Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Just got out of my Dr for trt. She switched me to sub q shots. She said most are switching to it.
Jesus fuck, I’m never leaving this thread ever again. This is my happy place.

Honest to god, even when dudes aren’t getting along here it’s still not bad and it’s easy to control them quick.

The fucking Venom Pharm thread is like an ugly meth house with guys fighting every 2 seconds. Dudes shitting on the floor. It’s just bad everything there.

I even poked fun at Titter originally for having a cult-like following but I drank the koolaid and I’m a believer too. He’s using mind control or something to make this thread what it is.

Even @balco wasn’t able to fuck it up.
Just got out of my Dr for trt. She switched me to sub q shots. She said most are switching to it.

I’ve thought about doing the same, but I’m not comfortable backloading slin pins without someone showing me how to do it first.
I thought pink eye came from not being on @TGI's private list. Ya know, IMing gear procured from shitty sources leading to a staph infection?

I don’t know what you’re on about, but TGI has been one of the best sources since 24k shut his doors years ago. You sound jelly you’re not on his private list.
I thought pink eye came from not being on @TGI's private list. Ya know, IMing gear procured from shitty sources leading to a staph infection?

I should work on my reading comprehension. I now see you said by NOT being on his list.
I don’t know what you’re on about, but TGI has been one of the best sources since 24k shut his doors years ago. You sound jelly you’re not on his private list.
I must have expressed my point wrong. I was suggestively joking that TGI is the BEST source and that going with anyone else is a risk to your health. I made the cut... Apologies for the misunderstanding
I should work on my reading comprehension. I now see you said by NOT being on his list.
No worries I think he does in fact have a cult following and consider myself proud of my membership in the cult. As quick as you were to defend just proves how awesome this source is.
I’ve thought about doing the same, but I’m not comfortable backloading slin pins without someone showing me how to do it first.

Backloading a slin pin is easy but it’s pretty ghetto. YouTube has videos. But you pull the plunger out, use another syringe to fill it, put plunger just barely back in, invert it and push air out.

You can also buy small luer-lock needles 29 ga 5/8” which makes it infinitely safer and as easy as loading a normal needle.
I don’t know what you’re on about, but TGI has been one of the best sources since 24k shut his doors years ago. You sound jelly you’re not on his private list.
I know everyone loved 24k, but TGI has surpassed even him. Testing wasn’t widely available then as it is now and TGI has taken this game to the next FEW levels.

He’s using mind control or something to make this thread what it is.
Backloading a slin pin is easy but it’s pretty ghetto. YouTube has videos. But you pull the plunger out, use another syringe to fill it, put plunger just barely back in, invert it and push air out.

You can also buy small luer-lock needles 29 ga 5/8” which makes it infinitely safer and as easy as loading a normal needle.

That’s what sketches me out. It seems unsanitary.
No worries I think he does in fact have a cult following and consider myself proud of my membership in the cult. As quick as you were to defend just proves how awesome this source is.

I'll happily drink the Jim Jones koolaid!
Everything starts off sanitary. You open the package on a regular pin and go to town with it. This is no difference. Do it right and it’s only exposed to air, the stopper, and your skin.
Jesus fuck, I’m never leaving this thread ever again. This is my happy place.

Honest to god, even when dudes aren’t getting along here it’s still not bad and it’s easy to control them quick.

The fucking Venom Pharm thread is like an ugly meth house with guys fighting every 2 seconds. Dudes shitting on the floor. It’s just bad everything there.

I even poked fun at Titter originally for having a cult-like following but I drank the koolaid and I’m a believer too. He’s using mind control or something to make this thread what it is.

Even @balco wasn’t able to fuck it up.

This is that thread.

Titters needs to wake his ass up so I can throw my money at him. I need all the tren! Right meow.
As a grown man i prefer to dictate my own schedule, thanks.

Did titanium shut the doors, I just got back from deployment, and was making another order it I read back a few pages, looking like a list of people who can order was made?? Anyone care to enlighten me on the subject?
I went private.
How do I know if I was on the list?
You're 2 days too late.
Jesus fuck, I’m never leaving this thread ever again. This is my happy place.

Honest to god, even when dudes aren’t getting along here it’s still not bad and it’s easy to control them quick.

The fucking Venom Pharm thread is like an ugly meth house with guys fighting every 2 seconds. Dudes shitting on the floor. It’s just bad everything there.

I even poked fun at Titter originally for having a cult-like following but I drank the koolaid and I’m a believer too. He’s using mind control or something to make this thread what it is.

Even @balco wasn’t able to fuck it up.
Treat customers like they are your people, you become their people.