Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

I just announced primo e is out for testing. Y'all better be saving your money for the summer primo run and stop going on with the argumentative BS.

200mg/vial @ 70/vial.
Testing included, if all goes well, we are looking at about 5 to 6 weeks for total satisfaction (raws purity, crash testing, PIP testing) then I can add it to the list.

Primo blast and cruise is my end game when I’m too old to use the rest of these fine creatine flavors.

Plan on blasts of 500-600 Test and 600-800 Primo then cruises of 200 Test and 400 Primo.

I don’t think I’ve seen tested primo at 200 mg/ml with no PIP at 70/vial so you’re definitely leveling up yet again if you can make that happen.