Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Wrong, the USA was intended by the founding fathers to be a place where white Europeans had a place to go. 1965 Heart-Cellar immigrantion act changed it and thus the beginning of the end of a great experiment in freedom. All in the name of a certain political party staying or gaining power.
The United States isn’t a nation of immigrants, it’s a nation of pioneers, explorers and conquers. Multiculturalism and Diversity isn’t a strength like (((they))) want you to believe, it’s our greatest weakness. No nation can survive without an identity.

This is the last I’ll speak on this, I don’t want this thread to turn ugly. I enjoy reading what everyone has to say, except you @balco. You are obviously a brainwashed Moron.
Well said, especially for someone who can't spell immigration but I absolutely agree. My point is the country is built on immigration, obviously during that time period that meant Europeans but now that mean anyone with a capitalist mind set.
Haha!!! That's embarrassing!
Oh boy, another theoretical genius. You are the same type of person I had to listen to today for 2 hours, and sparked this whole shit. Go live in the real world, deal with all kinds of different races at the bottom of the barrel, and you will see what real life is like.

Had fucking minorities talking about they were scared to walk down the street because they'd get shot, or drive because they'd get pulled over for no reason and beaten.

I can guarantee you 99% of the dumb fucks in there, have never seen nor held a gun. Nor have any of them been punched, or even seen a fucking punch thrown outside of social media. You people have got to stop letting people tell you how life works, and go see for yourself. You will be surprised very quickly :)
Well said, especially for someone who can't spell immigration but I absolutely agree. My point is the country is built on immigration, obviously during that time period that meant Europeans but now that mean anyone with a capitalist mind set.
Pretty sure he can. Looks like auto correct.
Oh boy, another theoretical genius. You are the same type of person I had to listen to today for 2 hours, and sparked this whole shit. Go live in the real world, deal with all kinds of different races at the bottom of the barrel, and you will see what real life is like.

Had fucking minorities talking about they were scared to walk down the street because they'd get shot, or drive because they'd get pulled over for no reason and beaten.

I can guarantee you 99% of the dumb fucks in there, have never seen nor held a gun. Nor have any of them been punched, or even seen a fucking punch thrown outside of social media. You people have got to stop letting people tell you how life works, and go see for yourself. You will be surprised very quickly :)
I'm not a liberal nor am I a Democrat and I don't believe in systematic racism within the USA. I believe anyone no matter their skin color is able to be successful; that, the guy is a fucking moron.
Wrong, the USA was intended by the founding fathers to be a place where white Europeans had a place to go. 1965 Heart-Cellar immigrantion act changed it and thus the beginning of the end of a great experiment in freedom. All in the name of a certain political party staying or gaining power.
The United States isn’t a nation of immigrants, it’s a nation of pioneers, explorers and conquers. Multiculturalism and Diversity isn’t a strength like (((they))) want you to believe, it’s our greatest weakness. No nation can survive without an identity.

This is the last I’ll speak on this, I don’t want this thread to turn ugly. I enjoy reading what everyone has to say, except you @balco. You are obviously a brainwashed Moron.
Your fucking clueless! FUCK THE FOUNDING FATHERS. Way to be proud of ancestors that not only In slaved two whole fucking continents. In slaved them stole culture and identify not to mention exploited there resources. Raped and killed mother’s, women, children, the elderly. Slaughtered tens of millions of people. Wtf and your proud? You like that your ancestors did these fuck up things. You would honestly be proud to tell you children. THE TRUTH!! Not your fucked up twisted version but the real truth. Your piece of shit!! Full of hate!!
I'm not a liberal nor am I a Democrat and I don't believe in systematic racism within the USA. I believe anyone no matter their skin color is able to be successful; that, the guy is a fucking moron.
I never claimed you were either. However, in the manner you speak I can tell you don't know what it is like to be punched in the mouth or have to man the fuck up or die. I was comparing your experiences and mindset to the dumb fuck liberals I had to deal with, not your political stance.
Your fucking clueless! FUCK THE FOUNDING FATHERS. Way to be proud of ancestors that not only In slaved two whole fucking continents. In slaved them stole culture and identify not to mention exploited there resources. Raped and killed mother’s, women, children, the elderly. Slaughtered tens of millions of people. Wtf and your proud? You like that your ancestors did these fuck up things. You would honestly be proud to tell you children. THE TRUTH!! Not your fucked up twisted version but the real truth. Your piece of shit!! Full of hate!!
African-Americans sold their own people but shhhhh, nobody wants to hear that.

Can someone ban this moron for devolving this thread into a political debate.

Leave it to the liberal extremists to start raging about bullshit on a steroid forum.


Take a hike off a damn cliff you degenerate.
Yesterday was my last TPP/NPP pin, ending my cycle.
I’d like to thank TGI for the excellent customer service and help all along the way, @iceman440 for pushing me to Tren it up, definitely worth the experience, @HIGHRISK for being swole as fuck, @Worf for the laughs, @T-Bagger for bagging everyone, @MisterSuperGod for having no arms and nice tits, @Kim for having nice tits, @BigBaldBeardGuy for solid posts and laughs, @Roger rabbit for being Odin like in his wisdom. If I left you out don’t feel bad, you don’t actually know me in real life so who gives a shit;)
I truly do value everyone that contributes to this thread and forum, wether that was from actual knowledge or the laughs. I didn’t reach my personal goal this cycle but that wasn’t from lack of quality gear, training intensity or overall badassery, I fell 8lbs short of where I wanted to be. I blame my weak girly guts for not being able to eat enough.
Time for a 2 month cruise and then my summer cycle.
Your fucking clueless! FUCK THE FOUNDING FATHERS. Way to be proud of ancestors that not only In slaved two whole fucking continents. In slaved them stole culture and identify not to mention exploited there resources. Raped and killed mother’s, women, children, the elderly. Slaughtered tens of millions of people. Wtf and your proud? You like that your ancestors did these fuck up things. You would honestly be proud to tell you children. THE TRUTH!! Not your fucked up twisted version but the real truth. Your piece of shit!! Full of hate!!
I agree with everything you are saying but 99.9%(figure I pulled out of my ass) were victims of the times. Imagine every generation being told black people are the equivalent of live stock. No one had even the thought of civil rights back then, that wasn't even a brain fart.