Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Funny how they love to call themselves antifa or say no nazi’s but embrace socialism... hmmm fucktard, what do you think Nazi’s were? SOCIALISTS!

I also love how they call African Americans who support Trump or disagree with their warped world views “Uncle Toms.” So fucking racist. I believe they actually have some type of new 21st century mental disorder.
I suppose I could’ve kept it, but I bought it for her for Christmas and I didn’t stop caring or loving her after we split, nor did she to me. So I got her temporary address and just mailed it out so she can take it home with her.
Bro from what I’ve read what you are/have-been going through some shit. We usually question what we can’t understand and rarely find answers. Try not to question it too much (if you are). Divorce/separation can be similar to a death. If you feel you need to mourn than by all means do so. Take the time you need to get it out and it will probably be easier to move forward. Then just enjoy being single. Talk to different chicks, do things you enjoy, and find happiness in yourself that only you can provide.
Love can suck and hurt like hell when it fails. Love can be amazing and perfect when you find the right person!
Been there myself so I can kinda relate. Best of luck man! :)

Also seen you’re starting Tren. This can go so many ways lol. You can have a mindset saying fuck it and nothing bothers you or you can become a psychopath and try to hunt your ex down lol.
If you feel you may not be in the greatest state of mind then maybe consider holding off on the Tren lol. :D
Bro from what I’ve read what you are/have-been going through some shit. We usually question what we can’t understand and rarely find answers. Try not to question it too much (if you are). Divorce/separation can be similar to a death. If you feel you need to mourn than by all means do so. Take the time you need to get it out and it will probably be easier to move forward. Then just enjoy being single. Talk to different chicks, do things you enjoy, and find happiness in yourself that only you can provide.
Love can suck and hurt like hell when it fails. Love can be amazing and perfect when you find the right person!
Been there myself so I can kinda relate. Best of luck man! :)

Also seen you’re starting Tren. This can go so many ways lol. You can have a mindset saying fuck it and nothing bothers you or you can become a psychopath and try to hunt your ex down lol.
If you feel you may not be in the greatest state of mind then maybe consider holding off on the Tren lol. :D

That was beautiful....Maybe both of you need to increase your AI. Lmao. Just playing fellas. Love sucks, either way. Even worse when you're the one getting rejected.
Bro from what I’ve read what you are/have-been going through some shit. We usually question what we can’t understand and rarely find answers. Try not to question it too much (if you are). Divorce/separation can be similar to a death. If you feel you need to mourn than by all means do so. Take the time you need to get it out and it will probably be easier to move forward. Then just enjoy being single. Talk to different chicks, do things you enjoy, and find happiness in yourself that only you can provide.
Love can suck and hurt like hell when it fails. Love can be amazing and perfect when you find the right person!
Been there myself so I can kinda relate. Best of luck man! :)

Also seen you’re starting Tren. This can go so many ways lol. You can have a mindset saying fuck it and nothing bothers you or you can become a psychopath and try to hunt your ex down lol.
If you feel you may not be in the greatest state of mind then maybe consider holding off on the Tren lol. :D

Appreciate the support! This isn’t my first tango with tren. I have hardly any side effects from it and tolerate it extremely well, to the point I question if it’s legit tren when I’m certain it is because of all the crazy shit I hear people experience when using it that I never experience.
Well I had an amazing shoulder day and the gym I went to is full of women around my age so that was great to see. But I realized my fiancé left her laser hair remover that I got her for Christmas at my place, and I wanted her to have it so I had to contact her to get the address of where she’s staying until she leaves the country on the 14th...

So now I’m crying like morefyah after you tell him the white man isn’t to blame for his problems.

Shit sucks more than anything I’ve ever been through in my entire life.
Bro what don’t break you makes you stronger!!!
I promise if you follow a few must do’s your life will be so worthwhile you’ll always look back with a smile..
Do NOT dwell in sorrow but force other matters to intervene..
Time heals all wounds or numbs them tolerable..
1)..you have to make some changes.. Women will not knock on your door so you have to advertise....a replacement can excite you very fast is all I’m saying..
you have to force yourself on a schedule in which you will go to places to interreact with the opposite sex as a chore, then in time ,there will be a few you’ll be looking forward to running into and excited about it ..especially when they see a dedicated man whom takes time to work on his self as you love to do..
this is the way opportunity is given the chance so u can meet somebody that can bring you great happiness..
you will so much appreciate the next person that appreciates you to the levels that you desire ;while she strives to great lengths, in excitement ,to make you happy..
she’s right on the other side of the fence and she feels just like you do and is starving for the strengths a real man has to offer..a woman wants a strong goal oriented man whom will comfort her and provide a nest she can call home and love the things she loves that’s exciting,adventures,spontaneous,not abusive nor controlling for she yearns to make you happy and is not needed...
Go get a book bro!! It helps sooth the mind and gives hope to learn about these creatures we call women&wife’s ....the best thing a man could hope for when it’s right...go read “men are from Mars and women r from Venus” ...ANYTHING .... i’m not saying this Has to be your main anything ..I’m saying do this as salt and Pepper during the week (SHAKE IT UP)
help rejuvenate the way you think it will help in the long run and you will be excited to apply some new things you have learned to your next relationship..
if you notice a pattern of dislike for somethings you do whether controlling,don’t listen ,stuck in your ways,aggressiveness ect- then you have to change that shit because they all will say the same thing over and over and over again you can’t win you make a decision to let it go and be thankful they hang out or you don’t...get it right because your next one will be worth it!!!! Just my two cents ...You got this bro ;promise... it is a wonderful thing to be mature enough to make a decision through love for one another that its best for u both to part ways.. in the long run you’ll look back and be very thankful you did
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That was beautiful....Maybe both of you need to increase your AI. Lmao. Just playing fellas. Love sucks, either way. Even worse when you're the one getting rejected.

Neither of use rejected the other. We made a mutual decision out of love for one another that we should part ways to preserve our happiness going into the future. That’s why it’s been so hard. If I was betrayed I wouldn’t give a shit about the breakup, but the fact of the matter is we both still love each other deeply and care for each other on another level.
I also love how they call African Americans who support Trump or disagree with their warped world views “Uncle Toms.” So fucking racist. I believe they actually have some type of new 21st century mental disorder.
Oh my favorite was how the white CNN anchor called Kanye a house negro for supporting Trump and NO ONE boycotted or protested!

And yeah, liberalism is truly a mental disorder.
Oh my favorite was how the white CNN anchor called Kanye a house negro for supporting Trump and NO ONE boycotted or protested!

That’s because they’re all delusional and extremely intolerant. Their kind all live in one giant echo chamber. They can do or say absolutely nothing wrong in their minds. Sheer delusion.
That was beautiful....Maybe both of you need to increase your AI. Lmao. Just playing fellas. Love sucks, either way. Even worse when you're the one getting rejected.
Did you know that words can hurt man!?:p o_O
Look how many guys got hurt by words in here lately :oops: haha! We should all up our AI lol. Or run more Tren, either way...
I’m cruising :( but I’m good though;)

When all else fails with love one could just take some cialis, pop on your favorite style of porn, dim the lights, then light some candles, put on plastic sheets, grab some lube, pour it all over your sheet, lather yourself up, then beat the little fucker til it spits while trying not to slide off the bed! :eek:
Or cry! Whatever works :D:p
Did you know that words can hurt man!?:p o_O
Look how many guys got hurt by words in here lately :oops: haha! We should all up our AI lol. Or run more Tren, either way...
I’m cruising :( but I’m good though;)

When all else fails with love one could just take some cialis, pop on your favorite style of porn, dim the lights, then light some candles, put on plastic sheets, grab some lube, pour it all over your sheet, lather yourself up, then beat the little fucker til it spits while trying not to slide off the bed! :eek:
Or cry! Whatever works :D:p

I prefer doing all of the above, crying the entire time!