Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Sik fuk.

I like it

I do what I can. I only live my life by two rules

“Never trust a fart”
“If its a statistical fact, it can’t be racist”

The first one has let me down several times. Everything else is fair game
I don’t think I’ve seen tested primo at 200 mg/ml with no PIP at 70/vial so you’re definitely leveling up yet again if you can make that happen.
if 200mg is too much then i will have to step it down. But according to HB section 200mg is easy to hold in solution. PIP, while subjective, will be up to you all to tell me what to do. The 2ml samples will be for you all to pin in a fresh site and let me know to either keep it or scrap it. Will be doing the same with DHB batch 4.

@TitaniumGear (TGI) offering both E and Prop or just one?
just E you greedy greedy mfer.
@TitaniumGear (TGI) I think you owe it to your (fe)male customer @Kim to offer a short ester Primo in case (s)he wanted to try it. Short ester is quicker out of the system if the dick clit starts growing.

But Primobolan Propionate is suppose to have some pretty wicked injection pain.

Edit: the mention of propionate above was in error. It should have been referring to the acetate ester
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@TitaniumGear (TGI) I think you owe it to your (fe)male customer @Kim to offer a short ester Primo in case (s)he wanted to try it. Short ester is quicker out of the system if the dick clit starts growing.
I live my life owing nothing to anyone. If anything, quite the opposite is my approach. Let me extend myself for others so i am never on the hook for repayment.

That said...primo e and dapox/dapox blend, the end.
I’m just trying to make this painful for Titter. Every time he introduces a new product everyone chimes in.

Hey I know, maybe a BLEND of Primo A and E to kickstart the cycle!
I got a new blend...it's called FINAL ANSWER. 100mg of Kiss My/100mg of TAIL. Potent stuff.
Sucks man. I am a conservative and absolutely know what the liberals are doing to this country. The media has you believing the right/left is about racism and tolerance. They have increased their ratings dramatically by making politics about race. They’re pulling the wool over our eyes to hide the real issues. I think you may have drank the koolaid. I have a business partner in the restoration business who is blank and he is about as big as a trump supporter as any. If you understood economics, you would believe differently.
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