Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

That's fine but you hate/dislike other people because they were born in a different part of the world than you? The USA is fundamentally based on (legal) immigration, everyone has the right to pursue that.
He's proud if his heritage...why can't white people be proud but every other race can...why is being a proud black man considered great but being a proud white man is frowned upon...the dude isn't a slave owner or does he wanna be one...too bad you have no pride so u couldn't ever understand
It's funny you mention porn. I'm a porn addict. About 15 years ago I use to work part time in a porno shop. (Clerk/not mopping the floor) during slow times on my 3rd shift I would read AVN NEWS. It's an industry magazine for vendors. In an interview they did with Belladonna, she said she mo longer let's guys cum get in her eyes because everyone in the industry has herpes and she didnt want to get herpes of the eye.i dont know why that has stuck with me till this day, but that's where I got it from.

lol I mean it’s a definite possibility, but from what I read it’s pretty unlikely to get herpes from semen or vaginal secretions. And I have no doubt they all have herpes or hpv, they can’t even test you for hpv unless it’s on the cervix or you have a visible wart, and they only test for herpes when there’s a visible outbreak, not as accurate on regular blood tests. I’ve definitely seen warts in porn, and even cold sores lol. What do you expect when you have that much unprotected sex with strangers.
For someone who has a copy of the Constitution on the wall you seem to know little to nothing about that or the history of the US.
Pretty sure that was me who said that, and I dont see where he said anything about not allowing other races in America. He just said that he personally believes (AS IN HE HAS AN OPINION OH MY GOD CRUCIFY HIM), that the white race is a superior race. Not that others shouldnt be allowed to live their lives how they want to.
For someone who has a copy of the Constitution on the wall you seem to know little to nothing about that or the history of the US.
Your confusing me with a different guy.

And i done hate bc of race. I just believe mine to be superior.
He's proud if his heritage...why can't white people be proud but every other race can...why is being a proud black man considered great but being a proud white man is frowned upon...the dude isn't a slave owner or does he wanna be one...too bad you have no pride so u couldn't ever understand
I agree 100%! It is not inherently racist to be proud of your culture/ethnicity, but that tattoo is associated with race haters.
Pretty sure that was me who said that, and I dont see where he said anything about not allowing other races in America. He just said that he personally believes (AS IN HE HAS AN OPINION OH MY GOD CRUCIFY HIM), that the white race is a superior race. Not that others shouldnt be allowed to live their lives how they want to.

Pretty sure that was me who said that, and I dont see where he said anything about not allowing other races in America. He just said that he personally believes (AS IN HE HAS AN OPINION OH MY GOD CRUCIFY HIM), that the white race is a superior race. Not that others shouldnt be allowed to live their lives how they want to.
He has the right to hold that opinion however ridiculous it may me. Show me any scientific evidence that backs that up, don't cite IQ studies comparing 1st world countries to 3rd world though.
Your confusing me with a different guy.

And i done hate bc of race. I just believe mine to be superior.
Cite studies that back up your claim.
I'm willing to be persuaded, but this has been a topic in numerous classes I've taken recently and no evidence showed proof of that
Lol, good yet failed attempt to turn it around and deflect it on me. Own it my friend, it fits you like a cheap suit ;)

Come on bro you know I’m here to help, no need to be shy with me. I don’t mind sharing my super jizz with you, no judgement here, I mean we’re almost family.
I agree 100%! It is not inherently racist to be proud of your culture/ethnicity, but that tattoo is associated with race haters.
He has the right to hold that opinion however ridiculous it may me. Show me any scientific evidence that backs that up, don't cite IQ studies comparing 1st world countries to 3rd world though.
I base my opinions on life experiences.
That's fine but you hate/dislike other people because they were born in a different part of the world than you? The USA is fundamentally based on (legal) immigration, everyone has the right to pursue that.
Wrong, the USA was intended by the founding fathers to be a place where white Europeans had a place to go. 1965 Heart-Cellar immigrantion act changed it and thus the beginning of the end of a great experiment in freedom. All in the name of a certain political party staying or gaining power.
The United States isn’t a nation of immigrants, it’s a nation of pioneers, explorers and conquers. Multiculturalism and Diversity isn’t a strength like (((they))) want you to believe, it’s our greatest weakness. No nation can survive without an identity.

This is the last I’ll speak on this, I don’t want this thread to turn ugly. I enjoy reading what everyone has to say, except you @balco. You are obviously a brainwashed Moron.
He has the right to hold that opinion however ridiculous it may me. Show me any scientific evidence that backs that up, don't cite IQ studies comparing 1st world countries to 3rd world though.
Yikes. Considering Asia, well really just China and then Japan is coming along now as well (the first non-white superpower(s) have just now started to catch up in terms of advancement in lets say the last 50 years, I'd say that's as much evidence as you need. I know, we just got lucky, those damned white people.

Edit: I guess you could make an argument for the Spaniards from 1400-1600 or so, but even then that did not last long.
He said he believes which is his opinion which has every fuckin right to b eleive u little fuckboy...i bet every dude that you hang out with somehow ends up with poop in there urethra you fuckin punk fuck @balco