Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Lemme stop you right there.

Do not consider competing a way to meet people. Back stage isn’t a bodybuilder social event like you think. Training and hitting new gyms would be far more effective IF you’re social-ish.

I’ve spoken to a total of 4-5 people through 3 shows. That’s it. I can stand/tolerate/converse with 2 of them.

The fact is most people competing are either:
1. Giant cunts
2. Thinking they need to be giant cunts because everyone else is a cunt

It’s a self fulfilling destiny.

Great insight, Mac! I’ve always felt a lot of competitors would be massive cunts, but I have nothing to base that off of. Appreciate this response a lot. And for the record, I have no interest in making more male friends. I have just a couple good true friends I can count on when in need and that’s enough for me! Plus all the awesome people in here, besides morefyah.
Great insight, Mac! I’ve always felt a lot of competitors would be massive cunts, but I have nothing to base that off of. Appreciate this response a lot. And for the record, I have no interest in making more male friends. I have just a couple good true friends I can count on when in need and that’s enough for me! Plus all the awesome people in here, besides morefyah.

Can we be friends even though i am a low life dirty nasty scumbag mother fucker (aka source) ?
I’m cleaning America one butthole at a time! It’s really not profession, more of a hobby!:D
I'm glad you have found something you're passionate about. I think it's important to keep an open mind and never knock something until I've tried it. While this doesn't seem like it would be a first choice for most to have as a hobby the most important thing is that you enjoy it and do what you do to the best of your ability [emoji3590]
So given this statement, you’ve been anally violated and sucked a dick and at least tasted semen?

I’d be ok with being anally violated by a really attractive female while I’m running tren... I’ll try anything once, unless it’s sex with a dude or anything related. I’ll pass on that.
I'm glad you have found something you're passionate about. I think it's important to keep an open mind and never knock something until I've tried it. While this doesn't seem like it would be a first choice for most to have as a hobby the most important thing is that you enjoy it and do what you do to the best of your ability [emoji3590]
Just doing the lords work..