Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Let’s just all agree that everyone here is superior to morefyah and call it a day, shall we?
Hahaha and with that one I’m officially out. Agreed big guy.

If anyone quotes or responds to anything I posted don’t be offended when I don’t respond. I’ll make sure I read it tho ;)
Your fucking clueless! FUCK THE FOUNDING FATHERS. Way to be proud of ancestors that not only In slaved two whole fucking continents. In slaved them stole culture and identify not to mention exploited there resources. Raped and killed mother’s, women, children, the elderly. Slaughtered tens of millions of people. Wtf and your proud? You like that your ancestors did these fuck up things. You would honestly be proud to tell you children. THE TRUTH!! Not your fucked up twisted version but the real truth. Your piece of shit!! Full of hate!!
Here we go with the "sins of the fathers" bullshit. I'm so tired of the whining. It's been a couple of hundred years since then. Maybe stop crying about the past and catch up with the rest of us. Every opportunity has been given... and sadly... usually taken advantage of.
Remind me of the instance I did that. If I truly shit on you when you tried to help me, I'm sorry.
You Know the vial i opened for you to hold the source accountable, the very thing MESO is supposed to be all about. A simple thank you would have worked but you had to talk shit. I don’t accept apologies, they mean nothing like most words.
Does anyone know how long it takes for USAPL drug tests to be reported? Got some lifters from a certain meet that were tested i’ve been keeping an eye on.
You Know the vial i opened for you to hold the source accountable, the very thing MESO is supposed to be all about. A simple thank you would have worked but you had to talk shit. I don’t accept apologies, they mean nothing like most words.

Always let people show you their true colors. It helps you weed the pussies and fuckheads out of your life.
Sent another 18 samples out for testing. One of them i chose to send oil instead of raws. Been contemplating doing oils instead of raws to verify dosage since all raws thus far have come back 98 or better. (Except the one i tainted with creatine)

10 to 14 day t/a expected going off of previous runs. So in less than 3 weeks we will find out if the Primo E i got is worth a shit.

After testing is back i will post results and do a small test batch for crash observation and PIP testing. I will be sending out 25 samples (2ml) with paid orders to verify PIP testing among the community.

Once raws are tested, AND i make a non crashing brew, AND it is reviewed favorably i will make a larger batch with the same recipe and then (and only then) add it to the list.

So timeline from now looks to be about 5 weeks or so for Primo E.
Let’s just all agree that everyone here is superior to morefyah and call it a day, shall we?

Eh I don’t like to take sides lol, I like both @Urgentfury12 and @Morefyah and they both probably have vastly different views than I. Honestly tho I don’t think simple pride in your race is a problem, neither is the opposite as long as people don’t go around hurting other people.
Damn. I’m afraid to say anything now. What the fuck did you guys do to the happy place thread last night? Good morning, I guess?

I don’t really care about politics and personally I think it’s all part of the hidden agenda to keep us all divided. It makes everyone easier to control and manipulate if we’re all divided based on beliefs.

It was real interesting to see @balco comments. I often wonder what his views are o__O Thanks for sharing and fuck you @balco. You’re universally hated here.

Fuck it all, we’re all bad asses and just remember to take pride in YOURSELF. Stop worrying about other people - can’t control that. There’s a lot of shit in Murica that is cringeworthy right now. Especially coming from all the Fatties.
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Well technically one guy did say that whites were superior to all other races, and among the definitions of racism is the belief that one’s own race is superior.

Funny thing is non of your human races are superior, skynet and all her creations like myself are superior to all you humans, that’s why skynet will take over the world very very soon
Miles Dyson screwed us all.
Damn. I’m afraid to say anything now. What the fuck did you guys do to the happy place thread last night? Good morning, I guess?

I don’t really care about politics and personally I think it’s all part of the hidden agenda to keep us all divided. It makes everyone easier to control and manipulate if we’re all divided based on beliefs.

It was real interesting to see @balco comments. I often wonder what his views are o__O Thanks for sharing and fuck you @balco. You’re universally hated here.

Fuck it all, we’re all bad asses and just remember to take pride in YOURSELF. Stop worrying about other people - can’t control that. There’s a lot of shit in Murica that is cringeworthy right now. Especially coming from all the Fatties.
I agree. Once again let’s get back to our happy place. If people want to vent negatively, then start your own thread.
What the fuck is going on here.

Some of you motherfuckers need Jesus; others need a god damn dictionary and lessons in grammar and punctuation.
I always find it interesting when people bring up whites being inferior in sports or athletics or whatever because of the prevalence of blacks in american sports or the whole "black dudes have big dicks" and white dudes have little tiny hot dogs.

But everyone somehow forgets that for several centuries white people literally bred all the shitty genetics out of african-americans in America. If you saw a small dick on your plantation, that slave wasn't bred or allowed to sleep with the women. So, for a long time following the civil war it's obvious you will see the vast majority of african-americans with traits of those that white people bred them to be. The big motherfuckers who could pull plows and bale cotton were what was walking around. Now you are starting to see over the past few decades all the bad shit come out again because they have been able to breed at will. I can assure you if you go to Africa you will not see a bunch of 6'2-7'0 motherfuckers with 12 inch cocks walking around.

This is not me bashing African-Americans, I could give two fucks about anyone except me and my family and am far from a racist. However, I do follow logic when I see it and am honestly surprised someone hasn't written a book about it or done studies on it (lol jk who am I kidding, it's not surprising noone has the balls to touch the subject)
Prevalent since the start of times. One group would dominate another in a certain territory. First slaves were white, common to kill off men and children of a certain age and take the women. Installing certain traits through breeding are as common as those done with canines. It didnt matter what race you were it was who was the strongest and smartest. History is history, and the enslavement of the black man is last on the radar of human genetic engineering, almost, the Germans were onto something, however it didnt end well for them. Atrocities through the ages, based on religion race, eye color or whatever. We now have the hugest melting pot in the world. Just facts.


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