Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Yeah it’s hard for me to even post about on here without tearing up if I’m going to be completely honest. I may be big and use gear, but I still have my emotions. Real shitty time in my life. But... my motivation in the gym and kitchen is higher than it’s been in years and I’m really looking forward to adding tren into my cycle and just going to town. I’m very fortunate I chose bodybuilding to be my entire life 8 years ago. It’s my outlet and therapy.
Are u social at your gym or nah
Honestly thinking about entering the NPC in classic physique just to meet like minded people. I’ve just never been extremely competitive and much prefer to compete with myself rather than against other people... but at least it’s a way to meet new people.
Are u social at your gym or nah

Nah, I go in there with my headphones and just focus the entire time. I’ve had people talk to me before and they thought I was going to be an asshole based upon how I look when I train and I’m in the zone. Then they talk to me and realize I’m super nice. It’s actually funny and I’ve had multiple people act very surprised to find out I’m not a raging asshole.
Nah, I go in there with my headphones and just focus the entire time. I’ve had people talk to me before and they thought I was going to be an asshole based upon how I look when I train and I’m in the zone. Then they talk to me and realize I’m super nice. It’s actually funny and I’ve had multiple people act very surprised to find out I’m not a raging asshole.
I don't go to gyms but i am the opposite. Completely unapproachable asshole. Keeps me from people wasting my time. "What should i eat" "how should i train"....then you find that they are wolfing down doritos at lunch and sitting on the couch watching the idiot box instead of lifting....like why even ask me if you're gonna shit all over the info i gave you?
Nah, I go in there with my headphones and just focus the entire time. I’ve had people talk to me before and they thought I was going to be an asshole based upon how I look when I train and I’m in the zone. Then they talk to me and realize I’m super nice. It’s actually funny and I’ve had multiple people act very surprised to find out I’m not a raging asshole.
Well you go in there tomorrow and let that big beautiful soul out for everyone to see some more lmao
Well you go in there tomorrow and let that big beautiful soul out for everyone to see some more lmao

Hahaha. Actually laughed out loud at this. But I just finished my emergency laundry thanks to my cat barfing on my hoodie, so I’m getting some sleep. Tomorrow is shoulders which is my favorite, so it’ll be a good day for that reason alone!

It’s been real. Goodnight gentlemen.
Hahaha. Actually laughed out loud at this. But I just finished my emergency laundry thanks to my cat barfing on my hoodie, so I’m getting some sleep. Tomorrow is shoulders which is my favorite, so it’ll be a good day for that reason alone!

It’s been real. Goodnight gentlemen.
You cant sleep when you are actually going to be crying all night haha...u goona be good man...just find humor in how shitty your life is goona be for awhile
I don't go to gyms but i am the opposite. Completely unapproachable asshole. Keeps me from people wasting my time. "What should i eat" "how should i train"....then you find that they are wolfing down doritos at lunch and sitting on the couch watching the idiot box instead of lifting....like why even ask me if you're gonna shit all over the info i gave you?

All my gainz are thanks to Big Macs, fries, chips, ice cream, beef top ramen, steak & butter and canola oil.
Bet if you skull fucked @Morefyah you would get in. :D
Nobody’s gonna be skull fucking me faggott! You don’t even work out you fat lazy pig. Looking in from the outside makes me realize how useless all of your are!. There are so many other good people here that aren’t ignorant racist.
So I’ll stick with them. You guys can talk about Kims butt hole over and over and over. Your karma will come back on you for all the people you killed and families who’s lives you destroyed.!Its disgusting that it makes you proud killing little children for honor and duty!’ As I said before likes of racist banter makes you all just as full of hate. Your all pathetic! I will be sure to spread the word where the racist hang out.
Honestly thinking about entering the NPC in classic physique just to meet like minded people. I’ve just never been extremely competitive and much prefer to compete with myself rather than against other people... but at least it’s a way to meet new people.
Lemme stop you right there.

Do not consider competing a way to meet people. Back stage isn’t a bodybuilder social event like you think. Training and hitting new gyms would be far more effective IF you’re social-ish.

I’ve spoken to a total of 4-5 people through 3 shows. That’s it. I can stand/tolerate/converse with 2 of them.

The fact is most people competing are either:
1. Giant cunts
2. Thinking they need to be giant cunts because everyone else is a cunt

It’s a self fulfilling destiny.
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Nobody’s gonna be skull fucking me faggott! You don’t even work out you fat lazy pig. Looking in from the outside makes me realize how useless all of your are!. There are so many other good people here that aren’t ignorant racist.
So I’ll stick with them. You guys can talk about Kims butt hole over and over and over. Your karma will come back on you for all the people you killed and families who’s lives you destroyed.!Its disgusting that it makes you proud killing little children for honor and duty!’ As I said before likes of racist banter makes you all just as full of hate. Your all pathetic! I will be sure to spread the word where the racist hang out.
Serious question for you: are you as outraged by the Muslim extremists who are blowing people up, beheading people and teaching their young children to do the same? Are you as outraged by the Muslims in Nigeria raping women, killing children and slaughtering the Christians there, which is now nearing the 1000 mark?
That's sad. A family needs to sit down and eat together. I don't go for that grab-and-go shit. They also aren't allowed to peave the table just because they're done eating. We sit together we leave together.

The world was a better place when men still wore hats.

As long as they don’t wear hats at the dinner table! Fun to watch my boys teach the same lessons to their boys.
Serious question for you: are you as outraged by the Muslim extremists who are blowing people up, beheading people and teaching their young children to do the same? Are you as outraged by the Muslims in Nigeria raping women, killing children and slaughtering the Christians there, which is now nearing the 1000 mark?
Bro you weren’t supposed to mention this. That narrative and all.