Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

But Primobolan Propionate is suppose to have some pretty wicked injection pain.

Edit: the mention of propionate above was in error. It should have been referring to the acetate ester
I'll get his Primo E, maybe I'll try the Prop.

Just reread. I will get his Primo E. He wont have the prop.
Primo A absolutely is a killer. @Kim try the mct with it. You’ll love it. Primo is awesome!
I live my life owing nothing to anyone. If anything, quite the opposite is my approach. Let me extend myself for others so i am never on the hook for repayment.

That said...primo e and dapox/dapox blend, the end.
I got a new blend...it's called FINAL ANSWER. 100mg of Kiss My/100mg of TAIL. Potent stuff.
I’ll take 8 of them. I’ll pay for them on Friday. Thanks
So updating my results with titaniumgear.
On npp/top about 500mg week. And superdrol 30mg week.
I had to up the superdrol to 30. 20 wasn't giving me the rage or pumps that get to the point of pain. 30mg did the trick.
Idk what to expect from the npp. I have never actually used it before. I'm a tren guy even though the sides become alot to deal with. I'm up 196 to 204. So 8 pounds in 3 weeks. Not bad and I believe most is actually muscle. My diets clean and it's going well.
Still I feel as if I'm missing somthing....
Gear is good2go have recommended to friends.
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Sucks man. I am a conservative and absolutely know what the liberals are doing to this country. The media has you believing the right/left is about racism and tolerance. They have increased their ratings dramatically by making politics about race. They’re pulling the wool over our eyes to hide the real issues. I think you may have drank the koolaid. I have a business partner in the restoration business who is blank and he is about as big as a trump supporter as any. If you understood economics, you would believe differently.

Fucking Bernard Sanders....I was actually a supporter of his during the primaries. I enjoyed the way he was taking it to Hillary during all the debates. I was with the glass steagal thing and putting more restrictions on wall street and the globalist bankers. But then he cucked out on us and conceded that rigged bullshit. All the while I had a young conservative republican that was my helper at the time. Im now a conservative, but more libertarian. Fuck government, fuck laws. As long as Im not hurting anyone else, they should have no right to tell me what I can and cant do with anything. And forced indoctrination of our children is bullshit. I get a letter if my son misses a day warning that they will fine me and possibly take me to court. Its all a scam. Even the school criteria. Seems like they only teach them how to take a test, not actually educating. Sorry @Kim , just my thoughts. Sorry for the long rant.
Fucking Bernard Sanders....I was actually a supporter of his during the primaries. I enjoyed the way he was taking it to Hillary during all the debates. I was with the glass steagal thing and putting more restrictions on wall street and the globalist bankers. But then he cucked out on us and conceded that rigged bullshit. All the while I had a young conservative republican that was my helper at the time. Im now a conservative, but more libertarian. Fuck government, fuck laws. As long as Im not hurting anyone else, they should have no right to tell me what I can and cant do with anything. And forced indoctrination of our children is bullshit. I get a letter if my son misses a day warning that they will fine me and possibly take me to court. Its all a scam. Even the school criteria. Seems like they only teach them how to take a test, not actually educating. Sorry @Kim , just my thoughts. Sorry for the long rant.
It is impossible to be a fan of Bernie if you support individual freedom and reduced constraint of government on how you run your life.


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Fucking Bernard Sanders....I was actually a supporter of his during the primaries. I enjoyed the way he was taking it to Hillary during all the debates. I was with the glass steagal thing and putting more restrictions on wall street and the globalist bankers. But then he cucked out on us and conceded that rigged bullshit. All the while I had a young conservative republican that was my helper at the time. Im now a conservative, but more libertarian. Fuck government, fuck laws. As long as Im not hurting anyone else, they should have no right to tell me what I can and cant do with anything. And forced indoctrination of our children is bullshit. I get a letter if my son misses a day warning that they will fine me and possibly take me to court. Its all a scam. Even the school criteria. Seems like they only teach them how to take a test, not actually educating. Sorry @Kim , just my thoughts. Sorry for the long rant.
Some teachers. Come into a class and spend the day watching what a teacher does. There's value in the "teachable moment," hearing students talk at the carpet about what excites them and what saddens them, and so much more....
Anyways, I thought I requested for the negative people to make their own thread. Call it, "I Hate Life."
You guys keep this political bullshit up i will jump ship. Shit is depressing. My meso thread is my happy place. Please cease pissing on my camp fire.
Fucking Bernard Sanders....I was actually a supporter of his during the primaries. I enjoyed the way he was taking it to Hillary during all the debates. I was with the glass steagal thing and putting more restrictions on wall street and the globalist bankers. But then he cucked out on us and conceded that rigged bullshit. All the while I had a young conservative republican that was my helper at the time. Im now a conservative, but more libertarian. Fuck government, fuck laws. As long as Im not hurting anyone else, they should have no right to tell me what I can and cant do with anything. And forced indoctrination of our children is bullshit. I get a letter if my son misses a day warning that they will fine me and possibly take me to court. Its all a scam. Even the school criteria. Seems like they only teach them how to take a test, not actually educating. Sorry @Kim , just my thoughts. Sorry for the long rant.
School is all about brainwashing and indoctrination now. They have your kids more during their day than you do and they've successfully brainwashed several generations already.
It is impossible to be a fan of Bernie if you support individual freedom and reduced constraint of government on how you run your life.
Bernie Sanders... POS who has never held a real job and wants to talk about wealth redistribution while owning three beachfront properties. Asshole.
School is all about brainwashing and indoctrination now. They have your kids more during their day than you do and they've successfully brainwashed several generations already.

Bernie Sanders... POS who has never held a real job and wants to talk about wealth redistribution while owning three beachfront properties. Asshole.
What is it that we are doing to brainwash?!! hahahaha
Some teachers. Come into a class and spend the day watching what a teacher does. There's value in the "teachable moment," hearing students talk at the carpet about what excites them and what saddens them, and so much more....
Anyways, I thought I requested for the negative people to make their own thread. Call it, "I Hate Life."

My doctor said Im positive. Whatever that means.