Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Look into BPC-157 too and TB-500 there are some places that put these two together in combination ..peptide science is one but there is a much cheaper one that rocks

You can get sleeves of 10 for the price of just a 2-3 from some suppliers. Definately worth shopping around, and would hit up actual peptide sources on the forums. But I agree, BPC and TB for the win.
I was at work one day at a supplement store years ago while on just test and taking low dose cialis every day, and just the sound of a female with a sexy voice had my soldier standing at full mast. Didn’t even have to see what they looked like.
Do all the women in your office today suddenly look incredibly hot? Better get one in the janitors closet soon!
Yes they do. Even the ones I would NEVER find attractive in the least are lookin mighty fine today. I want to tell my red head secretary to bring her humongous fat ass over and plant it on my face. [emoji50]
Anybody ever see this before... At my local 711, was going for a monster rehab and a muscle milk... And I see this... Gonna give it a shot.. in place of the rehabIMG_20190402_125833928.jpgIMG_20190402_125841635.jpg
50’s a lot isn’t it? I know there’s a max you should adhere to. Maybe it’s 50 but I thought it was 25.

According to my multivitamin, 55mg is 367% of the daily value. However the RDA means shit and is only set to prevent deficiency related disease. So in other words, 100% of your daily value is the bare minimum to not enter a disease state, such as scurvy in regards to vitamin c deficiency.
50’s a lot isn’t it? I know there’s a max you should adhere to. Maybe it’s 50 but I thought it was 25.
Its kind of all over the place pending the usage...But it was just a joke about whitening the wifes teeth with my baby nectar.


  • General: Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) quantities of zinc have been established for boys and men age 14 and older, 11 mg/day; women 19 and older, 8 mg/day; pregnant women 14 to 18, 13 mg/day; pregnant women 19 and older, 11 mg/day; lactating women 14 to 18, 14 mg/day; lactating women 19 and older, 12 mg/day. Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (UL) of zinc for people who are not receiving zinc under medical supervision: adults 19 years and older (including pregnancy and lactation), 40 mg/day. The typical North American male consumes about 13 mg/day of dietary zinc; women consume approximately 9 mg/day. Different salt forms provide different amounts of elemental zinc. Zinc sulfate contains 23% elemental zinc; 220 mg zinc sulfate contains 50 mg zinc. Zinc gluconate contains 14.3% elemental zinc; 10 mg zinc gluconate contains 1.43 mg zinc.
  • For zinc deficiency: In people with mild zinc deficiency, recommendations suggest taking two to three times the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of zinc for 6 months. In people with moderate to severe deficiency, recommendations suggest taking four to five times the RDA for 6 months.
  • For diarrhea: To prevent diarrhea in infants, pregnant women have used 15 mg of zinc, with or without 60 mg of iron and 250 mcg of folic acid, starting 10-24 weeks into pregnancy through one month after giving birth.
  • For treating Wilson's disease: Zinc acetate (Galzin in the U.S.; Wilzin in Europe) is an FDA-approved drug for treating Wilson's disease. The recommended dose, which contains 25-50 mg of zinc, is to be taken three to five times daily.
  • For treating acne: 30-150 mg elemental zinc daily has been used.
  • For an inherited disorder that affects zinc uptake (acrodermatitis enteropathica): Taking 2-3 mg/kg of elemental zinc daily for a lifetime is recommended for treating an inherited disorder that affects zinc uptake.
  • For age-related vision loss (age-related macular degeneration): A combination of 80 mg of elemental zinc, 2 mg of copper, 500 mg of vitamin C, 400 IU of vitamin E, and 15 mg of beta-carotene taken daily for 5 years has been used in people with advanced age-related vision loss.
  • For the eating disorder anorexia nervosa: 14-50 mg of elemental zinc has been used daily.
  • For tumors in the colon and rectum: A combination supplement containing 200 mcg of selenium, 30 mg of zinc, 2 mg of vitamin A, 180 mg of vitamin C, and 30 mg of vitamin E has been taken daily for up to 5 years.
  • For treating the common cold: One zinc gluconate or acetate lozenge, providing 4.5-24 mg elemental zinc, dissolved in the mouth every two hours while awake when cold symptoms are present.
  • For depression: 25 mg of elemental zinc has been used daily for 12 weeks along with antidepressant medications.
  • For taste disorder (hypogeusia): 140-450 mg of zinc gluconate has been taken in up to three divided doses daily for up to 4 months. Also, 25 mg of elemental zinc taken daily for 6 weeks has been used. A zinc-containing product called polaprezinc (Promac, Zeria Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd) has also been used.
  • For skin lesions (leishmania lesions): 2.5-10 mg/kg of zinc sulfate has been taken in three divided doses daily for 45 days.
  • For muscle cramps: 220 mg of zinc sulfate has been taken twice daily for 12 weeks.
  • For osteoporosis: A combination of 15 mg of zinc combined with 5 mg of manganese, 1000 mg of calcium, and 2.5 mg of copper has been used.
  • For stomach ulcers: 300-900 mg of zinc acexamate has been taken in one to three divided doses daily for up to one year. Also, 220 mg of zinc sulfate has been taken three times daily for 3-6 weeks.
  • For pregnancy-related complications: 25 mg of zinc has been taken daily in combination with vitamin A for 3 weeks to restore vision in pregnant women with night blindness. 30 mg of zinc has been taken daily for 6 weeks to lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes during pregnancy.
  • For bed sores: A standard hospital diet plus 9 grams of arginine, 500 mg of vitamin C, and 30 mg of zinc has been used daily for 3 weeks.
  • For sickle cell disease: 220 mg of zinc sulfate three times daily has been used. Also, 50-75 mg of elemental zinc taken daily in up to two divided doses for 2-3 years has been used.
  • For leg ulcers: 220 mg of zinc sulfate taken three times daily has been used along with ulcer dressings.
  • For warts: 400-600 mg of zinc sulfate daily for 2-3 months.
Its kind of all over the place pending the usage...But it was just a joke about whitening the wifes teeth with my baby nectar.


  • General: Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) quantities of zinc have been established for boys and men age 14 and older, 11 mg/day; women 19 and older, 8 mg/day; pregnant women 14 to 18, 13 mg/day; pregnant women 19 and older, 11 mg/day; lactating women 14 to 18, 14 mg/day; lactating women 19 and older, 12 mg/day. Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (UL) of zinc for people who are not receiving zinc under medical supervision: adults 19 years and older (including pregnancy and lactation), 40 mg/day. The typical North American male consumes about 13 mg/day of dietary zinc; women consume approximately 9 mg/day. Different salt forms provide different amounts of elemental zinc. Zinc sulfate contains 23% elemental zinc; 220 mg zinc sulfate contains 50 mg zinc. Zinc gluconate contains 14.3% elemental zinc; 10 mg zinc gluconate contains 1.43 mg zinc.
  • For zinc deficiency: In people with mild zinc deficiency, recommendations suggest taking two to three times the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of zinc for 6 months. In people with moderate to severe deficiency, recommendations suggest taking four to five times the RDA for 6 months.
  • For diarrhea: To prevent diarrhea in infants, pregnant women have used 15 mg of zinc, with or without 60 mg of iron and 250 mcg of folic acid, starting 10-24 weeks into pregnancy through one month after giving birth.
  • For treating Wilson's disease: Zinc acetate (Galzin in the U.S.; Wilzin in Europe) is an FDA-approved drug for treating Wilson's disease. The recommended dose, which contains 25-50 mg of zinc, is to be taken three to five times daily.
  • For treating acne: 30-150 mg elemental zinc daily has been used.
  • For an inherited disorder that affects zinc uptake (acrodermatitis enteropathica): Taking 2-3 mg/kg of elemental zinc daily for a lifetime is recommended for treating an inherited disorder that affects zinc uptake.
  • For age-related vision loss (age-related macular degeneration): A combination of 80 mg of elemental zinc, 2 mg of copper, 500 mg of vitamin C, 400 IU of vitamin E, and 15 mg of beta-carotene taken daily for 5 years has been used in people with advanced age-related vision loss.
  • For the eating disorder anorexia nervosa: 14-50 mg of elemental zinc has been used daily.
  • For tumors in the colon and rectum: A combination supplement containing 200 mcg of selenium, 30 mg of zinc, 2 mg of vitamin A, 180 mg of vitamin C, and 30 mg of vitamin E has been taken daily for up to 5 years.
  • For treating the common cold: One zinc gluconate or acetate lozenge, providing 4.5-24 mg elemental zinc, dissolved in the mouth every two hours while awake when cold symptoms are present.
  • For depression: 25 mg of elemental zinc has been used daily for 12 weeks along with antidepressant medications.
  • For taste disorder (hypogeusia): 140-450 mg of zinc gluconate has been taken in up to three divided doses daily for up to 4 months. Also, 25 mg of elemental zinc taken daily for 6 weeks has been used. A zinc-containing product called polaprezinc (Promac, Zeria Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd) has also been used.
  • For skin lesions (leishmania lesions): 2.5-10 mg/kg of zinc sulfate has been taken in three divided doses daily for 45 days.
  • For muscle cramps: 220 mg of zinc sulfate has been taken twice daily for 12 weeks.
  • For osteoporosis: A combination of 15 mg of zinc combined with 5 mg of manganese, 1000 mg of calcium, and 2.5 mg of copper has been used.
  • For stomach ulcers: 300-900 mg of zinc acexamate has been taken in one to three divided doses daily for up to one year. Also, 220 mg of zinc sulfate has been taken three times daily for 3-6 weeks.
  • For pregnancy-related complications: 25 mg of zinc has been taken daily in combination with vitamin A for 3 weeks to restore vision in pregnant women with night blindness. 30 mg of zinc has been taken daily for 6 weeks to lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes during pregnancy.
  • For bed sores: A standard hospital diet plus 9 grams of arginine, 500 mg of vitamin C, and 30 mg of zinc has been used daily for 3 weeks.
  • For sickle cell disease: 220 mg of zinc sulfate three times daily has been used. Also, 50-75 mg of elemental zinc taken daily in up to two divided doses for 2-3 years has been used.
  • For leg ulcers: 220 mg of zinc sulfate taken three times daily has been used along with ulcer dressings.
  • For warts: 400-600 mg of zinc sulfate daily for 2-3 months.
I actually read semen is great for teeth lol. That’s why @The Terminator can chew through frickin steel.
Yes they do. Even the ones I would NEVER find attractive in the least are lookin mighty fine today. I want to tell my red head secretary to bring her humongous fat ass over and plant it on my face. [emoji50]

That's how you get pink eye. Careful!
Anybody ever see this before... At my local 711, was going for a monster rehab and a muscle milk... And I see this... Gonna give it a shot.. in place of the rehabView attachment 108930View attachment 108931

I saw that recently in Safeway. After reading the ingredients I realized its a copycat of VPX Bang. Once, and only once did I drink an entire can of Bang. That shit is evil!

When I cycle I don't take in any caffeine or stims though. As the goal is to increase blood flow to the muscle. I've come to realize some pre-workouts and stimulants actually constrict your blood vessels. Got turned on to this by watching Seth Feroce videos on You Tube.
Did titanium shut the doors, I just got back from deployment, and was making another order it I read back a few pages, looking like a list of people who can order was made?? Anyone care to enlighten me on the subject?
Did titanium shut the doors, I just got back from deployment, and was making another order it I read back a few pages, looking like a list of people who can order was made?? Anyone care to enlighten me on the subject?

He went private. If you didn't get on this list this past weekend then keep an eye on the thread in case he opens up to take a few more.
Did titanium shut the doors, I just got back from deployment, and was making another order it I read back a few pages, looking like a list of people who can order was made?? Anyone care to enlighten me on the subject?
If ANYONE deserves an exception... If this man actually did just get back from deployment...

Ehhh.. let me not... Not my place.
Next thing everyone is coming back from the moon or something. Or fighting intergalactic space aliens to save Earth.. People are gonna be the Avengers now.


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