Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

You vets must watch these movies and shake ur heads
Endless ammo, no magazine reloading drives me batshit crazy and throw in fireball exploding everything:mad:
The absolute worst is watching actors mess up simple weapon manipulation. Very hard to watch war/action movies, I’m way too critical and can’t just enjoy the movie.
Endless ammo, no magazine reloading drives me batshit crazy and throw in fireball exploding everything:mad:
The absolute worst is watching actors mess up simple weapon manipulation. Very hard to watch war/action movies, I’m way too critical and can’t just enjoy the movie.
Y'all vets are real life super heroes...i consider myself tough as hell and still could never do what y'all do or did...its cool there's so many vets in here...good company to be around
Y'all vets are real life super heroes...i consider myself tough as hell and still could never do what y'all do or did...its cool there's so many vets in here...good company to be around
I’m no superhero dude, I did my duty just like millions of guys before and millions more after me. I do however know some superhero’s, they were my men.

I honestly just like sharing some stories sometimes, helps me remember some of the better times. I’m not comfortable with the praise or the thank you’s. I do however appreciate the kind words.
I’m no superhero dude, I did my duty just like millions of guys before and millions more after me. I do however know some superhero’s, they were my men.

I honestly just like sharing some stories sometimes, helps me remember some of the better times. I’m not comfortable with the praise or the thank you’s. I do however appreciate the kind words.

I wish I lived closer to you. It would be awesome to sit down to a good fire and some adult beverages and listen to your stories
Any benefit of the spray over in pill form? @Roger rabbit ? I currently take a magnesium/potassium supplement, but is pill form. I’ve heard you need to dose higher with pills because you don’t absorb it all, but other than absorption any benefit of the spray over other forms?
The spray goes directly into your body whereas pill form is mostly excreted out, without absorbing the necessary amounts to help.

Whether you choose the @Anthony Minerva route and rub bananas all over your body is on you. Neither @Roger rabbit nor myself will suggest this. @The Terminator will though, but only if he can lick it off.
I am on my own TRT as of Monday ;)
My lvls have been 250ish for the last few years, no more PCT for me. See no need at my age and these docs around me won’t treat my “feels” only the numbers. So my body my say:D
I’m wondering when I’ll reach that point. I have to get my levels checked here soon to see what low level Test is doing to my hematocrit and all of that.
Endless ammo, no magazine reloading drives me batshit crazy and throw in fireball exploding everything:mad:
The absolute worst is watching actors mess up simple weapon manipulation. Very hard to watch war/action movies, I’m way too critical and can’t just enjoy the movie.

Did you see “They Shall Not Grow Old.” Amazing movie/documentary.
I did, excellent tribute those men.

Agreed. I could not believe how well they were able to remaster it and bring it into the 21st century. One of the most moving movies I’ve seen in a long, long time. Definitely one worth owning on Blu-ray when it comes out.

On another note, what do you think about Generation Kill, the HBO mini series. I am not a service member but I have a hard time watching a lot of war movies because they fuck so much shit up in them. And after watching Generation Kill several times, it only made it harder to watch war movies that don’t go for any semblance of realism.
Well, sir, as a vendeor, a veteran, and a patriot...

I have heard all i care to hear from you. Not only will you join ondrun in the ignore list, you also just vacated your spot on my list. I now regret helping you with the items you needed to cover your issue at hand. I'll be fucking damned before i do business with somebody that has the balls to shit talk vets in a veteran owned/operated business. No sweat off your back. Find another vendor with tested gear. I hear they are a dime a dozen. Now you have no reason to post here.

I can't outright ban people, but if they want to do business with me, i think topics you suggested may be best to avoid. I'm fairly quick to vacate a roster spot.
Let the guy who just got back from deployment and missed the cutoff in to take his spot!!! Lmao