Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Damn good to see you Kendall. How's your leg? You still working as a tech?
Dude! Leg recovered great. Ran my TRT from to October to December from December to February just a short Prop blast and just over a week ago started this Tren run on TRT. Finding better results with lower dose short runs. Not sure why my body is all of sudden liking that.

I made counselor in December. It’s definitely love hate doing God’s work in a devils playground.
Slow steady gains.

Really I love var but always used it when I was cutting. I was running Kristine’s EQ but after everything I didn’t feel safe using it so I threw it out. I loved it I think ima try TGI’s eq Next cycle (like I should’ve done to begin with.

(Pristine was autocorrected but I think it’s more fitting since he was a bitch)
what’s everyone’s favorite “bulking” stack? I’m tryna stay clear of deca because of deca dick though I know it’s a low chance of happening and easily avoidable
Don’t believe the hype of deca Dick. Watch your bloods and you’ll be fine. Run npp for its half life if you’re worried.
This is the exact reason I take my health into my own hands. There are obvious things you need a Doctor(tests and machines) but there is no reason for them to dictate your health.
I literally have to get my mother to tell me the shit her doctors are suggesting/prescribing before she takes them. I was too young to know better but doctors basically killed my grandmother with all the bullshit they had her on. Basically just massive doses of anti-psychotics and anti-depressants, when in reality she just hated going to the doctor and always acted like a lunatic when they started prodding her
Really I love var but always used it when I was cutting. I was running Kristine’s EQ but after everything I didn’t feel safe using it so I threw it out. I loved it I think ima try TGI’s eq Next cycle (like I should’ve done to begin with.

(Pristine was autocorrected but I think it’s more fitting since he was a bitch)
Begin with Var and end with Var. 25mg morning/25mgs at night, first 4 weeks and last 4 weeks for a 16 week cycle of 400-500 test/600EQ. It’s my all time favorite cycle.
I’m torn between going back to this cycle or TPP/Tren 8weeks TPP/NPP second 8 weeks. I have two months to decide.
I literally have to get my mother to tell me the shit her doctors are suggesting/prescribing before she takes them. I was too young to know better but doctors basically killed my grandmother with all the bullshit they had her on. Basically just massive doses of anti-psychotics and anti-depressants, when in reality she just hated going to the doctor and always acted like a lunatic when they started prodding her
I can’t stand modern medical practice, It’s so shady or so by the numbers. They all assume you are looking for a “legal” high or psych drugs. Can’t remember the last time I felt like my doctor was listening.
Begin with Var and end with Var. 25mg morning/25mgs at night, first 4 weeks and last 4 weeks for a 16 week cycle of 400-500 test/600EQ. It’s my all time favorite cycle.
I’m torn between going back to this cycle or TPP/Tren 8weeks TPP/NPP second 8 weeks. I have two months to decide.
I forget - are you on TRT?
I can’t stand modern medical practice, It’s so shady or so by the numbers. They all assume you are looking for a “legal” high or psych drugs. Can’t remember the last time I felt like my doctor was listening.
In 7th grade I had a 350lb 5’6 fatass Russian “doctor” refuse to sign my physical to play football because he said I was too fat....like motherfucker what do you mean??? I’m overweight, and you DONT WANT ME TO RUN/EXERCISE?
Yayyyyy! Kim! Kim! Kim! Kim! We shall no longer be magnesium deficient
Any benefit of the spray over in pill form? @Roger rabbit ? I currently take a magnesium/potassium supplement, but is pill form. I’ve heard you need to dose higher with pills because you don’t absorb it all, but other than absorption any benefit of the spray over other forms?
Any benefit of the spray over in pill form? @Roger rabbit ? I currently take a magnesium/potassium supplement, but is pill form. I’ve heard you need to dose higher with pills because you don’t absorb it all, but other than absorption any benefit of the spray over other forms?
I take the same pill. Doesn’t absorb like the gel does, gel more effective.
In 7th grade I had a 350lb 5’6 fatass Russian “doctor” refuse to sign my physical to play football because he said I was too fat....like motherfucker what do you mean??? I’m overweight, and you DONT WANT ME TO RUN/EXERCISE?
Can’t ever go to a doctor that’s fat. Huge red flag for me.
I take the same pill. Doesn’t absorb like the gel does, gel more effective.
How much do you take? I currently take 1g in the morning and 1g about two hours prior to bed.
Can’t ever go to a doctor that’s fat. Huge red flag for me.
Yeah I definitely wouldn’t nowadays. We lived in a small town so just went to one of our GP’s to sign off on it. It just blows my mind the lack of logic they use. I just think to myself sometimes that they refuse to enact analytical reasoning and just blindly follow protocol and/or whatever medication the book tells them to prescribe.