Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Just cooked an ate a cup of Minute brown rice and come back to this masterpiece! @Kim it wouldn’t be the same without your contributions!

The one female who’s not too shy to post on these forums! Kim is life, Kim is love, Kim is heaven from above.
Well, sir, as a vendeor, a veteran, and a patriot...

I have heard all i care to hear from you. Not only will you join ondrun in the ignore list, you also just vacated your spot on my list. I now regret helping you with the items you needed to cover your issue at hand. I'll be fucking damned before i do business with somebody that has the balls to shit talk vets in a veteran owned/operated business. No sweat off your back. Find another vendor with tested gear. I hear they are a dime a dozen. Now you have no reason to post here.

I can't outright ban people, but if they want to do business with me, i think topics you suggested may be best to avoid. I'm fairly quick to vacate a roster spot.
Can I take his spot?
Seeing my attention today was detoured in the testing forum it got me behind here about 275 posts lol. Thankfully I have this thread to enjoy!

I liked the shit I read tonight but not actually what y’all posted!

Y’all got me in my feels! ;) :oops: :p o_O
Omg that’s the best!! You’re so awesome!:)
She would definitely give someone the best chance of winning a certain contest idea, plus I bet she gives some of the best fellatio.

I’d be concerned she’d mistake your wiener for some summer sausage in the middle of the act when she inevitably gets hungry.
In this thread of randomness, i'll tell you a harrowing tale.

For the first time in my life, i drank a V8. That should also read, for the last time in my life, i drank a V8.

That was quite possibly the most disgusting thing i've ever had the displeasure of drinking.

It was like tomato sauce with some water in it. Not sure how i got the whole bottle down? Determination? Then i couldn't get the taste out of my mouth, then i felt nauseous.

Never again, i don't care if there's a gun pointed at my head, i will never drink another one as long as i fucking live.
In this thread of randomness, i'll tell you a harrowing tale.

For the first time in my life, i drank a V8. That should also read, for the last time in my life, i drank a V8.

That was quite possibly the most disgusting thing i've ever had the displeasure of drinking.

It was like tomato sauce with some water in it. Not sure how i got the whole bottle down? Determination? Then i couldn't get the taste out of my mouth, then i felt nauseous.

Never again, i don't care if there's a gun pointed at my head, i will never drink another one as long as i fucking live.

Just chuck some fruits and veggies in a blender and voila, you have a way better beverage that’s far healthier too!
In this thread of randomness, i'll tell you a harrowing tale.

For the first time in my life, i drank a V8. That should also read, for the last time in my life, i drank a V8.

That was quite possibly the most disgusting thing i've ever had the displeasure of drinking.

It was like tomato sauce with some water in it. Not sure how i got the whole bottle down? Determination? Then i couldn't get the taste out of my mouth, then i felt nauseous.

Never again, i don't care if there's a gun pointed at my head, i will never drink another one as long as i fucking live.
Too funny you obviously picked the v8 without salt...it is very different then a reg v8 ...could be wrong ..sorta helps hunger when desperate
In this thread of randomness, i'll tell you a harrowing tale.

For the first time in my life, i drank a V8. That should also read, for the last time in my life, i drank a V8.

That was quite possibly the most disgusting thing i've ever had the displeasure of drinking.

It was like tomato sauce with some water in it. Not sure how i got the whole bottle down? Determination? Then i couldn't get the taste out of my mouth, then i felt nauseous.

Never again, i don't care if there's a gun pointed at my head, i will never drink another one as long as i fucking live.
You got to drink one after a night of drinking. Shit works, just like a Bloody Mary
My god damn cat I inherited from my ex just threw up on my favorite Tool sweatshirt, and then she had the audacity to cry for food when I threw my sweatshirt in the washing machine! Guess I’m doing laundry at 11:30pm... thanks cat.
I have a greyhound I rescued as well, and he never throws up on any of my shit! He just farts and then leaves the room with a giant cloud of poop smell behind. He’s an asshole in that regard, but far superior to the cat.