Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

I've done my quads a few times without an issue until last week. My right quad where I injected was super itchy a couple days after I injected and it lasted about 4 or 5 days. Do you think I moved the needle too much or something? It's fine now and definitely wasn't infected.
Yeah, the needles will cut the muscle up. You’ll have to be pretty shaky, but the up and down motion can cause slices. Sometimes if I get inpatient I’ll inject fast and that makes it itch. I found about 45-60 seconds a ML with a 25 gauge needle is perfect for me.
I've done my quads a few times without an issue until last week. My right quad where I injected was super itchy a couple days after I injected and it lasted about 4 or 5 days. Do you think I moved the needle too much or something? It's fine now and definitely wasn't infected.
It took me four years to hit my quads now there my go too. You have to ramp up volume slowly. I’ve limped for a week from 1ml of test. Now I’m overflowing 3.5 ml @ 1100mg all in one go with zero pip.
It took me four years to hit my quads now there my go too. You have to ramp up volume slowly. I’ve limped for a week from 1ml of test. Now I’m overflowing 3.5 ml @ 1100mg all in one go with zero pip.
Fuck. I hit tendon last spring and didn’t move it for 12 days. I stay clear of the rectus femoris.
Just fyi, sometimes i use a website that does not auto correct addresses when my main website is down. If you supply an address that is no good and i don't catch it i will not be liable for the missing pack. That will also terminate your membership with TGI. Dead packs are a huge risk to me and my label. Please be careful with your addresses.
Never let them shame you/us. Our ancestors built the west, fought for it and laid the foundation for personal freedoms.
This. I keep little reminders of my people/ancestors/freedom wherever I stay. Huge vegvisir banner with the runes around it, next to the bill of rights and the declaration.77CC2EF4-7B92-4C1A-9D84-A2594C7887E7.jpegC506A0F8-9973-46B1-ACA3-B8BDBBF044C4.jpeg

Fuck all the pussies who try to play the victim when they live like fucking Kings over here. When your poorest people claiming benefits weigh 400 pounds, they got life pretty damn good (even if they are worthless peices of shit and wastes of space).