Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

That's a bunch of bs. Come into a class for a week and watch a teacher.
Right now I'm brainwashing them in finding the perimeter and area of a shape. Omg
Depends on the subject you teach. Bullshit like “Children of the Rainbow” and “Billy has two dads” are starters.
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I will say that my oldest son is being indoctrined with liberal ideals and beliefs. He comes home telling me bs his teachers tell them. Of course its usually Orange man bad.....Barack and Michael obama good, treasonous scum....Then I proceed to give him his daily red pill.

Sorry Titter, I know this is a safe place.

Out of curiousity, anyone following any of the Q stuff? Thoughts???
I will say that my oldest son is being indoctrined with liberal ideals and beliefs. He comes home telling me bs his teachers tell them. Of course its usually Orange man bad.....Barack and Michael obama good, treasonous scum....Then I proceed to give him his daily red pill.

Sorry Titter, I know this is a safe place.

Out of curiousity, anyone following any of the Q stuff? Thoughts???
We shall see is all I’ll say. It’s a lot to digest, and a lot to try to chalk up to coincidence.
I will say that my oldest son is being indoctrined with liberal ideals and beliefs. He comes home telling me bs his teachers tell them. Of course its usually Orange man bad.....Barack and Michael obama good, treasonous scum....Then I proceed to give him his daily red pill.

Sorry Titter, I know this is a safe place.

Out of curiousity, anyone following any of the Q stuff? Thoughts???
I got hooked on Q a couple months ago. I’m waiting on heads to roll.
None of that is even talked about.

What about the little black boy showed ms. Kim that he was not normal that he was growing wings. Ms Kim told him ‘just means ur an angel’
Little black boy went home and told his mama. ‘Ms Kim says I’m an angel’ mama said no nigga you’s a BAT.
I do what I can. I only live my life by two rules

“Never trust a fart”
“If its a statistical fact, it can’t be racist”

The first one has let me down several times. Everything else is fair game
Never trust a fart. God damn right. I broke this rule yesterday and my underwear paid the price.
Never trust a fart. God damn right. I broke this rule yesterday and my underwear paid the price.

Truth be told, I shit my pants twice at work trying to impress my buddies with the longest and loudest farts possible (yea, I'm a professional) It's both hilarious and embarrassing. Luckily, I work in the hospital so I have access to unlimited pairs of scrubs.
I got hooked on Q a couple months ago. I’m waiting on heads to roll.
You will be waiting in the after life too. Nothing will happen to anyone, Unless nobody’s like you and I did it. Then the full force of the state will be on you at oh dark 30, you comply or die.
Q is a distraction to keep wishful thinkers busy.
You will be waiting in the after life too. Nothing will happen to anyone, Unless nobody’s like you and I did it. Then the full force of the state will be on you at oh dark 30, you comply or die.
Q is a distraction to keep wishful thinkers busy.
Yeah, it sounds too good to be true. I still haven’t been able to figure out if DJT is truly anti-establishment. Somehow I doubt it because anyone who is wealthy to that extent is owned by the elite.
I will say that my oldest son is being indoctrined with liberal ideals and beliefs. He comes home telling me bs his teachers tell them. Of course its usually Orange man bad.....Barack and Michael obama good, treasonous scum....Then I proceed to give him his daily red pill.

Sorry Titter, I know this is a safe place.

Out of curiousity, anyone following any of the Q stuff? Thoughts???
Could you clarify for us un-informed bigots, what is Q?
Could you clarify for us un-informed bigots, what is Q?
The behind the scenes white knight operative reporting future actions of the DJT adminstration to slay the DC swamp monster.

It’s contorted, confusing, and role-playing-ish. But it’s interesting none the less.
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Sucks man. I am a conservative and absolutely know what the liberals are doing to this country. The media has you believing the right/left is about racism and tolerance. They have increased their ratings dramatically by making politics about race. They’re pulling the wool over our eyes to hide the real issues. I think you may have drank the koolaid. I have a business partner in the restoration business who is blank and he is about as big as a trump supporter as any. If you understood economics, you would believe differently.

Bingo! Everything you said is the truth! The party of “tolerance” has the least tolerant followers. If you disagree with any of their political views they will lash out and call you every single name under the sun. Xenophobe, racist, bigot etc.


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