Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Lol, I’ve got nothing to worry about. @Kim told me about your dick pics and how she thought it was just a tren clit :oops:

She just told you that to make you feel better.

I actually read semen is great for teeth lol. That’s why @The Terminator can chew through frickin steel.

Is this you’re way of asking for my semen? Would you like it in a cup, used condom or straight from the tap?

Speaking from experience? ;)

T-b is a semen connoisseur..
You can get harpies of the eye by taking a load on the eye, (so I've heard)

It’s possible but unlikely, herpes is spread more by direct skin-skin contact than fluids, unless that fluid happens to be the pus from a herpes blister. Otherwise you’d have a ton of ocular herpes outbreaks in porn, cause you know with all that unprotected sex a large # have hsv and hpv, since neither is tested for.
We've discussed quad injections in here quite a bit so thought I would share. I finally had my first pain free quad injection, this was extremely helpful.

Guys, if i take everyone that PMs on the list what is the point of being private? Sorry some of you "have lives " and "can't bother reading the bullshit" but I posted and gave a weeks notice. So insinuating i have no life is dickish...but kinda true as this does eat my time.

For those on the list, another brief reminder of formats to keep things easy on me

1. Be ready to transfer coin when you order. Fucking this up can make things difficult for me. If you need to know how/why then email me.

2. Order format. Your orders don't need to be fancy. Just simple. Keep oils and orals together. No dollar signs. No milligrams needed unless it is cialis. Please use GSO or MCT when ordering oils.
1 x Test E MCT= 30
2 x T-400 = 35
1 x Cialis 10mg = 25
1 x Viagra = 25
Ship = 10
Total = 115
If you follow this example you can't go wrong. Please don't order caps by count. If you want 120 caps of anavar use 4 x anavar not anavar 120 caps.

3. Min order remains at 250. If you have an emergency please let me know.

4. Dropping from my list. I can and will drop people for not using protocol. Being private should ensure i have clients that are easiest to work with. The best of meso.

5. Security. Please do not share my private email with anyone. Or your pin number/zipcode combo.

6. Meso thread. I will still monitor and participate on meso. To include posting testing data and making quarterly donations to AL.

7. Addresses. Write the address the way it appears on a parcel. Example:
Name name
1234 street
Gainsville, FL
Without a name i will use current resident.
when we first email to setup an order do we state our zip and pin so you can check to make sure were on your list or how does that work? been searching through the thread havent found the answer to this yet.
I'm still scurred to do it.

Thanks for posting this!
I was too man, but been forcing myself to find a way that doesnt kill me. Every other time I would go into the muscle either from the top or the side, all the way into the meat of the muscle. This was flawless.
when we first email to setup an order do we state our zip and pin so you can check to make sure were on your list or how does that work? been searching through the thread havent found the answer to this yet.
I was just gonna include it in the order email, like the subject or first thing in email... idk, but good point... I just thought doing so would skip a back and forth but I'm sure titter will let us know
when we first email to setup an order do we state our zip and pin so you can check to make sure were on your list or how does that work? been searching through the thread havent found the answer to this yet.

I was just gonna include it in the order email, like the subject or first thing in email... idk, but good point... I just thought doing so would skip a back and forth but I'm sure titter will let us know

Subject line is fine.
Had to listen to liberal SJW faggots talk about minority oppression and the fear white men have of becoming the minorit for 2 hours.

Who wants to fight so I can blow off some steam? Or a gf I can fuck for a few hours?
I’ll fight you, I’m a white nationalist.
We've discussed quad injections in here quite a bit so thought I would share. I finally had my first pain free quad injection, this was extremely helpful.

Awesome! I’m saving this video. Quads are my least favorite to pin, but when I run propionate or acetate esters I pin ED and only my glutes, shoulders and quads. And sometimes I hit the wrong spot in my quad and walk with a limp for a couple days. Doesn’t stop me from pinning them, but it would be great to not feel like someone took a hammer and smashed my quad with it.
I'm still scurred to do it.

Thanks for posting this!
I enjoy IM quad shots. You’ll find areas where it just goes in smooth. I didn’t my Sub Q tonight because I’m scared of them. I have blasted quads, Ventroglute, delts, tried pecs twice but something about putting what is supposed to be in my muscle in my skin is just wrong. We’ll see.
She just told you that to make you feel better.

Is this you’re way of asking for my semen? Would you like it in a cup, used condom or straight from the tap?

T-b is a semen connoisseur..
Lol, good yet failed attempt to turn it around and deflect it on me. Own it my friend, it fits you like a cheap suit ;)
I enjoy IM quad shots. You’ll find areas where it just goes in smooth. I didn’t my Sub Q tonight because I’m scared of them. I have blasted quads, Ventroglute, delts, tried pecs twice but something about putting what is supposed to be in my muscle in my skin is just wrong. We’ll see.

I've done my quads a few times without an issue until last week. My right quad where I injected was super itchy a couple days after I injected and it lasted about 4 or 5 days. Do you think I moved the needle too much or something? It's fine now and definitely wasn't infected.
I've done my quads a few times without an issue until last week. My right quad where I injected was super itchy a couple days after I injected and it lasted about 4 or 5 days. Do you think I moved the needle too much or something? It's fine now and definitely wasn't infected.
It’s possible but unlikely, herpes is spread more by direct skin-skin contact than fluids, unless that fluid happens to be the pus from a herpes blister. Otherwise you’d have a ton of ocular herpes outbreaks in porn, cause you know with all that unprotected sex a large # have hsv and hpv, since neither is tested for.
It's funny you mention porn. I'm a porn addict. About 15 years ago I use to work part time in a porno shop. (Clerk/not mopping the floor) during slow times on my 3rd shift I would read AVN NEWS. It's an industry magazine for vendors. In an interview they did with Belladonna, she said she mo longer let's guys cum get in her eyes because everyone in the industry has herpes and she didnt want to get herpes of the eye.i dont know why that has stuck with me till this day, but that's where I got it from.
I've done my quads a few times without an issue until last week. My right quad where I injected was super itchy a couple days after I injected and it lasted about 4 or 5 days. Do you think I moved the needle too much or something? It's fine now and definitely wasn't infected.
Nope, if it was itchy that indicates allergic reaction. Can happen with anything introduced to the body that’s not suppose to be there.
You would have to have severe Parkinson’s to move a needle to do the slightest damage. Not saying you worry too much but most people worry to much about injections. Just make sure you alcohol swab the area, watch for anything in the solution and keep your needle sterile.

Edit, allergic reaction can range from tiny bit of itching to dead.