Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Long, long story. But the jist of it was we were both unhappy and couldn’t find a way to make things work so we decided to just split despite having nothing but love for each other. She was heavily into fitness too, so we’d train together, eat together... pretty much did everything together.
Damn woulda been way easier if y'all just hated each other...the main thing is to accept that it's goona be tough so you ready for the stages of emotions about to hit you
Spent too much time together and lost the magic because of it.

The difficult thing was she was an immigrant from Europe who came over here on a work visa and ended up staying. Paid her taxes for 8 years to the government and got nothing from it, and becoming a permanent resident in this country is retarded difficult. Meanwhile we got undocumented assholes just hopping our southern border and never paying any taxes whatsoever.

She didn’t have her driver’s license because she didn’t have her green card, and she had two NASM personal training certs she couldn’t do anything with because of not having a green card.
The difficult thing was she was an immigrant from Europe who came over here on a work visa and ended up staying. Paid her taxes for 8 years to the government and got nothing from it, and becoming a permanent resident in this country is retarded difficult. Meanwhile we got undocumented assholes just hopping our southern border and never paying any taxes whatsoever.

She didn’t have her driver’s license because she didn’t have her green card, and she had two NASM personal training certs she couldn’t do anything with because of not having a green card.
I'll shall slay two illegals in your honor tomorrow
The difficult thing was she was an immigrant from Europe who came over here on a work visa and ended up staying. Paid her taxes for 8 years to the government and got nothing from it, and becoming a permanent resident in this country is retarded difficult. Meanwhile we got undocumented assholes just hopping our southern border and never paying any taxes whatsoever.
Shit she was European? Hmu via PM. We're flying to Viking land to get your mind off things.
So anyways... she’s moving back home to her country of birth on April 14th. So even if I wanted to, I’ll never see her again. It’s like my best friend died.
Wtf that is a total mindfuck...i can't even deal with this

Yeah it’s hard for me to even post about on here without tearing up if I’m going to be completely honest. I may be big and use gear, but I still have my emotions. Real shitty time in my life. But... my motivation in the gym and kitchen is higher than it’s been in years and I’m really looking forward to adding tren into my cycle and just going to town. I’m very fortunate I chose bodybuilding to be my entire life 8 years ago. It’s my outlet and therapy.
Yeah it’s hard for me to even post about on here without tearing up if I’m going to be completely honest. I may be big and use gear, but I still have my emotions. Real shitty time in my life. But... my motivation in the gym and kitchen is higher than it’s been in years and I’m really looking forward to adding tren into my cycle and just going to town. I’m very fortunate I chose bodybuilding to be my entire life 8 years ago. It’s my outlet and therapy.
You gotta get a plan doggy this shit is goona tear your insides up...you gotta get a strict regimen as if you was locked up to somehow pass the time...
Yeah it’s hard for me to even post about on here without tearing up if I’m going to be completely honest. I may be big and use gear, but I still have my emotions. Real shitty time in my life. But... my motivation in the gym and kitchen is higher than it’s been in years and I’m really looking forward to adding tren into my cycle and just going to town. I’m very fortunate I chose bodybuilding to be my entire life 8 years ago. It’s my outlet and therapy.
A lot of us find strength in the iron. It's beautiful if you think of it that way. A consistent reminder. A thing that never changes yet always presents a new challenge. Any gym you walk into a 45lb plate is a 45lb plate. Failure is still failure. And fuck...that high you get when you hit a new PR....love it.
You gotta get a plan doggy this shit is goona tear your insides up...you gotta get a strict regimen as if you was locked up to somehow pass the time...

It’s fucked with my ability to do just about everything besides train and eat. Those two aspects are unwavering in my life. Iron is all I have. It’s all I had before her, and it’s all I have after her. But I honestly love it. I don’t even care I live a pretty boring life. As long as I can go train every day and become better tomorrow than I was today, it’s all good.
Breakups can turn you into a kook...a girl I loved left my bitch ass once and I literally had conversations with her on my way to work every morning for months laugh in and joking and cry in and apologizing and the bitch w asnt even there...it did seem to help tho
A lot of us find strength in the iron. It's beautiful if you think of it that way. A consistent reminder. A thing that never changes yet always presents a new challenge. Any gym you walk into a 45lb plate is a 45lb plate. Failure is still failure. And fuck...that high you get when you hit a new PR....love it.
Fuck this shit gave me the chills yo