Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Yesterday was my last TPP/NPP pin, ending my cycle.
I’d like to thank TGI for the excellent customer service and help all along the way, @iceman440 for pushing me to Tren it up, definitely worth the experience, @HIGHRISK for being swole as fuck, @Worf for the laughs, @T-Bagger for bagging everyone, @MisterSuperGod for having no arms and nice tits, @Kim for having nice tits, @BigBaldBeardGuy for solid posts and laughs, @Roger rabbit for being Odin like in his wisdom. If I left you out don’t feel bad, you don’t actually know me in real life so who gives a shit;)
I truly do value everyone that contributes to this thread and forum, wether that was from actual knowledge or the laughs. I didn’t reach my personal goal this cycle but that wasn’t from lack of quality gear, training intensity or overall badassery, I fell 8lbs short of where I wanted to be. I blame my weak girly guts for not being able to eat enough.
Time for a 2 month cruise and then my summer cycle.
Look at you riding that dick
I agree with everything you are saying but 99.9%(figure I pulled out of my ass) were victims of the times. Imagine every generation being told black people are the equivalent of live stock. No one had even the thought of civil rights back then, that wasn't even a brain fart.
Keep it up and poop will be in my urethra soon...no homo
Your fucking clueless! FUCK THE FOUNDING FATHERS. Way to be proud of ancestors that not only In slaved two whole fucking continents. In slaved them stole culture and identify not to mention exploited there resources. Raped and killed mother’s, women, children, the elderly. Slaughtered tens of millions of people. Wtf and your proud? You like that your ancestors did these fuck up things. You would honestly be proud to tell you children. THE TRUTH!! Not your fucked up twisted version but the real truth. Your piece of shit!! Full of hate!!

I’m proud of my founding fathers. Get the hell out of our great country if you dislike them. And get the hell off these boards while you’re at it. This is no place for your warped thoughts to come spilling out of your idiotic mouth and create discourse about a topic that you have no business creating discourse over on such forums.
I’m proud of my founding fathers. Get the hell out of our great country is you dislike them. And get the hell off these boards while you’re at it. This is no place for your warped thoughts to come spilling out of your idiotic mouth.
Kool you and the rest of ya white power faggots should go jerk each other off in your own thread. I am sure the founder of Meso @Millard Baker won’t see it the same as you racist do. Talk about a ban!
I’m proud of my founding fathers. Get the hell out of our great country if you dislike them. And get the hell off these boards while you’re at it. This is no place for your warped thoughts to come spilling out of your idiotic mouth and create discourse about a topic that you have no business creating discourse over on such forums.
I am proud of them as well but you can't be proud of every decision they made unless you believe in slavery.
Kool you and the rest of ya white power faggots should go jerk each other off in your own thread. I am sure the founder of Meso @Millard Baker won’t see it the same as you racist do. Talk about a ban!
No one has said anything racist tho :eek:

You sound like the dumb cum dumpster this morning that said you are automatically racist, no matter your beliefs if you voted for Trump LMAO
Go suck some more cock you racist cunt.
Ban me, ha!!!
Oh no you called him a Racist. Name one race on this planet that hasn’t been displaced, enslaved, raped and removed from their homeland. I’ll wait for you to frantically come up with some lie.
Yesterday was my last TPP/NPP pin, ending my cycle.
I’d like to thank TGI for the excellent customer service and help all along the way, @iceman440 for pushing me to Tren it up, definitely worth the experience, @HIGHRISK for being swole as fuck, @Worf for the laughs, @T-Bagger for bagging everyone, @MisterSuperGod for having no arms and nice tits, @Kim for having nice tits, @BigBaldBeardGuy for solid posts and laughs, @Roger rabbit for being Odin like in his wisdom. If I left you out don’t feel bad, you don’t actually know me in real life so who gives a shit;)
I truly do value everyone that contributes to this thread and forum, wether that was from actual knowledge or the laughs. I didn’t reach my personal goal this cycle but that wasn’t from lack of quality gear, training intensity or overall badassery, I fell 8lbs short of where I wanted to be. I blame my weak girly guts for not being able to eat enough.
Time for a 2 month cruise and then my summer cycle.
Awh, the tren has you all emotional. Don't cry on us Fury, your gains will come in time ;p
I am proud of them as well but you can't be proud of every decision they made unless you believe in slavery.
Hey dummy you do know the first slave owner was BLACK right ? Nobody wants to talk about how blacks killed their own kind to sell for a shiny trinket. Fuck you people are stupid.

Let’s talk about white slaves from Europe, they were called endentured servants.
Hey dummy you do know the first slave owner was BLACK right ? Nobody wants to talk about how blacks killed their own kind to sell for a shiny trinket. Fuck you people are stupid.
Stop being so hostile, I get where you are coming from, I don't believe white people are the devil. This topic is not black or white (no pun intended), it's extremely complicated.