how long you have been taking it. Your suggestion is extremely generic and likely the result of seeing someone say it. Which is why I said what I said. Stop trying to be cool, no one fucking cares. Just post whatever youre gonna post and shut the fuck up.
I could give a fuck about being cool why don’t you stop belittling people you moron
Only two things in this life I refuse to endure. Liars, and thiefs.
Well DAMN I agree with that ...I’ll let it go and everything we have said to help this other guy has been said across every board 1 million times not just this thread..my belief is HCG no mattter how much gear u don’t need more than 500 mg a dose a day doing more is a waste but that’s my personal experience....me...some shoot 2000 mg I just don’t think overdoing it works any better ... it’s just me my input
I posted this in the thread I started the other day. Figured I'd update here as well.

Went to the orthopedic today. Waiting on the order for the MRI. But from what he could feel he said the tendon that connects to the delt isn't contracting and he can feel that it's somewhat loose I guess? He said it's definitely not torn completely because you would visually see the muscle sag. He said he doesn't think it requires surgery and might just be a small tear in the tendon but the MRI will tell all. Looks like no gym for a while. I might do some moreresearch on HGH healing properties.
I posted this in the thread I started the other day. Figured I'd update here as well.

Went to the orthopedic today. Waiting on the order for the MRI. But from what he could feel he said the tendon that connects to the delt isn't contracting and he can feel that it's somewhat loose I guess? He said it's definitely not torn completely because you would visually see the muscle sag. He said he doesn't think it requires surgery and might just be a small tear in the tendon but the MRI will tell all. Looks like no gym for a while. I might do some moreresearch on HGH healing properties.
Way sorry to hear that ...I got a scare myself but was lucky...while looking into HGH also look into peptides TB-500
Deca and equipoise are really good to strengthen tendons and repairs ...I would probably employ those first but when you’re talking about a tear there’s only so much the stuff can do
Appreciate it. So it looks like about 4mg TB500 a week and 2ius of GH might really help the process.
No not 4mg but I’ll check TB-500 every few days and 4 iu a day HGH along with other enhancers ...plz do a lot of research so that you’re doing something you feel comfortable with and you thoroughly understand the products that you’re using one person’s input may not be for you
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Titters needs to wake his ass up so I can throw my money at him. I need all the tren! Right meow.