Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Not sure wtf is going on in this thread but at one point you people are talking about bigger loads and then you start sucking off the source. Coincidence? I think not.
Not sure wtf is going on in this thread but at one point you people are talking about bigger loads and then you start sucking off the source. Coincidence? I think not.
Kim doesn’t like small loads.. and when she isn’t happy, no one is!

I am changing my handle to baby loads.. btw
Anyone recommend another domestic source, life sucks I'm out of test and no pct
Elite labs emailed me and said he is open again. Do you want me to pay for them too?:eek::D

Just being an ass. The UG has only 3 good places. 2 private and one reseller who can’t speak English. Kinda lame. There is new one though MSG labs. He is cool. If you suck off @MisterSuperGod he may get you in!
If you had 60 25mg doses of Winny how much would you take for how long. I'm seeing it suggested to take 40-80mg for 5-6 weeks. Would it be more wise to take 25mg for 8 weeks, 50 for 4 weeks or something in the middle like 25 for x weeks then 50 etc. Help please.
Had to listen to liberal SJW faggots talk about minority oppression and the fear white men have of becoming the minorit for 2 hours.

Who wants to fight so I can blow off some steam? Or a gf I can fuck for a few hours?
If you had 60 25mg doses of Winny how much would you take for how long. I'm seeing it suggested to take 40-80mg for 5-6 weeks. Would it be more wise to take 25mg for 8 weeks, 50 for 4 weeks or something in the middle like 25 for x weeks then 50 etc. Help please.
50 for 4 is pretty standard. I would say 25 is too low. Definitely don’t run for more than 6 weeks, and the 25 for x amount isn’t a bad idea if you want to test for sides first
Had to listen to liberal SJW faggots talk about minority oppression and the fear white men have of becoming the minorit for 2 hours.

Who wants to fight so I can blow off some steam? Or a gf I can fuck for a few hours?

I would be more than happy to schedule a 3 hr appointment for you with Mr @balco. You could do both! Which date and time were you looking for?
Guys, if i take everyone that PMs on the list what is the point of being private? Sorry some of you "have lives " and "can't bother reading the bullshit" but I posted and gave a weeks notice. So insinuating i have no life is dickish...but kinda true as this does eat my time.

For those on the list, another brief reminder of formats to keep things easy on me

1. Be ready to transfer coin when you order. Fucking this up can make things difficult for me. If you need to know how/why then email me.

2. Order format. Your orders don't need to be fancy. Just simple. Keep oils and orals together. No dollar signs. No milligrams needed unless it is cialis. Please use GSO or MCT when ordering oils.
1 x Test E MCT= 30
2 x T-400 = 35
1 x Cialis 10mg = 25
1 x Viagra = 25
Ship = 10
Total = 115
If you follow this example you can't go wrong. Please don't order caps by count. If you want 120 caps of anavar use 4 x anavar not anavar 120 caps.

3. Min order remains at 250. If you have an emergency please let me know.

4. Dropping from my list. I can and will drop people for not using protocol. Being private should ensure i have clients that are easiest to work with. The best of meso.

5. Security. Please do not share my private email with anyone. Or your pin number/zipcode combo.

6. Meso thread. I will still monitor and participate on meso. To include posting testing data and making quarterly donations to AL.

7. Addresses. Write the address the way it appears on a parcel. Example:
Name name
1234 street
Gainsville, FL
Without a name i will use current resident.
So wait, everyone is bitching because they have other things to do then read this thread?

So you want to not follow and then be VIP? Fuck me, I came into this shit and read every single post on this thread before I made a post.
50 for 4 is pretty standard. I would say 25 is too low. Definitely don’t run for more than 6 weeks, and the 25 for x amount isn’t a bad idea if you want to test for sides first
Thank you. Also, would it be better to take 50 once a day or 25mg twice a day for best and most consistent blood levels? I've read conflicting posts with some saying half life is like two days and others saying ~9 hours.
If you had 60 25mg doses of Winny how much would you take for how long. I'm seeing it suggested to take 40-80mg for 5-6 weeks. Would it be more wise to take 25mg for 8 weeks, 50 for 4 weeks or something in the middle like 25 for x weeks then 50 etc. Help please.

Start at 50 with winny, don’t go below that. You can always increase if your joints don’t get too dry at 50.

On another note, if you have never ran it and you’re already lean, you’re in for a fun time. Winny is hands down my favorite oral. DHT for the fucking win! (Unless you’re prone to male pattern baldness, in which case I’d be happy to sell you some of my horsemane hair.)
Had to listen to liberal SJW faggots talk about minority oppression and the fear white men have of becoming the minorit for 2 hours.

Who wants to fight so I can blow off some steam? Or a gf I can fuck for a few hours?

Brother, you have no idea. This fucking country is going absolutely batshit insane. I cannot stand these little constantly offended by everything pansies! “White people bad, every other race good, (besides Asians, they’re bad too!) Wahhhhh”
The drug your thinking of to give those big loads is clomid. Just remember that Clomid is a fertility drug and will increase then volume and quality of your porn star loads your gonna be spraying everywhere.
I thought I read about another drug (not clomid) that can make a guy produce more semen?

Thought you got pink eye from getting a load in your eyes?
No no no! Sleeping too close to the crack causes pink eye bro!
Guys, if i take everyone that PMs on the list what is the point of being private? Sorry some of you "have lives " and "can't bother reading the bullshit" but I posted and gave a weeks notice. So insinuating i have no life is dickish...but kinda true as this does eat my time.

For those on the list, another brief reminder of formats to keep things easy on me

1. Be ready to transfer coin when you order. Fucking this up can make things difficult for me. If you need to know how/why then email me.

2. Order format. Your orders don't need to be fancy. Just simple. Keep oils and orals together. No dollar signs. No milligrams needed unless it is cialis. Please use GSO or MCT when ordering oils.
1 x Test E MCT= 30
2 x T-400 = 35
1 x Cialis 10mg = 25
1 x Viagra = 25
Ship = 10
Total = 115
If you follow this example you can't go wrong. Please don't order caps by count. If you want 120 caps of anavar use 4 x anavar not anavar 120 caps.

3. Min order remains at 250. If you have an emergency please let me know.

4. Dropping from my list. I can and will drop people for not using protocol. Being private should ensure i have clients that are easiest to work with. The best of meso.

5. Security. Please do not share my private email with anyone. Or your pin number/zipcode combo.

6. Meso thread. I will still monitor and participate on meso. To include posting testing data and making quarterly donations to AL.

7. Addresses. Write the address the way it appears on a parcel. Example:
Name name
1234 street
Gainsville, FL
Without a name i will use current resident.

Brother you’ve been top notch with me from the start.Always replied super quickly, helpful, great turn around and product.Had no idea you had gone private already but good luck with everything.
So anyone have a good relacement, think I’ll go with MSG labs.Heard great things about them
Brother you’ve been top notch with me from the start.Always replied super quickly, helpful, great turn around and product.Had no idea you had gone private already but good luck with everything.
So anyone have a good relacement, think I’ll go with MSG labs.Heard great things about them

When I first read MSG, I read it as MGS. Why has no one made a UGL by the name of Metal Gear Solid yet... MSG just reminds me of monosodium glutamate. Not a great acronym for a company in the bodybuilding market.