Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Bingo. Spiders are actually our friends! They eat the other bugs you don’t want in your house. Same with bats! They’re fucking heros and will decimate swarms of mosquitos!
Omg!! What kinda house you live in!? o_OBats? Spiders?
You add snakes and cats to that place and you might as well call it HELL! :eek:

I’m not scared of cats but they are weird creatures and I’m sure Satan has many cats as pets! :oops:

Omg!! What kinda house you live in!? o_OBats? Spiders?
You add snakes and cats to that place and you might as well call it HELL! :eek:

I’m not scared of cats but they are weird creatures and I’m sure Satan has many cats as pets! :oops:

I'm not the devil, but I got mad pussy running around my house.
On a different note I gave the little woman a TGI viagra earlier. Seeing that she has tried the cialis (for scientific purposes) I figure we’d see if the viagra does anything as well.
Headed to the lab to do some research and test studies. I’ll let y’all know the results at a later time! ;)

Oh, to the posts above....
I am the unicorn
I am the night.

Was that you I just heard outside!

You said something the other day about painting an AR. Have you looked into Cerakote? It is pretty cool and a fun project. I started on some knives.

You will want to strip your AR, but that’s pretty easy.

One of my favorite guns is a SBR AR I built in 9mm. 10” barrel w/ 10” hand guard. I did it dark gray.

Before someone tells me a 9mm isn’t a real AR, I have 7 others!
Was that you I just heard outside!

You said something the other day about painting an AR. Have you looked into Cerakote? It is pretty cool and a fun project. I started on some knives.

You will want to strip your AR, but that’s pretty easy.

One of my favorite guns is a SBR AR I built in 9mm. 10” barrel w/ 10” hand guard. I did it dark gray.

Before someone tells me a 9mm isn’t a real AR, I have 7 others!
Man i would love to do some shit like that...this eats up a lot of any time i would have though. I might be down to pay for somebody else to do it though. I have a few black rifles needing better finishes for staying out of sight..
Bingo. Spiders are actually our friends! They eat the other bugs you don’t want in your house. Same with bats! They’re fucking heros and will decimate swarms of mosquitos!

I mean I probably wouldn’t leave a bat inside my house, and if I see a black widow I may get rid of it but they’re pretty rare up here. Any other spider I’ll ignore, they don’t ever attack me, if one is particularly annoying I’ll relocate them into the laundry room, the bigger spiders live there and the largest in the garage.
I mean I probably wouldn’t leave a bat inside my house, and if I see a black widow I may get rid of it but they’re pretty rare up here. Any other spider I’ll ignore, they don’t ever attack me, if one is particularly annoying I’ll relocate them into the laundry room, the bigger spiders live there and the largest in the garage.

Meant bats outside in general hahaha, not inside your house. Bats are misunderstood.
In order of tolerance GSO, MCT, MIG.

That being said, MCT and you could disagree. Try pinning filtered oil before? As a test for carrier tolerance?

Primo i have no experience with. First brew and first pin. But I will say i likely injected too fast, did not warm the oil and was in a hurry for work. Reason i figure this is my left quad got my trt dose of test. It has same symptoms as the primo shot in my right quad. Tiny knot and itty bitty discomfort.

I'm still highly confident this recipe will pass testing trials with high praise.

I been running 500mg/week pharmastar primo 200 for about 5 weeks. Not much pip to speak of. I thinks it’s in sesame oil. Really thick stuff. Little soreness for a couple days. Not as bad as a tetanus shot.
I been running 500mg/week pharmastar primo 200 for about 5 weeks. Not much pip to speak of. I thinks it’s in sesame oil. Really thick stuff. Little soreness for a couple days. Not as bad as a tetanus shot.
Jk about the name calling. Where the hell you been?
I just leave the spiders alone, there were a few large (for a non garage/laundry room room) in my bedroom and I just ignored them. I figure they’ll eat the bugs.
I had to kill one because it was in my shower. Sorry dude... if you’re in a corner or somewhere else, I’ll let you live.
Bingo. Spiders are actually our friends! They eat the other bugs you don’t want in your house. Same with bats! They’re fucking heros and will decimate swarms of mosquitos!
They’ll also eff with you. I know bats are our friends and they’re dying (being killed) off big time, but can’t have them in my house man.