Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Neither of use rejected the other. We made a mutual decision out of love for one another that we should part ways to preserve our happiness going into the future. That’s why it’s been so hard. If I was betrayed I wouldn’t give a shit about the breakup, but the fact of the matter is we both still love each other deeply and care for each other on another level.
Just seen this ^^^ lol...

If this is the way you two feel about each other than I can’t understand why you two wouldn’t do whatever it takes to be together?
You can be a lover and not a fighter but can still fight for love when it feels so right! ;) :D
Just seen this ^^^ lol...

If this is the way you two feel about each other than I can’t understand why you two wouldn’t do whatever it takes to be together?
You can be a lover and not a fighter but can still fight for love when it feels so right! ;) :D

If it were that simple I wouldn’t be going through this right now haha. Sometimes love isn’t enough. You can be madly in love but still miserable, and that begs the question of if it’s worth it, ya know?
Just started my cycle with EQ. Good to hear it treated you well. What are your starting and ending stats?
Started at 197# and ended at 214# kick ass pounds! 5'8". Always pretty low bodyfat. 750 test cyp , 750 eq, with anadrol kick start. Not quite what I was in my avatar but at my age still turning them female heads and pissing the youngins off at the gym when they puff out there chests!! Lol!!
Dude how old are you seriously never had V8?! I guess you don't like bloody Mary's either? You sir are missing out.

i'm old. Not @Oldschool old, but still old. Never had a bloody Mary either. i gave up drinking a long time ago, but even when i did drink, it was usually beer with shots.

Could have been completely content going my entire life without drinking that devils red dierrhea.
i'm old. Not @Oldschool old, but still old. Never had a bloody Mary either. i gave up drinking a long time ago, but even when i did drink, it was usually beer with shots.

Could have been completely content going my entire life without drinking that devils red dierrhea.

Same. I gave up drinking after New Years Eve of 2011. That August was when I started training, and after getting hammered in college at a New Years Eve party and then going to the gym to train legs the next day while feeling like death incarnate, I made the decision that the gym is far more important to me than alcohol.
If it were that simple I wouldn’t be going through this right now haha. Sometimes love isn’t enough. You can be madly in love but still miserable, and that begs the question of if it’s worth it, ya know?
Doesn’t sound like love to me then. You can love someone but not be ‘in love’ with em. In my opinion LOVE trumps misery! If you’re living in misery than it’s because you’re not truly in love.
When things are just routine with someone or it’s just for companionship then misery may settle in. When you’re deeply in love though the one thing you will never be is miserable.
But..., time changes people and love fades away sometimes. Misery can flow in more easily in the relationship and can effect one another’s happiness.
Happiness is where it’s at! If anyone doesn’t have happiness then nothing will work.
Besides, no one says you can’t love or fall in love multiple times, but if you’re not happy you can also bet love won’t be everlasting.

If anyone wants to purchase my book “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands” it’s $29.95 + S&H.
I accept Bitcoin as well...
Bahahaha... :p JK! :D
True lmao, slow pitch doesn’t have much hitching though. Just basically a home run derby with everyone ooohing and ahhhing at the big boys
I played in college. Home plate got rough several times. Might’ve been because it was a fraternity league though.
Doesn’t sound like love to me then. You can love someone but not be ‘in love’ with em. In my opinion LOVE trumps misery! If you’re living in misery than it’s because you’re not truly in love.
When things are just routine with someone or it’s just for companionship then misery may settle in. When you’re deeply in love though the one thing you will never be is miserable.
But..., time changes people and love fades away sometimes. Misery can flow in more easily in the relationship and can effect one another’s happiness.
Happiness is where it’s at! If anyone doesn’t have happiness then nothing will work.
Besides, no one says you can’t love or fall in love multiple times, but if you’re not happy you can also bet love won’t be everlasting.

If anyone wants to purchase my book “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands” it’s $29.95 + S&H.
I accept Bitcoin as well...
Bahahaha... :p JK! :D

I’ll take one of dem dere books!
I played in college. Home plate got rough several times. Might’ve been because it was a fraternity league though.
Ah yeah intramural/fraternity leagues are always heated hahha. I played flag football for my frat and that shit was hilarious. Well idk there’s always a hothead somewhere looking to start shit no matter what you’re doing
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Nobody’s gonna be skull fucking me faggott! You don’t even work out you fat lazy pig. Looking in from the outside makes me realize how useless all of your are!. There are so many other good people here that aren’t ignorant racist.
So I’ll stick with them. You guys can talk about Kims butt hole over and over and over. Your karma will come back on you for all the people you killed and families who’s lives you destroyed.!Its disgusting that it makes you proud killing little children for honor and duty!’ As I said before likes of racist banter makes you all just as full of hate. Your all pathetic! I will be sure to spread the word where the racist hang out.
Bla bla bla. You are a Pum Pum. You were conceived by a Sketz and a Momma Man.