Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)


Yea tren turns me into the dog that I really am:oops:

First thing I think about when I see a female with a really nice ass is how I wish my tongue was on her butthole right now.

I am truly down with the sickness. Disturbed would be proud!
@TitaniumGear (TGI)

Touchdown Titters! Copious amounts of Tren A and Winny just landed, and now my day is going fucking amazing!

Time to pop some Winny, pin some tren, eat this oatmeal sitting in front of me and go destroy my shoulders!

Best day I’ve had in weeks!

Titters is a godsend.
Going to a new gym today I haven’t been to in a year, always good for motivation! I have a Life Time membership with access to most every club in Minnesota though, so I have the luxury of going wherever I please.
Going to a new gym today I haven’t been to in a year, always good for motivation! I have a Life Time membership with access to most every club in Minnesota though, so I have the luxury of going wherever I please.

Cool. Sounds like a real good day for you. Now go get another girl, get her butthole picture and post it up here for us married guys to admire. Then be happy as fuck all weekend that you’re not married!
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Nobody’s gonna be skull fucking me faggott! You don’t even work out you fat lazy pig. Looking in from the outside makes me realize how useless all of your are!. There are so many other good people here that aren’t ignorant racist.
So I’ll stick with them. You guys can talk about Kims butt hole over and over and over. Your karma will come back on you for all the people you killed and families who’s lives you destroyed.!Its disgusting that it makes you proud killing little children for honor and duty!’ As I said before likes of racist banter makes you all just as full of hate. Your all pathetic! I will be sure to spread the word where the racist hang out.
Muzzie isn’t a race, geek

You have to go back
I’m cleaning America one butthole at a time! It’s really not profession, more of a hobby!:D
Just so we are all straight that this service that I’m offering is strictly for females and they have to be up to my standards! No sea donkeys or Somalians. Thanks
Hey y’all, I know this isn’t the intro page.. but I figured since I read all 1600+ pages of this fucker it’d be the best place to start since I feel like I know you nasty asses already. Hands down best thread on the site.. besides the last few days lol

Anyways good to be here.
Titters GSO is good as gold, too. I know this because I nearly had a blizzard in my pants post injection. Just rotating upper quadrant glutes at the moment with 25ga 1" pins. Zero pip. Seen mention of mct being great, just thought I'd share my 2 centavos on his GSO.

On a separate topic, Exel syringes are trash like someone mentioned earlier. Plunger action is notchy as fuck.

Yep, total garbage. Get the BD ones from Allegro Supply.