Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Come on bro you know I’m here to help, no need to be shy with me. I don’t mind sharing my super jizz with you, no judgement here, I mean we’re almost family.
They never went into detail on whether or not Terminator’s actually had working sperm. I mean... you had blood and skin. I presume no heart though or lungs or any other vital organs.
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They never went into detail on whether or not Terminator’s actually had working sperm. I mean... you had blood and skin. I presume no heart though or lungs or any other vita organs.

So no heart or lungs or any other vital organs... Are you insinuating he’s got no balls???
4D8926BE-0799-4B50-8FB6-5217CEFAD29B.gif Last night was interesting here. Lets keep the politics to the political discourse sub forum today! Hope everyone besides morefyah has a wonderful day!